Greetings Love Beings, The Sun Lights Up Again with 5 M Class Solar Flares in the Past 24 Hours. This Energy Will Be Affecting All On Planet Earth=Heart! This is a Guarantee! The sun currently is emitting Frequencies which are activating dormant DNA, this is a part of the current sun cycle we are in. What this Means is that many will awaken Intensely, with a Shock Value during this Period. The Rest of the Week will Be Very Interesting Energetically, We will Have to See What Unfolds! Exciting Times!
Greetings Love Beings, You can Anticipate an Intense Energy Week ahead with Our Second New Moon of this Month which is A SuperMoon!
Quoted from The Update"IN the Past Few Weeks we have been in a state of Flux meaning adjustment of these new high frequencies energies. However intense, these will come more into Balance throughout this week and beginning into February. We are Truly in the Year of Freedom of Unconditional Love and Miracles, Connections, and Surprises and the messages are pouring out about this truth unfolding for those on the Path of Love. Anticipate this if you are choosing love and on the path of Love this Year. Love is Full Of Surprises and You can Count on this! The Miracles will be occurring faster and faster as this Years Energies increase every Moment. This incoming energy is coming with a Shock Factor. We began this Year by sharing this is indeed the Year of Miracles and True Love! Joy Awaits those who have chosen Love and are willing to release all the programming. The takers or those in the programming will begin imploding now. Stay Centered, gather together we are in the 11th Hour as Prophesized by the Hopi's!
Greetings Love Beings, We have Have some very Interesting energies today, Like ELECTRIC! Shocks or sparks of Energy is currently entering into the Body Hologram. Continued shifting is occurring, you can tap into this by simply being present in the Moment of now with this Energy and Participating In today's Galactic Love Party. This will be increasing intensely this week around the SuperMoon On January 30th! Prepare for More Changes Energetically Speaking!
Also, REHEARTER, We Continue to Be Very Behind in our Funding Goal with 5 Days Remaining, If You Have not made a Donation this Month and You are Able thanks for Keeping us Here in 24 Hour service and Honoring our Love and Commitment for Planet Earth and Humanity! Currently we are 1300$ Behind! You can Share Here at this Link:
Quoted from Today's Earth Ally Message ....".Real Love is Pure Logic, It makes Total Sense, and within Love's Logic Everything works and Functions to The Highest Possible Outcome to Serve for the Greatest Good. Love's Logic is that it Always Benefits The ALL For The Greatest Good of The All. Pure Logic and Simple. Love is the Answer and Love is the Solution.”
Greetings Love Beings, In the past 24 hours we have had some incredible energies to support us through all of our Upcoming Changes. Even though they are saying the CME Yesterday missed earth, we still got the Energies from it! SHIFTING IS TAKING PLACE! SHIFT HAPPENS!
Quoted from David Wilcock" 2014 — which we have already predicted will be the “Year of Disclosure”EVERYTHING IS CHANGING FOR THE GOOD 2013 turned out to be quite a year. Quietly, without any extreme “fireworks” or epic, in-your-face sudden changes, our world has fundamentally changed.
We Still are Over 1500$ Behind in Our Funding Goal We have 6 Days Remaining Thank You for Sharing and Honoring US by Keeping Us Here in 24 Hour Service! You can Donate at this Link:
We will Provide our Address By Request
Events In the 5d Room Today
2-4pm Pacific Flying into 5d With Lejo and Petra
Greetings Love Beings, Present moment of now energy.. Choose Love and all is WELL! Lets Be The Change In Love~ This is how we Change the Planet!
You can Visit us at this link: