He gave a DECREE that every morning when CONGRESS assembles that they are to recite the CONSTITUTION.
Yet we DAILY CENSOR news, gatherings, OCCUPATIONs worldwide, LOVE meetings...and I left a few choice words in that direction to both the media and CONGRESS, including Mr.Boehner, who stands in our way and has decided to go against the OCCUPY movement in writing. I forget who has the link...but I saw his letter about CENSORING OCCUPY and other like minded movements.
I dont see the same views on gun rights as all of you. But there is no NEED to defend against a spiritual enemy with a physical weapon.
Some misunderstand me still.
There are still YET physical threats. I do not believe in RESTRICTING RIGHTS of FREE PEOPLE.
I just asked Mr.Biden about this one.
He gave a DECREE that every morning when CONGRESS assembles that they are to recite the CONSTITUTION.
Yet we DAILY CENSOR news, gatherings, OCCUPATIONs worldwide, LOVE meetings...and I left a few choice words in that direction to both the media and CONGRESS, including Mr.Boehner, who stands in our way and has decided to go against the OCCUPY movement in writing. I forget who has the link...but I saw his letter about CENSORING OCCUPY and other like minded movements.
I dont see the same views on gun rights as all of you. But there is no NEED to defend against a spiritual enemy with a physical weapon.
Some misunderstand me still.
There are still YET physical threats. I do not believe in RESTRICTING RIGHTS of FREE PEOPLE.
Please wake up, AMERICA!