Collective Evolution

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Jane Goodall: How Can We Believe It Is A Good Idea To Grow Our Food With Poisons?

by Collective Evolution

In 1996, Steven M. Druker did something very few Americans were doing then — learn the facts about the massive venture to restructure the genetic core of the world’s food supply. The problem of unawareness still exists today, but it’s getting much better thanks to activists like Druker.

Druker, being a public interest attorney and the Executive Director of the Alliance For Bio-Integrity, initiated a lawsuit in 1998 that forced the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to divulge its files on genetically engineered foods.

He’s recently published a book on the lawsuit (2015). In the book, Druker provides details of his experience, and he’s also released the documents on his website showing the significant hazards of genetically engineering foods and the flaws that the FDA made in its policy.

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6 Qigong Exercises For Cultivating Healing Energy

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Qigong combines both meditative and physically active elements. The physical elements are expressed through relaxing, visualization, stretching, and breathing. It’s a mind-body practice that first developed over 5,000 years ago, and comprises an important aspect of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). There is also a term commonly used in the medical community related to this type of practice, known as Medical Qigong(MQ). It’s a mind-body practice that uses physical activity and meditation to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit.

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Vault7: WikiLeaks Reveals ‘Marble’ Tool That Can Frame Russia, China, & More For Cyber Attacks

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Wikileaks just released another set of documents from Vault 7 that detail the CIA’s secret anti-forensic program, Marble Framework, which allows them to prevent forensic investigators from pinning hacking attacks, viruses, and trojans to the agency. It shows just how protected the CIA is from being held accountable for unethical or illegal actions.

According to Wikileaks, the program allows them to direct blame away from the CIA and onto another party by hiding fragments of texts that would allow the author of the malware to be identified.

Perhaps more alarmingly, they can also “add foreign languages” to malware, meaning that the agency can effectively divert attention to other countries. The program lists Chinese, Russian, Korean, Arabic, and Farsi in example code. So, if malware and hacks are indeed domestic, they could easily be made to look as though they originated from another country.

Wikileaks has pinned the information atop their Twitter page.

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The Sky Is Going To Be Sprayed With Toxic Particles In A Geoengineering Experiment, Blocking The Sunlight

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

If you’re concerned about our environment, geoengineering is something you need to be aware of. The sad reality is that most have no idea it’s happening, which is why it’s crucial to create more awareness on a subject about which the public has been kept completely in the dark.

What is exactly is geoengineering? It’s the deliberate and large-scale intervention into the Earth’s climatic system. It’s done through various means, one of which is spraying chemicals into the atmosphere via planes or balloons.

For years, climate change and other environmental problems have been labelled as a “national security” issue, a phrase that’s now used to keep information from the public. The CIA and other federal agencies control these programs, which means that if they are already spraying substances into the atmosphere, we would never hear about it.

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The NASA Footage That Captured A UFO In Space Heading Towards Earth, It Looks Like We Shot At It…

by Collective Evolution, Collective Evolution

Those of you who read our articles on UFOs and extraterrestrials will know that we like to emphasize how seriously this topic is taken by government agencies around the world. Many people are still unaware of this, but it’s true — in recent years, dozens of governments and defence intelligence agencies have officially released thousands of pages of UFO related documents into the public domain.

We also like to point out, just to familiarize our new readers with the topic, that these declassified files indicate not only that UFOs are commonly tracked on military ground radar, but also that they are tracked on air radar and visually confirmed by the pilots who are sent to check them out. This is precisely why hundreds of high ranking political and military personnel, alongside researchers and academicians around the world, have been speaking out about this topic for the past few years. You can read more about that here.

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10 Of The Most Powerful All-Natural Antibiotics Known To Man

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

There’s a huge shift right now occurring within the medical industry. More and more people are starting to learn that modern medicine and the pharmaceutical industry have become more concerned with profit than they are with people.

Mark Mattson, Chief of the Laboratory of Neuroscience at the National Institute on Aging, has explained that pharmaceutical companies can’t make money off of healthy people, which is why there is no funding for research. So, it’s not really surprising that drug companies would manufacture pills that have negative side effects, because then they can keep us sick.

Arnold Seymour Relman, a Harvard professor of medicine and former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal, has also stated:

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500 Children Missing In DC In 2017 — Sex Trafficking Fears Have Officials Asking FBI For Help

(Matt Agorist, FTP) Washington, D.C. — A total of 501 juveniles have been reported missing in D.C. since the beginning of the year. This startling number has forced the hands of several officials who’ve written a letter to call on special help from the Justice Department in investigating the matter.

The letter, obtained by the Associated Press, asked FBI Director James Comey and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to “devote the resources necessary to determine whether these developments are an anomaly or whether they are indicative of an underlying trend that must be addressed.” It was signed by Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Cedric Richmond (D-La) and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, who represents D.C. in Congress.

“Ten children of color went missing in our nation’s capital in a period of two weeks and at first garnered very little media attention. That’s deeply disturbing,” Richmond’s letter said.

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UN Calls For Worldwide Treaty To Phase Out Pesticides & Transition To Sustainable Farming

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

The debate concerning the safety of chemical pesticides used on food crops for humans and animals alike rages on. Some believe the risk is negligible, and simply washing your produce mitigates any potentially risks these chemical pose, while others argue that plants grown in pesticides absorb the chemicals into their flesh, which means washing the outer skin offers little protection. Many people buy organic produce to avoid this, but others believe the organic label to be little more than a money making ploy.

Regardless of what side of the argument you land on, it has been proven time and time again that chemical pesticides wreak havoc on human health.

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New Research Is Identifying Human Intuition As A Real Life Super Power – We Have More Than 6 Senses

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Whether you call it a “gut feeling,” an “inner voice” or a “sixth sense,” intuition is something we all possess. We’ve come to understand it as a tool for helping us to avoid conflict, to make better decisions, and to judge character, but what if it could become more than just a feeling? What if it could become an actual skill that helped us do things more efficiently?

Research has long suggested that the mind knows much more than it’s aware of. For instance, even if we forget we have been hurt, the body reminds us. But a new study suggests we can, in fact, tap into this knowledge and train it to work for us. And this is exactly why the US military is getting involved.

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New Wikileaks Vault 7 Release Proves The CIA Bugs “Factory Fresh” iPhones & Other Devices

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

Wikileaks has released another portion of Vault 7 today called “Dark Matter.” In this telling release comes the story of the CIA’s involvement in bugging a number of Apple products, including iPhones and the Macbook Air.

In short, the leak exposes how the CIA infects Apple Mac computer firmware to gain ‘persistence’ on Apple devices, including laptops and phones. These projects have been developed by the CIA’s Embedded Development Branch (EDB).

WikiLeaks explains that this ‘bug’ allows an attacker/hacker to boot its attack software from a USB stick onto a device, even when a firmware password has been enabled. According to WiKiLeaks, the infector is stored in the Apple Thunderbolt-to-Ethernet adapter.


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