Collective Evolution

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Paediatricians Now Advised It’s ‘Dangerous To Call Breastfeeding Natural’

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Is it dangerous to use the term natural? Paediatricians are now being advised to think so, particularly when it comes to describing breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is natural though, and while it is certainly not the only way to feed your baby, and not physically an option for some women, it is nevertheless, and I think inarguably, the most natural and healthy way to feed a baby, the way women have been doing it since the beginning of time. So where’s the danger in referring to breastfeeding in this way?

Science Struggling With Term ‘Natural’

A bioethical argument published in the journal Paediatrics is now advising paediatricians that it’s time to stop referring to breastfeeding as something that is ‘natural.’

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New Study Finds Yoga Helps Depression, In A Major Way

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The ancient practice of yoga has long been revered for its mental and physical benefits. The research standing behind it is just a bonus, merely supporting what many yogis could already tell you from personal experience.

In today’s fast-paced society that strips away our ability to slow down and enjoy the moment, stress, anxiety, and depression are on the rise. Depression alone affects more than 15 million American adults, or about 6.7 % of the U.S. population age 18 and older, in a given year.

The most common treatment for depression remains a combination of antidepressant medicine and psychotherapy — sometimes called “talking therapy.” But new research suggests we may wish to break these standards for treatment.

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Full Moon In Scorpio: Acting On Our Passions and Desires

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a Full Moon in Scorpio on May 10th or 11th, depending on your location. Full Moons are the climax of the Moon cycle, and its energies become noticeable in the days leading up to it and also strongly influence how the proceeding two weeks, until the next New Moon, play out.

Mercury finished its retrograde on May 3rd/4th and we are now moving forward based on realizations and developments that have transpired over the previous month. Venus will be finishing up its post-retrograde phase on May 18th. For some people this upcoming week (until the 18th) will play host to any remaining Venus-themed conclusions that need to occur in relation to what has been playing out since February. This could be connected to our relationships, love, money, values, beauty, and worth.

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3 Ways Americans Are Being Divided Today

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

America is being divided, and it’s all part of the plan: the plan to program humans into robots that fight, protest, and stir up verbal arguments. The media thrives on it — creating fake news, decrying fake news, and reporting with few facts and plenty of bias.

Critical thinking has become void. We are being told to be all-in, whether that be all-in for Trump or all-out for Trump. Anyone with the guts to go against the grain, that is, to take pieces of good from all sides and create a more meaningful outlook, is pushed away with the assumption that they aren’t educated enough, not interested enough to make real change — to stand up for their country.

And it seems the American people agree that division exists and thrives in America. Over the past 20-plus years, the public has perceived the nation as being more divided than united. And it’s only gotten worse. In 2012, 69% of Americans believed the nation was divided. As of 2016, that number has increased to 77%.

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If DNA Is Software, Who Wrote The Code?

by Tom Bunzel, Collective Evolution

Recently an article in SF Gate by Deepak Chopra and Pankaj S. Joshi, PhD – “Can There Be a Science of Consciousness?” — had this amazing quote: “By taking for granted the obvious fact that it takes a mind to do science, we’ve reached the point where science is leaving out the very component that might answer the questions that urgently need answering, not because philosophy demands it but because science does.”

As a longtime admirer of Deepak’s work, I had reached out to him on several occasions because I felt his most recent book, You Are the Universe, co-authored with Menas Kafatos, PhD, resonated with my own ideas about the significance of sequencing (or decoding) DNA.

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IKEA Unveils Plan To Lift 200,000 People Out Of Poverty

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

What comes to mind when you think of IKEA?

For me, it’s that very affordable nightstand I purchased in college that I never figured out how to put together from the instructions. But the brand has made quite a name for itself, despite people like me having a bit of an intolerance for playing adult Legos, if you will.

Along with providing people major inspiration for their homes, and oh-so-many options to choose from, Ikea remains one of the few global companies to generate a billion dollars or more in annual revenue from products or services that have sustainability or social good at their core. Essentially, they’ve made sustainability profitable, and that’s a win-win for our future.

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3 Ways You May Be Sabotaging Your Happiness & How To Stop

by Danielle Fagan, Third Eye Mama, Collective Evolution

“It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living,” said Eckhart Tolle. What an incredible way to remind us to seize every moment of this precious life. Too often we miss out on the beauty within the moment because of technology and the desire to stay rigid to plans and control outcomes. Below are three of the most common ways distract ourselves from living in the present and how to overcome them with simple exercises.

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How To Be Mindful When You’re Experiencing Anxiety

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Anxiety has an overwhelmingly negative connotation, and it’s easy to see why. When it comes through in attacks, when it’s a weight you wear on your chest every single day, it’s hard to view it in any other way. In small doses, however, it can be a good thing.

So how can anxiety be good? It gives us the opportunity to banish our jitters when in the moment, allowing for healthy change. The issue is that anxiety can create mental blockages that keep us from using it to our advantage. When anxiety gets away from us, it distorts our reality, making us stressed and less efficient. When the stress hormone cortisol hits, we end up feeling fatigued, not fresh and conscious. This is called destructive anxiousness.

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8 Ways Spiritual People May Be Fooling Themselves

by Elina St-Onge, Collective Evolution

Who is more aligned with their path of spiritual evolution?

  • A person sitting in a lotus position, taking deep breaths and in perfect composure?
  • Or a person curled up in a ball, crying hysterically?

If we base our answer on everything we have learned from “new age” philosophies and most spiritual teachings out there, I think it’s fair to say that the person meditating wins. He/she appears peaceful, at ease, and detached. Now I’m not about to “shock” you and say that the opposite is true. But I would argue that this image is just that: an image.

This is why:

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Meditation For Beginners: 20 Tips To Help Quiet The Mind

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Whether you are looking for more peace or less stress in your life, meditation could be exactly what you need. For beginners, or people who are just learning about the amazing benefits meditation can provide for your mental clarity and well-being, however it can be frustrating at first.

When you first start meditating, you may experience a mix between waiting for something to happen and having your mind over flooded with thoughts; the practice of meditation can be a daunting task, and you may even feel overwhelmed by it at first –I know I have. That is why I have compiled this list of 20 tips to help get you in that perfect environment –inside and out –to begin to implement this sacred practice more regularly into your daily life.

1. Practice Makes Perfect, Make Time For Meditation Every Day

When you are first starting out, it is important to keep with it, you may not notice the benefits right away, but the more you practice the easier it will become to quiet the mind, and get into the state of relaxation and allow the clarity to come through. Even for just 5 minutes a day, this will guarantee you stay on track.


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