
“Do I want to be a prisoner of the past, or a pioneer of the future?” - Positive Thoughts

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Every time you are tempted to react to the same old circumstances in the same old way, ask yourself, “Do I want to be a prisoner of the past, or a pioneer of the future?”  

  1. True happiness comes from within, not from someone else.  Don’t make the mistake of waiting on someone or something to come along and make you happy.
  2. Don’t choose the one who is beautiful to the world, choose the one who makes your world beautiful.

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The Fear of Loving - Knowing Whispers

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The secret to longevity in love and a relationship is the willingness to confess our deepest, darkest self to another.
Lovers want a free ride into happiness, but it is not too long that they realize a price must be paid for it. The price is a haunting glimpse into the heart, soul and unconsciousness of their lover. The person that fills your heart with joy becomes both a surgeon and a priest of your growth into consciousness.
Many times a wall is hit in a relationship and we realize that intimacy has been lost or both are hiding behind walls of unexpressed fear, frustration and anger. The one person that we love unconditionally becomes the mirror of our own inner secret horror show in consciousness.

Neither life nor love will keep us safe from experiencing ourselves in consciousness. We all have to face ourselves in consciousness and realize love can only be fully experienced when we dare to fully reveal ourselves to another in trust, love and fear together.

Daily Message ~ Saturday March 22, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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We understand that many of you are trying to shift into balance and healthier boundaries. We have a simple suggestion. To find the healthy boundary in any given situation, simply ask yourself, “Am I willing to accept as much as I am giving?” Or, “Am I willing to give as much as I am receiving?” You might also wish to stop and ask yourself, “Is this coming from the heart? Will it lead to resentment? Is it truly empowering to ALL involved?” This takes the focus off what other people are doing, and keeps it about you, and each specific situation. Of course, as with all things, the changes you seek always begin within. ~Archangel Gabriel

What is and Should Never Be!

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Forgive the shameless reference to the Led Zeppelin song but the title is pertinent to what I’m writing about today.

We all have different perspectives of what we see, hear and ultimately, choose to believe but what is real? What is true?
How can we trust that what we are told by our family, our friends, the media and most importantly, what our government tells us is the truth? Most of us will have a hard time accepting the fact that our close friends and family members would lie to us, but what if they are just misinformed? What if we were all misinformed and have been for a very long time?

I contend that a good 90% of everything we have ever been taught to be true by any authority or official source of information has either been: altered to support a certain viewpoint, a particular ideology, a religious or political agenda, or is an outright lie.

You have heard it said that “history is written by the winners”.
Well, in any major war or conflict where a clash of ideologies has been the point of contention, the loser’s voice of dissent is either marginalized or silenced. When we consider what we are told and why we should believe it, is the mere propagation and repetition of the “official story” really sufficient to deem it credible and truthful? Certainly not! That’s why this misinformation is called Propaganda!

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Proof That Group Meditation Can Change The World

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Meditation has the potential to literally transform the world. In 1978, what is known as the “Maharishi Effect” took place when a group of 7000 individuals over the course of 3 weeks were meditating in hopes of positively effecting the surrounding city. They were able to literally transform the collective energy of the city which reduced global crime rates, violence, and casualties during the times of their meditation by an average of 16%. Suicide rates and automobile accidents also were reduced with all variables accounted for. In fact, there was a 72% reduction in terrorist activity during the times at which this group was meditation.
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An Entire Philharmonic Orchestra - AngelicView

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MaleAngel7AngelicView: All I can say is “WOW!” about this NDE! This is a must-read. This man was in a motorcycle accident. This is one of the most perceptive and articulate NDE’s I have ever come across. This is just an excerpt of the original, so if you’d like to read the rest (mainly, I started posting about the middle to the end), then hit the link at the bottom.

As I became aware of this state of complete peace and to recognize it for what it was I started to look around me. As I did this I became aware of something. All around me, at near distances (though even the near distances were ‘far’) and at what I sensed as far distances there were lights. These lights I took to be stars. That is to say that here we would ordinarily refer to them as stars. Their colors were more various than I have ever seen in an ordinary night-sky. But there, these ‘stars’ were something else too. They were beings and they were utterly conscious. The entire universe, in which I was now lying and beginning to observe, was completely and utterly aware. All of it is conscious. I mean that – all of it, the very space itself is permeated with consciousness. There was nothing there that was not conscious. This did not seem to surprise me in any way at all. I did not regard it as curious or as bizarre in any way. Far from it, I seemed to regard this as in some way entirely natural – which is the nearest expression that I can think of that even remotely points in the correct direction – and my feeling sense was of like ‘being home and now completely safe’. Every single burden that I ever knew was utterly gone. In fact in many ways it was only while here and feeling myself in this state that I realized just how burdened I was.

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The Man Who Lives Without Money

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Irishman Mark Boyle tried to live life with no income, no bank balance and no spending. Here’s how he finds it.

If someone told me seven years ago, in my final year of a business and economics degree, that I’d now be living without money, I’d have probably choked on my microwaved ready meal. The plan back then was to get a ‘good’ job, make as much money as possible, and buy the stuff that would show society I was successful.

For a while I did it – I had a fantastic job managing a big organic food company; had myself a yacht on the harbour. If it hadn’t been for the chance purchase of a video called Gandhi, I’d still be doing it today. Instead, for the last fifteen months, I haven’t spent or received a single penny. Zilch.

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You Can’t Solve Inside Problems With Outside Solutions - Not Just A Blonde

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We each lead lives filled with problems. Many of the most painful ones are internal. We live our lives suffering from all kinds of these inner hurts including: insecurity, loneliness, anger, bitterness, resentment, fear, and sadness.

We do some crazy things to try and solve these inner problems! We drink, we shop, we eat, we work, we hide… all in an attempt to solve the pain of our problems. If we are anxious we may have a drink, if we are stressed we may grab some m&m’s, if we are lonely we may log on to Facebook, if we are feeling unattractive we may buy a new pair of shoes. These “solutions” however only offer us temporary relief!

We must stop looking for a solution to our inner turmoil and unhappiness outside ourselves but instead look within. These external solutions will never truly solve our problems or satisfy us. They distract us from the true source of a solution that lies within ourselves.

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