Taurus Full Moon October 31st 2020


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

Happy Halloween!!!  This Full Blue Taurus Moon is a powerful one.  It’s the first time since 1944 that a Full Moon has fallen on Halloween…and the energy can be Life-Changing! What an exciting Halloween this can be……   Halloween is also a time of year when the veils are very thin…allowing us to connect with higher dimensions. It can also help us connect with love ones that have passed over.  Try communicating with loved ones that have passed over and listen….you just may be able to hear their responses.   This Halloween/Blue Full Moon is sitting with Uranus, the planet of constant change, surprises and revolution.  Because of these uncertain energies you may feel more anxiety and impatience. These energies are also making people feel impulsive, unpredictable and a bit unstable. These energies can effect the upcoming Presidential election on November 3rd also….along with the fact that retrograde Mercury is Stationary direct on November 3rd….increasing the risk of delays with the elections.  Mercury is also squaring Saturn (Saturn rules Capricorn which rules the Government) that could bring in some frustrations that could lead to unrest and rebellion.  The energies are chaotic and powerful….so between now and then, be prepared for unexpected and disruptive events…and use some of this powerful energy to Manifest a peaceful election.   

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