The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 8/28/2020

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Yes, once in a while you can find the door also by groping in the darkness -- even a blind man can find it -- but to have eyes and to have light and to go directly to the door without groping is a totally different phenomenon.


GFP Newsletter - 8/27/2020

will's picture

Suppression brings madness, transcendence brings Buddhahood.

I have said there is some similarity between a Buddha and a madman, the similarity is that a Buddha goes beyond the mind, and the madman falls below the mind. And the same similarity exists between transcendence of sex and suppression of sex. Transcendence is going beyond sex -- and to go beyond one has to go through; sex has to be used as a ladder -- and suppression is falling below sex.

Suppression creates neurosis. Transcendence brings flowering -- flowering of all that is best in you, flowering of all that is your real being. It is the release of the hidden splendor


GFP Newsletter - 8/26/2020

will's picture

Transcendence of sex is possible only when sex reaches to the flowering of prayerfulness. Before that, sex cannot be transcended. You can only jump beyond sex from that borderline. But then it is not celibacy, it is simply the disappearance of the ego into the whole. It is not really transcendence of sex but becoming part of the whole orgasmic universe. It is reaching to the ultimate of union with the whole.


GFP Newsletter - 8/25/2020

will's picture

I am not teaching sacrifice, I am not teaching asceticism, I am not teaching fasting, I am not teaching celibacy. I am teaching the celebration of life. And that's what they have been missing for thousands of years.


GFP Newsletter - 8/24/2020

will's picture

Love is fun: it is a play, it is playfulness. And at the ultimate peak of love, the same playfulness becomes prayerfulness.

These are the three stages: need, playfulness, prayerfulness. And unless you have experienced love at its ultimate, utmost peak as prayer, you have not really lived your life; you have missed the point.


GFP Newsletter - 8/23/2020

will's picture

They are angry at me because I am exposing the truth as it is. They are angry at me because I am not trying to cover it up. They would like me, they would respect me, they would call me a great mahatma, an incarnation of God and all kinds of rubbish, but on one condition: that I go on covering their wounds.

I cannot cover anybody's wounds. I can heal them, but the healing process is a totally different process. First you have to expose your wounds to the sun, to the wind. You have to expose them. It hurts!


GFP Newsletter - 8/22/2020

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The old man always thinks of safety, security, a bank balance; he always thinks in terms of fear, because death is always standing in front of him. The child never bothers about death, his concern is life. He is interested in going to the uncharted, to the unknown; he is ready to risk. And those who are ready to risk, only they are truly alive. They may not live long, but that is not the point at all. Just to live for a single moment with authenticity, totality, integrity is more than enough. A single moment of total experience is far bigger than the whole of eternity. It contains the whole of eternity; it contains timelessness.


GFP Newsletter - 8/21/2020

will's picture

One should be allowed to commit mistakes. One should certainly be intelligent enough not to commit the same mistakes again and again; one should be creative enough to invent new mistakes. That's the way one expands, grows; that's the way consciousness becomes integrated.

Life is a trial-and-error process. The old man drops all mistakes, errors. He becomes so accustomed to doing the "right" thing that exploration, adventure, disappears from his life. And because of his own fears he won't allow the new generations to go in new directions, into new dimensions.


GFP Newsletter - 8/20/2020

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Death is a process of revival. Just as each individual has to die to be born again, each culture has to die to be born again. Each society, each civilization has to pass through life to death, from death to life again.


GFP Newsletter - 8/19/2020

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Don't make unnecessary problems for yourself, so that your whole energy can become focused on the essential problem. And the essential problem is only one: Know thyself.



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