Galactic Free Press

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Earthquake Report for 09/29/2013

Silver's picture


34 earthquakes


    5.1 Southeast Indian Ridge 2013-09-29 13:39:15 UTC-04:00 15.3 km

    2.9 159km SW of Amatignak Island, Alaska 2013-09-29 12:34:17 UTC-04:00 3.5 km

    4.9 South of the Fiji Islands 2013-09-29 12:25:05 UTC-04:00 533.2 km

    4.7 34km SE of Komsomolobod, Tajikistan 2013-09-29 12:07:34 UTC-04:00 10.3 km

    4.5 205km ESE of Shikotan, Russia 2013-09-29 11:44:36 UTC-04:00 18.1 km

    3.1 68km WSW of Kiska Volcano, Alaska 2013-09-29 10:35:59 UTC-04:00 40.7 km

    5.2 286km ESE of Vostok, Russia 2013-09-29 09:31:35 UTC-04:00 152.7 km

    4.7 33km E of San Clemente, Chile 2013-09-29 08:09:17 UTC-04:00 94.5 km

    4.4 168km ENE of Taltal, Chile 2013-09-29 07:26:00 UTC-04:00 107.5 km

~Divine Inspirations~

Lia's picture

"Never complain about the difficulties of life because a director always gives the hardest roles to his best actors." ~ Unknown

Awaken Skye {FB} "out with my daughter today ( shes 9) and hearing church bells i asked her if she wanted to go .. she said no mommy we can pray at home for free
thats my girl"



Love Reporter Ponder Cory




Notice that those around us will begin to exhibit different
personas as the great energies of Love do their work upon everyone and everything on Mother Earth. After they first clear all that must be looked at and released, there will be a greater sense of peace and
harmony that will manifest within them and WE will find more people
...smiling and willing to share their joy of life with each other..and so IT is...


As I soar the deep blue skies of your incomparable eyes, the shimmering love light from your heart uplifts and purifies me. ~ 'Sri Gawn Tu


Montague’s Message for Sunday, 29th September 2013

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By: Montague Keen, 09/29/2013


Albert Einstein


It is happening, my friends. You are doing a wonderful job of raising the consciousness of so many. Look around you and see the reaction of the Cabal to this. They are using Chem Trails almost non-stop now, in an effort to keep humanity under control. You are seeing one false flag operation after another. They are becoming careless in their efforts to create fear, so that you will willingly give up more of your precious freedoms. Please do not fall for all this propaganda. They will not hesitate to kill as many as necessary in order to create panic and fear. Understand this: THEY FEAR YOU, THE AWAKENED !


Heavenletter #4692 ~ God Loves Beyond Measure

Silver's picture

By:, 09/29/2013

God said:


Accept how much I love you, love you as you are. Accept how much I love you and how much My love is dependent upon nothing but My love for you and not upon qualifying standards that you may think you have to strive for. It behooves you not to wait for My love dependent upon your earning it. My love is sacrosanct. My love is not changeable. My love for you is dependent upon My love for you which is a constant. It is not dependent upon your sense of peace or worth or anything. My love is not something that you have to qualify for. Judgment is not My way nor is judgment your way. My love is not a kind of fraternity in which you have to be selected. My love is not exclusive. My love is inclusive. 


I award My love to all. My love is a given. It is the one thing you can count on. My love for you is a given, and it is a given never withdrawn from you. I do not give with one hand and take back with another. My love is a sure thing. My love is given freely. And you are to do the same. 


Aisha North ~ The Manuscript of Survival – part 360

Silver's picture

By: Aisha North, 09/29/2013

As many of you have noticed, the undercurrents are getting more and more to the surface in many of you, and you will start to hear the whispers of something new under all the hubbub going on around you. You may still feel rather under the weather from all of these intense and ongoing vibrational adjustments, but still, there is also something else starting to literally surface now as you begin to be more able to open your eyes and ears again after a somewhat prolonged immersion under these waters of change.


John Smallman ~ The glory of the Real You will dazzle and amaze you

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By: John Smallman, 09/29/2013

The awakening process that humanity is engaged in is intensifying . . . daily!  Much is happening on your world as a result of the escalating power of the divine embrace in which you are so firmly but lovingly held.  And much of it is now beginning to be reported on the mainstream news channels.  The intent of the human collective is also strengthening as more and more of you turn away from all that is unloving and focus on sending love and assistance to those who are desperately in need.


The divine Light in which the planet is now bathed is irresistible, and the planet herself is transmitting vast quantities of multicolored rays outwards as a loving gesture to all of creation.  She makes a magnificent sight as she shines with a brilliance far greater than any other Light source in your galaxy.  It is an open invitation to all who would like to participate in the momentous events that are coming to fruition in your vicinity, just as God intends.


How to Quit Smoking Naturally

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GFP Commentary: We recommend the use of natural tobacco!, By: Jo Hartley, 09/28/2013


In the US today, cigarette smoking causes one-third of all cancer fatalities and one-fourth of all fatal heart attacks. In addition to this, there are many illnesses and diseases that are a direct result of cigarette smoking. This includes chronic bronchitis, emphysema, assorted respiratory ailments, angina, peptic ulcers, heartburn, and diarrhea. A recent estimate is that smoking is a factor in more than 15% of all of the deaths occurring annually in the US. Obviously, smoking is a high-risk behavior with deadly consequences. Smokers can expect to shorten their lives by approximately ten to fifteen years. Intellectually most people will agree that smoking is a very harmful activity. Overcoming the addictions associated with cigarette smoking can be an overwhelming prospect, however. It can be done, though, and it can be done naturally without substituting other harmful ingredients that can further jeopardize one’s health.


How Hemp Became Illegal: The Marijuana Link

Silver's picture, By: Joe Martino, 09/28/2013


If I told you there was a plant available to us today that could be grown in pretty much any soil, requires no pesticides and it takes very little maintenance to grow, and this magical plant could be used for a very large number of necessities and goods we use today yet we don’t use it, would you think to yourself “Joe you must be high or on some other cheap drug?”


Well potential naysayers out there, I’m not high nor do I get high, but let me tell you, there is a plant available right now and it is often mistaken to be marijuana but has capabilities that are beyond what you could imagine. It’s called Hemp. To be clear, even the plant we refer to has Marijuana is actually hemp. Most accurately, hemp that is composed of less than .3% THC is considered non-remedial hemp. Hemp that contains more than .3% THC is considered remedial hemp. This is the type many call Marijuana.


For more on this story visit

Earthquake Report for 09/28/2013

Silver's picture


43 earthquakes


    2.6 56km NNE of Sutton-Alpine, Alaska 2013-09-28 14:57:20 UTC-04:00 34.6 km

    2.6 48km NNW of Road Town, British Virgin Islands 2013-09-28 12:42:54 UTC-04:00 72.0 km

    2.6 79km NNW of Road Town, British Virgin Islands 2013-09-28 12:26:45 UTC-04:00 34.0 km

    2.6 79km NNW of Road Town, British Virgin Islands 2013-09-28 12:18:15 UTC-04:00 11.0 km

    4.7 76km NW of Francisco Pizarro, Colombia 2013-09-28 11:28:58 UTC-04:00 35.7 km

    4.6 Laptev Sea 2013-09-28 10:37:35 UTC-04:00 10.0 km

    2.6 26km S of Charlotte Amalie, U.S. Virgin Islands 2013-09-28 09:29:06 UTC-04:00 9.0 km

    3.0 72km NNW of Charlotte Amalie, U.S. Virgin Islands 2013-09-28 07:19:51 UTC-04:00 15.0 km

Southern Pakistan struck by another strong earthquake

Silver's picture

By:, 09/28/2013

September 28, 2013 – PAKISTAN - Several cities of Pakistan’s Sindh and Balochistan provinces were on Saturday hit by a massive aftershock measuring 6.8, three days after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck the region killed over 500 people. Pakistan’s Met office measured the earthquake at 7.2, while the US Geological Survey (USGS) recorded it at 6.8 on the Richter Scale. Tremors were felt in provincial capitals Karachi and Quetta. All the local television channels showed people rushing out of their offices in Karachi after the latest tremors. “The tremors were not so strong as last time but one could still feel the chairs moving and tables shaking,” Adnan Ahmed a employee of a media group said. Zahid Rafi, director of the National Seismic Centre, said that the origin of this earthquake was once again Awaran.


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