Galactic Free Press

Current and previous editions of the Galactic Free Press.

~Brilliant ReHearter to Assist Everyone In these Intense Energies~

Lia's picture





The Following are recommendations as the release of all the old programming is coming up to the surface for many. Make sure you breathe, Be Patient with yourself and with others and stay focused in the Present Moment. This is going to be uncomfortable for Some as this clearing takes place. Let us Love Each Other and Support One Another




With Great UNDERSTANDING=OVERFLOWING= Grander Responsibility

IN THE FIELD OF NOW =FOREVER  WE will meet you there


~Thank You For Participating in the Divine Plan~ Internet Love Party NOW! YeeHAW

Lia's picture


 Greetings Love Beings, The Divine Plan is Unfolding Brilliantly On Planet Earth=Heart. Thank You for Participating In your Part and Role By Gathering With The Family of Light Today via the Internet Love Party! Join US NOW and Gather Your Brothers and SIsters. Unity HAS WON.


Join US NOW Via The above Link and Thank You for Sharing and Passing this Love Invitation ON. The More Who Gather The Brighter and Closer Our Craft Become.


Prepare Yourself You Will Be Entering Unity Consciousness! You Will Be, effected by this Energy. Love is Contagious.



United We Stand! LOVE WINS


The Disclosure Song

~ IMPORTANT~Thank You for Participating In your Part of the Divine Plan~

Lia's picture

Surprise! Join US Live Today!


photo taken next to etna volcano on 15th august FOund Via FB


Greetings Love Beings, Due to the Increase In Energies We are Hosting a Surprise Love Party Beginning at 3pm Pacific time Zone to Assist in The Smooth Transition for the New Paradigm. Here is the Link to Join US and Play Your Role In The Divine Plan!


In the Last 48 Hours Huge Amounts of Energy have been grounded into Planet Earth=Heart. In this Powerful Energy, our Events for the Highest Outcome for Humanity to unfold become closer into Manifestation. The More of Us who Gather In the Light, Love and Truth, the closer we GET!  This is Getting Very Exciting and Things are Defiantly Heating UP! We are Getting Reports from Across the Planet in which many can internally feel big changes are unfolding and experiencing the Soul Housing is being dissolved. This is Bringing In the Higher Self Into Physical Manifestation which is the God Self.



~Greetings All Planetary Servers~ Important Mission Right Now Show Up and Be Present

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, Light Beings!!!


The Crystals in which Ignited All of these Energies


 We ask all who read our Galactic Free Press Thank You for Showing Up for this Important day of Energy Movement for the Highest Outcome for Humanity.


  Internet Love Party in Progress Right Now beginning at 1:30pm Pacific.


Join us Here Live at this Link:



For the past 24 hours we have been moving Huge amounts of Love Into the Planet and grounding this IN. We Were Very Successful and Now Today we share this Energy with You! Join Your Light Family and Participate in the Grandest Love Party in the History of Planet Earth=Heart!


We are Light, We are Bright and Full Of Love Energy. Stepping into this energy will Definatly Lighten Your DAY! You Will Not want to Miss this!

~What happened with The Dream Machine?~

Lia's picture


~  Thanks to the illuminati The dream for Humanity became an induced hell, as they misused the dream machine and placed thoughts of illusions and fantasy's into it. Of course the “dreamweavers” wanted to hold onto this illusion, for their own benefits as well. Now, they have done all of this within the dream, and they did not know what the dream machine actually was. This is Why We came in.


When the first Atom bomb exploded, this sent the Atoms into Light Speed Vibration and Directly to our Door, and they said “Mother and Father God, HELP!!“ This is when we knew HUmanity was ready to Awaken from out of this hell or limited thinking and Ready for Real Love=Real Reality!


So We sent ourselves into the dream of illusion, so that we could assist HUmanity out of it. The Angels are also here to assist in this Most Magnificent Event of the Aligning Within  the Central Sun. We came to Get the Baby Gods out of the dream!!!



The Earth Allies~ Heaven Say's Lets Party!!! Join us at 1:30pm Pacific Internet Love Party

Lia's picture


~Join The Earth Allies~ Heaven Say's Lets Party!!!



Join us at 1:30pm Pacific Internet Love Party



 With Love from The Galactic Federation of Light, From The Company of Heaven, and From Galactic Central~Center. We Are Your Family of Light from the Stars and Beyond. WE Are Also Your Earth Allies and Representatives for First Contact. WE are The Ground Crew Medical Team, from the Flag Ship ~Eye of Ra, Heart of Light~. Many of You Here are also From this Flag Ship 500,000 of You, and From this 500,000 there are 5,000 of Our Personal Staff for the Transitional Universal Government who at this Moment Have Been Called To Full Active Duty.



~ Join US in a Real Love Internet Party~ Live at 10:30am Pacific

Lia's picture



~ Greetings Love Beings, The Moment To Unite is NOW! Unity Consciousness Energy is Moving through the Planet and through the air touching everything Here. Join us Live Today and Experience Real Love! Thank You for Participating In the True Liberation of Planet Earth=Heart. Together United We are Victorious!


Join us IN High Joy Vibrations!


 Join US at 10:30 am Pacific [Wednesday] to Gather in Unity Consciounsess and really Lighten this Planet UP!

Join us Live at this Link

Heart Stone - will - site



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