Greetings Love Beings,
"The Angels are smiling down on US, their laughter sparkles like rainbows in the Sun. Lift your face to the skies and receive the Glow of their Love" ~ by Desert Gypsy
Much Love and Peace Always,
The Earth Allies
Greetings Love Beings, Since we began January We shared it would be a Huge Energetic Month for Incredible Movement. In fact, currently we are preparing for Huge Energetic Igniting Energies throughout this Weekend. Anticipate Lots of waves of Energies if you are sensitive to this. Breathe, Stay Centered! We Are Smack in the Middle of some amazing things unfolding now. You can Join the Earth Allies All day today for Family Fun Day In the 5d Room, All At this Link:
We are Currently behind for Our Monthly Funding Goal Which Keeps the GFP Flowing In 24 Hour Service. If You have not made a Donation this Month, Thank You for Your Love and Support for this Very Divine Mission. You can Share at this Link:
Total Received 658.77$
Goal 4000$
Greetings Love Beings, We Announced Yesterday that we have activated the Garden of Eden Energies for Planet Earth=Heart. We will begin to see this manifesting all throughout 2014! Exciting Moments We are in On Planet Earth=Heart! SHIFT HAPPENS! We Love You, Love The Earth Allies
Link to Today's Newsletter:
Greetings Love Beings, The Sun Is Alive as Solar flares Earth Directed are now bombarding the Planet. This is Exciting The Atoms of energy which is what we are all made of and assisting us right now into a Full Planetary Awakening! This is The YEAR Everyone! We Love You, Love The Earth Allies
If You have not made a Monthly Love share [Donation] Thank You for honoring our Unconditional Love and Service and Keeping us Here 24 hours a day as Love and Truth unfold on Planet Earth. Thanks for Supporting Truth and Love!
total received 588.78
Goal Requirements 4000$