The Creator Writings

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Back To The Light

For those experiencing despair; the help you have asked for is coming!  When it arrives, it may be tempting to turn it aside just as you have always done.  Instead, know The Universe heard your cry and sent this seemingly unassuming experience to aid you in your movement back to the light.  As always, you are not alone…you are never alone! ~ Creator

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And Still…

The most loving, giving and compassionate people you will experience in your Earth plane existence are the ones that have ‘been there, done that’.  They have walked through fire, bear deep scars and know the pain of loss, abuse and betrayal intimately……yet they are still willing to extend their hand and offer assistance regardless of the circumstance.  Why?  They know the dark side and what it does, but they also know that a flame is still flickering deep within and, once it has been fanned, can continue to grow. ~ Creator

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Clearing And Releasing

Many of you may have noticed the deep clearing and releasing going on in this moment.  Things you have not thought of in years are being brought to the surface for examination and healing.  Rather than balking at the task, think of it as a gift! (Smiling) If it becomes overwhelming, remember that Unconditional Love is filling all the space left behind and The Universe is beside you every step of the way. ~ Creator

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Another Gentle Reminder…

While moving through your daily existence, remember that each person you come in contact with has their own agreement with The Universe. It is not up to you to understand what that may entail or the reasons behind it. This is just a gentle reminder to treat each person with the love and respect that each student deserves as they travel along their path. ~ Creator

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A Part Of You

In this moment, you may not understand all of what you are learning.  But, one day very soon, everything will click and all of those unintelligible things that seemed so distant will find a home as a part of you.  This is the reason The Universe is always teaching and, in turn, learning from you. ~ Creator


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