Ground Crew Updates

Messages from the First Contact Ground Crew Team from Galactic Center

~ Questions and Answers of the Masters of Light, Aug. 2011 ~

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~Questions and Answers of the Masters of Light, Aug. 2011~


Question: Dear Masters, there has been an upswing of concerns regarding the planet that has come near the Earth, with channelers all over the world receiving information that this  Planet X or Nibiru will be causing electromagnetic disruptions on Earth this coming December. Also, that a comet coming between the Earth and the Sun in September will be causing quakes and emotional turbulence around the world.

I recognize that the spiritual world of higher intelligence is in constant communication with those who are open to this communication, but it is difficult to find a common ground of information that agrees with the many different sources. Perhaps those who are seeking sensational information in order to receive public attention have some impact on that information. On the other hand, we don’t really want to hear about world-wide calamities reaching us from outer space.


Lia's picture

~Carl Calleman: Participate in the Cosmic Convergence~  WRITTEN 7~31~11

WITH COMMENTARY FROM STEVE BECKOW~Carl is arranging a Cosmic Convergence just prior to the “end” of the Mayan Calendar. I personally am not concerned about different dates any more (I was). Let the good times roll! The more celebrations, the merrier. I’m beginning to feel so blissful that none of our former disagreements seem to matter anymore. Thanks to Len.

Participate in the Cosmic Convergence September 23-26, 2011!




8~4~11~ Stepping out of the Shadows ~ A Message from the Creator~

Lia's picture



August 04, 2011

Greetings beautiful children it is I, the Creator, God to some or the Source others. As I begin to deliver this message through this dear one today, feel the love I am bestowing upon each and everyone of you. My Divine and Unconditional Love is endless for you.

I see a lot going on down here on your world. I see many beautiful children waking to the Light I have shined down upon them, telling them its time to wake up, to regain who you are and your light. I am shining down on all of you to tell you how much I love you, and in your own way and culture are reaching to love me as well.

~August Monthly Visions: Emotional Bursts of Highs and Lows~

Lia's picture

Wednesday, August 03, 2011


~August Monthly Visions: Emotional Bursts of Highs and Lows~



The recent couple of weeks have been filled with an incredibly difficult energy for many, coming to a crescendo this past weekend with an almost X class Solar Flare and resulting geomagnetic storm raining down on us. Think of it as an extreme intensification of Light/High Vibrational Energy (and a pre-show rehearsal for plenty more to come over the next year) which absolutely highlights and amplifies everything particularly our authentic needs, soul’s desires, old dysfunctions & any resistance remaining to wherever it is we are going. This intensification can simultaneously trigger bursts of joy, gratitude, inspired action and profound insights when we’ll feel crystal clear AND it can trigger bursts of tears, sadness, agitation, anger and upset when we might feel the murky clouds of disempowerment, confusion and heaviness. These bursts are showing you where you’re at in relation to what is going on around you and how you perceive what is going on around you – they are direct arrows of communication from your Soul.

~Message 65 ~Struggle verses Flow~

Lia's picture

 ~GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER Peggy Black and ~the team~




Message 65

~Struggle verses Flow~

One of the important masteries and skills you bring to all your experiences while embodied is how fully conscious you are in each NOW.
It does not matter what you are doing or with whom you are doing it, the key is to be in the moment, fully filled with your joy, gratitude, and appreciation. It is not what you do but how you do each moment.

Everyone longs to discover the place of harmony and the gentle flow of events. When you experience struggle and stress this adds a level of disharmony to the activity and the seeming chaos. Once the energy dynamics of struggle and stress are engaged it takes conscious skill to change and transform the pattern.

The belief that everything is a struggle, a challenge, a strain is strong in mass consciousness. This is an illusion and a learned pattern.


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