You have an intuitive sense of the wonder that you will experience

glr_Andrea's picture


You have an intuitive sense of the wonder that you will experience

August 5, 2012 by John Smallman

August promises to be an exhilarating month for you as the essential changes leading up to your awakening come into effect, or occur more and more rapidly. It will be like a chain reaction as each change leads inevitably to the next, and they become closer and closer together in time.  And all of these changes are due to you, the Light-holders, doing such a marvelous job of raising your own level of awareness by addressing and releasing the issues of conflict and abuse that have lain buried deep within you.  They have been waiting for this moment, when you have so much help from the spiritual realms, to demand your attention so that you could deal with them quickly and effectively in the minimum amount of time.

All over the world there is a great air of optimism and excitement, which is in itself a very powerful energetic field, and this energy field is further intensified by the worldwide enthusiasm for sporting events as nearly every nation in the world takes part in the Olympic Games in London.  Friendship and respect for one anothers’ nations and cultures has never before been shown on such a large scale as is occurring during these sporting events which, due to the enormous mainstream broadcasting media attention, are able to be seen by many hundreds of millions planetwide.

The sudden intensifying of the divine energy field enveloping Earth at this time, due to humanity’s interest in and friendly enthusiasm for these international sporting events, is helping to release great quantities of the negative and unloving energies that wars in various fields – military, economic, religious, political, scientific, family, etc. – give rise to and the judgment and blame that goes with them.  The planet is now beginning to shine very brightly indeed as these old energies, filled with suspicion and mistrust, dissolve into the ocean of Love that you are all helping to enlarge and amplify, and there they become totally transformed so that they become one with and can be added to the bright light of the divine Love field.

Your spiritual progress is proceeding apace, and is indeed accelerating as you cruise down the home straight to the finishing line.  There is great joy in the spiritual realms as we watch and observe the amazing flowering of the Love that God implanted within you at the moment of your creation, and which, until very recently, was hidden under the clouds of emotional pain and suffering that you had been undergoing since the dawn of time.  Your intent to awaken, strengthened and intensified by our Father’s Will that you do so, has reached a momentum that is self-sustaining and that will not be thwarted.  You know and recognize your divine destination, and you have an intuitive sense of the wonder and gratification that you will experience on your arrival.  And the closer you get to this moment the stronger becomes your intuitive sense of it.

Whenever you find yourselves swayed by doubts and anxieties – by news items, personal confrontations or attacks, depression, disbelief in the truth of God’s infinite Love for you, or any other unhappy or disturbing moods – make a point of reminding yourselves of the fact that you are always divinely guided and that you have progressed well beyond the “point of no return,” and consequently, the only place at which you can arrive is your divine destination.

Deep within yourselves you do know this, but you are often distracted by the derisory and disparaging comments that you hear from family, friends, work associates, and the media when they address the intolerable state of world affairs and the massive corruption apparent everywhere in politics, global corporations, and religious institutions that is being exposed and reported on as never before. They then use this information as arguments to persuade you that not only are honesty and integrity seriously lacking, but even if they were not, there is little chance that those ethical attitudes would make any difference because unconscionable corruption is obviously endemic all across the world.

Do not allow yourselves to be discouraged.  You know that all is divinely taken care of and that you will awaken into the Reality that is your eternal Home. Whenever the apparent reality of the breakdown and collapse of the global system unnerves or depresses you, just remind yourselves once more that what you are seeing is a vast illusion that is indeed collapsing, and thus making way for the grand awakening.

Your loving brother, Jesus.




You’re so rude… if you don’t

nbakay's picture

You’re so rude… if you don’t like what is posted just leave. Are you a troll or a member of a cabal? GOD BLESS…us all his creation.


Relax and find a different

Earthchic's picture

Relax and find a different site to stalk!

Believe it or not, even YOU will someday awaken from your slumber and become AWARE of who you truly's just going to take more time and trials for you than for many others!

May you be BLESSED during your duration!

Sorry for the double post.

Earthchic's picture

Sorry for the double post. Tried to delete one of them but can't!

Maybe he NEEDED to hear my message twice!

Relax and find a different

Earthchic's picture

Relax and find a different site to stalk!

Believe it or not, even YOU will someday awaken from your slumber and become AWARE of who you truly's just going to take more time and trials for you than for many others!

May you be BLESSED during your duration!

  "Love one another" A

Guest's picture


"Love one another" A timeless message. So simple yet many make it so hard... you cannot SEE THE FOREST for the trees.