Galactic Free Press

Current and previous editions of the Galactic Free Press.

This is the Revealed Evolution~

Lia's picture
Important Transmissions of Truth and Love


~The Liberation and Freedom of Humanity's True Being.~
~This is the Revealed Evolution, Becoming Who You Truly are.~





~Today we Enter The Revealed Evolution~ Where Truth and Love Are The only Foundation~



~Allow Today's Transmissions to Fill you with Overflowing Love and Joy, if you will Embrace and Allow the Love and Truth contained within these transmissions, to Fill your Cup to overflowing you will experience the Truth.

~ Internet Love Party,Galactic Support, and Lots of FUN~ Join us at 1:30pm Pacific

Lia's picture

Photo Taken on Mt Shasta Mountian Intense Energies Arriving Into the Planet


What is the Purpose of these Love parties? Well, Collectivly we are anchoring in all the Light which is Pouring into the Planet. This is a Big Mission for Peace and Unity and We need as Many Possible to Participate. This brings us closer and closer to Many events. Thank You for Joining us and adding Your Light.

There is a Pre Party Happening Now and The Internet Love Party Begins at 1:30pm Pacific. Join us for Music, Laughter, Joy, and UNITY!


Love The Earth Allies

Welcome to Now in JOY and Enjoy the Day! Follow the Wave

Lia's picture

Father God Speaks~ Love The Earth Allies



The Oneness is filling Everything with it's Being Present, and the Oneness doesn't miss anything at all. It's bigger than their little understandings of what they think is going on, far Bigger, for it includes Everything. It even includes 2-dimensional thought, but Everything's much Bigger.


What is it? in order to create an illusion you have to believe so strongly in the illusion that the illusion is all you understand? Ever seen what Love does?


Love is not something you think you know. Love is something You Are. When You're Being Love, You know Love.


How in the world can you respect ignorance? Ignorance wanted to teach Creation how to be ignorant. We just laugh.


We've seen many people with a blank look in their face, their eyes far away, distant. Next thing We saw was heels and elbows. Not sure who they're running from,WEI hope they catch them.


Can You Hear Me Now?~

Lia's picture

~Now Some Divine Truth with Love From Father God Can You Hear Me Now?~

In Order to Become a Right Brain Person=Awakened, you must let go of the left brain=mind. It is Letting Go of the shore, SO that You can Float in the Water.

The left brain is like the shell of a Seed. What Happens when the Seed begins to Grow? No more shell.

Ignorance hides in the lie and hopes the "god"-mind can protect it. Belief systems are the clothes ignorance wears to dress for the occasion. Love Is Just Being Present.

Darkness once set me a memo, and asked for its release. I Let it Go.


End of Quotes Directly Spoken By Father God

The Vision of Heaven On Earth=Heart is Manifesting and a Star Nation is Born

Lia's picture



The Following are recommendations as the release of all the old programming is coming up to the surface. All programming now must be released.


Make sure you breathe, Be Patient with yourself and with others and stay focused in the Present Moment. This is going to be uncomfortable for Many as this clearing takes place. Let us Love Each Other and Support One Another




With Great UNDERSTANDING=OVERFLOWING= Grander Responsibility

IN THE FIELD OF NOW =FOREVER  WE will meet you there



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