Greetings Love Ones!
Today, in order of succession this morning, I've witnessed the numbers 1010am, 1111am and 1212. This never happens to me. I have on occasion viewed these numbers once in awhile but never in succession like that. I've even looked up what the numbers signify, but nothing tells me about seeing them in order like this. Is there anyone here that can tell me why I'm viewing these numbers in order today? Thank you. I Am grateful.
Love, d'tewa
We shared in our Last Love Party Synchronositic Events would Increase this is just your Validation as well, as Your Consciousness levels raising way to GO. We Love You, Love Mother and Father God
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
Dear Father Mother God.
I have to totally agree. Synchronistic events have been showing up for me all over the place! As a matter of fact, just a few minutes ago, I was sitting outside on my porch swing looking up at the sky noticing cloaked ships all around. They are so close and many. I'm still not able to channel, but I know they're there. And, what's so amazing is that they WANT me to know that they're there. This is all getting so exciting and surreal. It's difficult to wait for what comes next.
My love is with you all always.
Love and Light, d'tewa
I am amazed that after noticing the same thing yesterday, I mean these numbers just popped out when i looked at the time, and now I'm seeing a post about it today. It makes me happy XD Namaste
Hey Hugo!
Yeah, it's getting real exciting, huh? Since then my memories are returning to me as well. Now I know what planet I'm originally from. So cool!
Blessings to you Hugo!
Love and Light, d'tewa