I have a friend who is a wonderful soul who is one if the kindest people I have ever met. Be it animals, people, nature his kindness flows to all. Recently he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given the ‘I’m sorry, just go home’ diagnosis. Now, I don’t know what his life plan is, but the only thing I hope for is that if he must leave this realm that he doesn’t have to suffer in the process. I’m making a small request to the Lightworkers and the healers out there to just send your Light and Love to this wonderful soul and maybe he can get that spark back. I am doing what I can so we will just take it one day at a time.
Love and Light,
Light of Zen
Hi I'm sorry to hear about your friend it's just an idea but have you
Had a look a Jim Humble MMS CURE FOR CANCER
I have used it but only for minor gum problem.
Love, Light & Magical Blessings to you both - and all involved xx
I am so sorry to hear your friend's dis-eased state. Colloidal silver, DMSO in addition to MMS are known to be very effective in curing terminal cases. You can google "Overnight Cander Cure," in which fairly specific guidelines for cancer patients are explained.
In addition, there is a machine called "Zapper" by Dr. Hulda. Turmeric also is known to be extremely powerful in combating cancer cases. 70% of raw diet is essential, too.
I hope he will be cured. I send my deepest love and brightest light to him, and to you as well.
Please don't.
Never send energy to a cancer - it will only make it grow faster. And I have that on good authority from three friends with cancer, two of them healers themselves. One, a sensitive, says that all her friends/family sending love felt like an invasion - being bombed.
Her request was that we sent our prayers, light and love to God/Source/Higher and asked for the greatests good, the best outcome. She gave us a future dream of her life to focus on - dancing at her son's wedding (he was 3 at the time).
But NEVER send light energy to a cancer. It's like putting fertilizer on a weed.
It is with my full intention to send Love, Light and Compassion to your friend. Prayers are real and very heard.
My Blessings,
Love and Light, d'tewa