Galactic Free Press

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Earthquake Report for 10/02/2013

Silver's picture


21 earthquakes


    4.8 142km NE of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands 2013-10-02 17:00:00 UTC-04:00 64.2 km

    3.1 6km W of Cobb, California 2013-10-02 16:38:31 UTC-04:00 2.0 km

    2.6 75km WSW of Cantwell, Alaska 2013-10-02 16:30:48 UTC-04:00 100.0 km

    4.3 41km WSW of Coahuayana, Mexico 2013-10-02 12:43:11 UTC-04:00 47.1 km

    4.7 240km SSE of Saparua, Indonesia 2013-10-02 12:42:31 UTC-04:00 199.3 km

    4.4 88km N of Culebra, Puerto Rico 2013-10-02 11:26:35 UTC-04:00 13.0 km

    4.9 34km ENE of Port-Olry, Vanuatu 2013-10-02 11:06:48 UTC-04:00 101.0 km

    2.5 8km WNW of Freeland, Washington 2013-10-02 10:26:45 UTC-04:00 56.3 km

    4.5 89km W of Chipata, Zambia 2013-10-02 10:23:19 UTC-04:00 15.7 km

These Nutrients Reduce Attention, Behavioral, and Emotional Problems

Silver's picture

By:, 09/30/2013


Polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential nutrients for humans. They are structural and functional components of cell membranes and pre-stages of the hormonally and immunologically active eicosanoids. Recent discoveries have shown that the long-chained omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) also play an important role in the central nervous system. They are essential for normal brain functioning including attention and other neuropsychological skills.


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What’s Easier Than Exercise & Good For the Heart? ~ Laughter

Silver's picture, By: Dr. Mercola, 09/30/2013

A hearty laugh a day may keep the doctor away, say the findings of a unique study. Whereas previous studies have examined how negative emotions can adversely affect our health, this study took a new spin–they measured the affect of watching a funny movie on the ability of heart blood vessels to expand. And they found some surprising results–laughing increased blood flow as much as a 15- to 30-minute workout.


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9 Healthy Secrets About Pumpkin Seeds

Silver's picture, By: Dr. Mercola, 10/01/2013

pumpk sq-y

If you’re in the mood for a chewy snack that doubles as a phenomenal health food, look no further than pumpkin seeds. With a wide variety of nutrients ranging from magnesium and manganese to copper, protein and zinc, pumpkin seeds are nutritional powerhouses wrapped up in a very small package. They also contain plant compounds known as phytosterols and free-radical scavenging antioxidants, which can give your health an added boost. Best of all, because pumpkin seeds are highly portable and require no refrigeration, they make an excellent snack to keep with you whenever you’re on the go, or they can be used as a quick anytime snack at home, too.


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How To Clean Your Arteries With One Simple Fruit

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Greenmedinfo, By: Sayer Ji, 10/02/2013


A new study published in the journal Atherosclerosis confirms that pomegranate extract may prevent and/or reverse the primary pathology associated with cardiac mortality: the progressive thickening of the coronary arteries caused by the accumulation of fatty materials known as atherosclerosis. Mice with a genetic susceptibility towards spontaneous coronary artery blockages were given pomegranate extract via their drinking water for two weeks, beginning at three weeks of age. Despite the fact that pomegranate treatment actually increased cholesterol levels associated with very low density lipoprotein-sized particles, the treatment both reduced the size of the atherosclerotic plaques in the aortic sinus (the dilated opening above the aortic valve) and reduced the proportion of coronary arteries with occlusive atherosclerotic plaques.


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Heavenletter #4695 ~ Can It Be Right to Harden Your Heart?

Silver's picture

By:, 10/02/2013

God said:


Why, beloveds, do you continue to find so many ways, so many shades of hurt to distract you from joy? Have I not said that it is time for you to let go of all that prevents your heart from soaring with joy?


Someone, for example, has conducted himself in a less than charitable manner. Someone, for instance, may have taken something from you that he or she had no right to. They stole that which belonged to you, which you were sure belonged to you, and their acting out has cheapened the world and the person in your eyes. Let Us say the person was definitely wrong and you are right.


That may well be from the world’s point of view, and yet this one who contributed to pain for you and others saw himself or herself as denied.


The Oracle Report for Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 10/02/2013

Balsamic Moon Phase: release, heal, prepare, transform


Moon: Virgo


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi (with Matangi)




Ancient societies that lived in harmony with nature lived life according to the cycles of the Moon.  They understood when it was natural to act and when it was natural to not act.  Structured this way, Balsamic Moon phase would be a time when everyone would "power down" to a certain degree and spend more time resting, meditating, and pursuing solitary interests.  It would be a time for personal, direct communication with Spirit.  It would be a time when the landscape of your mind would be refreshed in preparation for the new energy signature of the upcoming New Moon.


Total GMO Ban To Be Considered By Russia Within Weeks

Silver's picture, By: Natasha Longo, 09/30/2013

As one of the few nations in the world with a GMO-free platform, Russia does not allow any cultivation of GMOs for commercial purposes. Their regulatory agencies recently suspended the import and use of an American GM corn following a study suggesting a link to breast cancer and organ damage. The Russian Prime Minister has now ordered the same agencies to consider a possible ban on all GMO imports into Russia. The Russian Federal Environmental Assessment Commission has not adopted any commercialized GM varieties for agricultural use. The recent decision by the Russians to suspend authorisation for American GM corn threatens to trigger a transatlantic commercial and diplomatic row.


A growing body of scientific research - done mostly in Europe, Russia, and other countries - showing that diets containing engineered corn or soya cause serious health problems in laboratory mice and rats. Experts at the University of Caen conducted an experiment running for the full lives of rats - two years. The findings, which were peer reviewed by independent experts before being published in a respected scientific journal, found raised levels of breast cancer, liver and kidney damage.


Earthquake Report for 10/01/2013

Silver's picture


29 earthquakes


    2.6 37km WSW of Talkeetna, Alaska 2013-10-01 16:17:15 UTC-04:00 46.0 km

    5.2 Reykjanes Ridge 2013-10-01 15:41:33 UTC-04:00 12.0 km

    2.7 6km WNW of Cobb, California 2013-10-01 13:51:26 UTC-04:00 2.5 km

    3.2 31km ESE of Lazy Mountain, Alaska 2013-10-01 13:30:48 UTC-04:00 22.6 km

    4.5 41km SW of Brooklyn, New Zealand 2013-10-01 12:22:32 UTC-04:00 24.6 km

    4.5 20km SW of Shiozawa, Japan 2013-10-01 12:08:25 UTC-04:00 110.9 km

    4.4 66km ESE of Ishinomaki, Japan 2013-10-01 12:04:05 UTC-04:00 52.8 km

    2.6 83km W of Cordova, Alaska 2013-10-01 12:01:47 UTC-04:00 9.8 km

    4.9 99km WNW of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea 2013-10-01 10:58:03 UTC-04:00 37.0 km

Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 361

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By: Aisha North, 10/01/2013

By now, most of you have gotten used to being knocked about by these interrupting rounds of energetic upheavals, and hopefully, you have even gotten to understand the benevolent nature of this barrage. We know fully well that to many of you, the barrages themselves are nothing to be pleased about, as they seem to misbehave as soon as they connect with your body. But still, the unpleasantness they may cause will never outweigh all of the beneficial value these messengers of light come laden with, and as such, we gather that most of you have quietly acquiesced to these rounds by now.


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