For one to say " I am Enlightened " is to make a statement of EGO.
Enlightenment is to recognize that EGO is the illusion of division between God and Man.
Enlightenment reveals that the job of this imaginary state of the mind called Ego is Separation.
Separation between Man and God, between each other,and between Man and everything else in the Universe.
Like Truth and Illusion, LOVE and Fear, Enlightenment and Ego can not exist in the same place at the same time, because they are diametric opposites.
Thus, the statement " I am Enlightened " can not be rightly made.
Enlightenment is to recognize that EGO is the illusion of division between God and Man.
Enlightenment reveals that the job of this imaginary state of the mind called Ego is Separation.
Separation between Man and God, between each other,and between Man and everything else in the Universe.
Like Truth and Illusion, LOVE and Fear, Enlightenment and Ego can not exist in the same place at the same time, because they are diametric opposites.
Thus, the statement " I am Enlightened " can not be rightly made.
To say , I AM GOD, is NOT to say, "INSTEAD" OF, or "I AM GOD and GOD is NOT"
GOD is not Frightened or Insulted or Hurt or Angry, THREATENED or FEARFUL,
but rather, *REJOICES*, because we have finally understood what GOD has been trying to get through these thick, fearful, mere human, heads of ours, since Adam.
GOD is In ALL, Through ALL, and IS ALL.
I AM GOD means I AM LOVE, Without JUDGMENT...( that includes Self. )
You and I are the Physical _Expression of LOVE in the Earth.
You and I , in the physical sense, were conceived IN LOVE, Born of LOVE, Proceeded Forth from LOVE, LOVE created us, We are made by LOVE, We see the LOVE in another and we "Fall into" LOVE with That,LOVE.
What else is there to fall into ?
LOVE is ALL there is.
We desire to be loved when we Imagine that we don't have it and/or Fail to See That is what we are.
LOVE, LOVE, every respect we ARE the _Expression of LOVE/GOD.
So, yes, the sense that God IS LOVE, I AM GOD/LOVE and so are you, whether you ever come to the place where you can accept this, or not, really has no bearing on what you ARE.
We, have innocently and unknowingly, been instilled with FEAR !
We MUST Graduate from this FEAR, which the bible says, is not of GOD.
Fearful minded MAN wrote, "FEAR GOD"!...
Because they were Human.
I believe, they simply misunderstood the true Message of God, "RESPECT That which is inside YOU".
But what did GOD say to our hearts, Where there is PERFECT LOVE, fear can not REMAIN, simultaneously. Perfect LOVE casts out FEAR.
Thanks for sharing
Love You. and well said my Brother! I AM LOVE