Wes Annac

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Restoring Your Self-Confidence – Be Brave, Be Bold

Credit: Crazierlife.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

“Whether or not you write well, write bravely” – Bill Stout

I came across this quote on the internet, and it really spoke to me. It reminded me that we aren’t here to be perfect at the things we do to bring the world into the light – we’re here to patiently develop them (and enjoy ourselves along the way) as we use them to help others.

Creative bravery doesn’t just apply to writing. Whatever it is we want to do in life, let’s get out there and do it without worrying that we won’t be good enough. We’ll get better than we ever expected if we keep at it, and then, we can really help people.

Too many of us worry about what other people think of us, and the people whose acceptance we seek are the very people we came here to help. We aren’t here for acceptance – we’re here to help everyone who’s willing to open up and listen to what we have to say, no matter how we say it.

We won’t be experts at something we try for the first time, and we have to develop our talent if we want it to go anywhere. We have to be willing to work hard in the face of all odds, and we have to embrace the pain and uncertainty that come with it.

Most importantly, we have to do it boldly.

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You’re Here to Help Others, so Keep Your Strength

Credit: Inspirationboost.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I wrote an article a few days ago entitled ‘Stay Strong, World Changers’, and I’d like to return to the subject of strength because it’s relevant to my life and my experiences lately.

Life will send things our way that make us want to throw in the towel, and I’ll admit that my hardest times have left me wondering what I should do next or if I should even try to continue. It’s easy to let the pains and burdens of life keep us from being who we are, but their hold over us gets stronger when we keep giving in to them.

We have to look difficulty and negativity in the eye and boldly proclaim that they won’t stop us from shining our light. We have to find our sacred center no matter what difficulties we have to deal with every day, and we can’t expect the world to be strong if we don’t persevere and keep our own strength.

How are we going to change the world if we can’t even get past our own issues? We came here to persevere through all of the hard times we knew we’d have to face, and when the pain piles up and we don’t feel like we can keep going, we have to remember that we aren’t the only ones who suffer.

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Love: The Guiding Creative Force

Credit: Lovethispic.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

No matter what we do, let’s do it with love.

Let’s do it with faith and passion, and let’s always remember that if we have love, we have everything. If we have our higher consciousness, we’ll find everything we could ever need within and we’ll never have trouble enjoying life or passionately pursuing our interests.

Passion is a shade of the energy of love, and when we’re passionate about something, we pour a lot more time and energy into it because our passion causes us to devote ourselves to it and never look back.

Passion is a powerful tool, and we don’t want to ignore our passions or the things that light our inner fire because they point us to our role in this planetary transformation.

They help us understand what we want to do and how we want to do it, and we’ll want to take note when we find something that seriously inspires us. We’d be fools not to pursue something that ignites our passion, and we can’t put any real love into our work without this passion.

Opening up to our higher consciousness is harder if we aren’t passionate about the work we do it for, and we’ll always benefit from aligning with the higher self and approaching life in a more balanced, understanding way.

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We’re All in This Together

Credit: Keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I stand with all the free-thinkers out there who’ve liberated their minds from cultural illusion and tapped into true reality. I stand with everyone who’s awakened to the fact that the world is massively imbalanced, and I invite you to contribute to the creation of a new way of life.

I stand by the spiritual teachers who genuinely want to help their pupils come closer to enlightenment, as opposed to using rigid dogma to tell them what they should and shouldn’t do.

I stand by everyone who’s awakened to the spiritual nature of our existence and the things the corrupt elite are doing to keep us from realizing our own eternal, spiritual nature, and I welcome you into my circle, which I’ve been welcomed into by other conscious seekers.

I stand by everyone who’s opened their mind and wants to create a new world, however we each individually define that, and I’m excited for more people to awaken and step up to the plate to help humanity evolve.

I welcome anyone who’s excited to make real, lasting changes to the corrupt world we’ve been forced to deal with for so long, and I encourage every awakened individual to invite others to participate in our collective evolution.

Everywhere we look, people are waking up and doing something with their awareness.

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Happiness is Your True Nature – Look for It Within

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

If you think about it, the way we seek happiness as a society seems counterproductive. We rush around every day to earn a living, and in doing so, we never give ourselves any time for the pursuit of actual happiness, contentment or inner peace.

The busy, hurried nature of life causes us to seek happiness in shallow external things that only satisfy us for a short time before failing to meet our growing material hunger, and this causes us to crave more and more external stimulation as we gradually lose touch with our essence.

Anyone can temporarily lose touch with it, even spiritual seekers, and if we aren’t careful and we don’t diligently watch our thoughts and habits each day, we could fall into the trap and start relying on material things for happiness like everyone else.

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What’s the Point of Being Positive?

Credit: Wellnesscoachingaustralia.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

With all of the bad things that are happening right now, why should we be positive? Why should we try to ‘send love and light’ as some people in the conscious community say, when there’s so much destruction and wickedness in the world?

Some people might think that the spiritual seekers who try to stay in a loving space are fooling themselves, and the word ‘new ager’ is usually tossed about when it comes to this subject.

Is being ‘positive’ an excuse to avoid the negative things happening in the world, or is there a deeper purpose behind it? From my perspective, staying in a balanced, heart-centered space is more crucial than ever, and it’s precisely because of all of the twisted things that are happening right now.

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Stay Strong, World Changers

Credit: Newvaluestreams.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

It can be easy to forget why we’re here or why we’re doing everything we are, and it can especially be easy to give up and turn to things that distract us from our purpose and keep us from helping others. We have to persevere when the stresses pile up and we don’t feel like we can handle it all, because we know on a deeper level that we can.

It’s common knowledge in the conscious community that we’re capable of more than we realize at the surface, and to do anything significant to advance our collective evolution, we have to recognize that we’re infinite and find the inspiration to help the world in ways we enjoy.

Along the way, we’ll inevitably meet difficulties and stresses that we’ll have to persevere through, but we’ll come out of it all with a new inner wellspring of knowledge and experience.

The stresses will be difficult to navigate if we don’t learn to tap in to our intuitive wisdom, and our intuition, along with the higher consciousness we access through it, will help us through any hard times that confront us.

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Unite, Social and Spiritual Revolutionaries

Credit: Theloverevolution.tumblr.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

You might’ve heard that we’re undergoing a social and spiritual revolution, but what exactly does this mean?

Some people are familiar with the idea of social revolution, which we have people like Che Guevara and Bob Marley to thank for, while others are more familiar with spiritual revolution, which some well-known people like Russell Brand have brought to the mainstream’s attention.

In my eyes, social revolution can be described as a group of people, large or small, who are fed up with the way the system functions and are ready to bring it down and replace it with something that works for the people instead of a small handful of powerful elites and the corporations they run.

Moderate social revolutionaries plan rallies, protests and other events that are intended to get the world’s attention – either on a specific issue or a group of issues that have to do with the way our society functions – and these events are successful in some cases.

Spiritual revolution is similar, and it comes from people who are not only fed up with the system, but who understand that there’s a greater reality beyond our conscious understanding that, once we become aware of, we can tap into and use to help the world.

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The Birth of the Spiritual Revolutionary

Credit: Clipartist.net

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I don’t know how this ascension process is affecting all of you, but personally, I’m going through a massive internal transformation. This will probably become more apparent in the work I do and the subjects I explore from here on out, and to put it bluntly, I’m ready to rise up and take charge of this life.

I’m ready to really use my voice, and I’m ready to tap into my higher, intuitive wisdom and my grounded, earthy wisdom at the same time. I’m ready to take charge of this life and become a voice for other people to hopefully benefit from, and my goals now stretch beyond simply wanting to uplift people.

I still want to uplift all of you who’ve dedicatedly read my work over the years, but I’m ready to do more than just that. I’m ready to empower people and encourage them to empower themselves.

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Everyone’s Invited, Everyone’s Accepted

Credit: Mykindnesscounts.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Everyone’s invited to attend the party that the conscious community has started, and no matter what your beliefs are or how you interpret the spiritually driven changes that are occurring in our society, you’re welcomed here.

We don’t all have to agree with each other to get the most out of our respective interpretations of our spiritual evolution, and it’s healthy to have different beliefs that we can debate and, at the end of the day, respect each other for.

I subscribe to the idea that nobody really understands what’s going on right now, no matter how close they feel they are with spirit or a higher consciousness, but this doesn’t invalidate the idea that we should all come together and figure out how we can create the kind of world we’ve been waiting for.

Everyone’s perspective is valuable, and nobody should be left out of the creation of a new world. No matter where you come from or how you define your spirituality, your perspective is monumentally important.

We have to trust each other if we want to change anything about our clearly defunct society, and the conscious community will have trouble changing the world if we’re too busy fighting amongst each other over our philosophical differences.


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