The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 7/19/2020

will's picture

Jesus says to his disciples, "Look at the beautiful lilies in the field. They are far more beautiful, they have far more grandeur than even King Solomon had, attired in all his glory."

What is the secret of those poor lily flowers? The secret, Jesus says, is that they think not of the morrow, they live now. Life is now, so there is no need to make it. It is already there! You are in it!


GFP Newsletter - 7/18/2020

will's picture

I say to you: Drop time, and this very moment, here and now, you are in the kingdom of God. Why wait for the kingdom of God?


GFP Newsletter - 7/17/2020

will's picture

What is the hurry? The whole of eternity is yours! You have always been here, you ARE here, you will ALWAYS be here. Nothing is ever lost. Now it is a confirmed scientific truth that nothing is ever destroyed. If matter is not destroyed, why should consciousness be destroyed? Matter belongs to a very gross plane of existence. If the gross is so valued by existence, do you think the higher manifestation is not valued by existence? The higher is more valued! If matter persists and is impossible to destroy, consciousness cannot be destroyed either. It is the highest expression of life; there is nothing higher than it. It is the very Everest of life, the peak beyond which there is nothing. The whole of existence is moving towards that peak. There is no hurry.

The whole idea of hurry is a creation of the mind. Let me say it in this way: mind and time are synonymous; the moment your mind stops, time also stops. The more you are in your mind the more you are in time; the less you are in your mind the more you are out of time.


GFP Newsletter - 7/16/2020

will's picture

In your open hands you can hold the whole sky, all the stars, the whole existence, but in your closed fist there is nothing. The more closed it is, the more tight it is, the less is the possibility of anything being there. Enlightenment has to be achieved with open hands, by relaxed, calm, quiet resting in your being.


GFP Newsletter - 7/15/2020

will's picture

Neurotics, nuts, cuckoos, they can make their name, they can be great politicians, they can be the wealthiest people in the world, they can become very famous. All that is needed is a crazy urge to be on top -- it is graspable.

Enlightenment is ungraspable, so the more you try to grasp it, the less it is possible. You cannot hold enlightenment in your fist -- the tighter the fist, the less is the possibility. But you can hold enlightenment in your open hands; that is the only way to hold it.


GFP Newsletter - 7/14/2020

will's picture

Lao Tzu became enlightened through seeing a dead leaf falling from a tree. He was sitting under a tree meditating for years, and nothing was happening -- and he had been to great Masters. Something was missing. He was trying too hard to grasp the truth; that very effort was the barrier. That early spring morning, the birds singing, the trees swaying, the sun shining, the fragrance of the flowers... he forgot all about enlightenment.


GFP Newsletter - 7/13/2020

will's picture

Your consciousness is always free, it is freedom itself. But the problem is arising because you want to grasp it. This is MIND trying to grasp something which is beyond its capacities. The illusory cannot grasp the real and the real cannot grasp the illusory, remember. The illusory cannot grasp because it is not; the real cannot grasp the illusory because how can you grasp the illusory? It is not there at all.

Hence Gautam the Buddha says, "The moment you are absolutely empty and aware, all is found." It is only a question of shaking you up.


GFP Newsletter - 7/12/2020

will's picture

The mind is unreal, hence it is not really a question of coming out of it, it is only a question of SEEING.


GFP Newsletter - 7/11/2020

will's picture

The mind is your bottle, and the mind is not something that can be broken. It is not material; it is just a thought, an imagination, the same stuff as dreams are made of. You cannot destroy a dream, you cannot kill a dream, you cannot cut a dream with a sword, you cannot burn it with fire. You just have to be awake and the dream disappears. In fact, to say that the dream disappears is not right, but it was not there in the first place; it only appeared to be there.


GFP Newsletter - 7/10/2020

will's picture

You will not find any wisdom, any love in philosophy. Yes, you will find all kinds of beautiful answers, you will find all kinds of parrot-like information, facts, you will become very efficient in repeating them, in quoting them, but you will only be becoming a computer. That can be done better by a computer than by you.

Find out something within you which a computer cannot do and you will have found the right direction for your innermost being, for your freedom. That is the whole effort of Zen, that's what we are trying to do here.



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