A Story of Continuing Love Between A Canine Angel and a Man
A few years ago a friend of mine, Larry Pech had a canine friend named Chief who was as close a friend as a man and animal can be. When Chief became sick with canine leukemia and had to be put down, Larry was just devastated with grief, and me with him.
Some time later when Larry’s sorrow had subsided somewhat, I had a message from the other side suggesting that Larry visit a kennel of his choice. I told Larry that if Chief had re-incarnated, when a certain puppy heard Larry’s voice, there would be an instant connection between them. Larry acted on my suggestion and when he walked into the kennel and spoke one of the puppies, with his eyes not yet opened, could not get to the side of the box where Larry was standing fast enough, pawing at the box, trying to get to Larry, and a new friendship was born or shall we say renewed. Dietrich fast replaced the love Larry had for Chief. Larry told me that Detrich was born the evening that Chief had been put to sleep.
The following is what Larry has written about Dietrich:
My greatest spiritual lessons came to me in the one place I least expected,
Wrapped in one incredibly beautiful ball of fur. He came from you!
He taught me TO FEEL my way through life, to keep my senses open and
to sniff out each person, place and thing and if it doesn’t smell
right, to just leave it alone.
He taught me the meaning of COMPASSION and ACCEPTANCE by allowing
me to be exactly who I am and loving me, and kissing me
and nuzzling with me anyway.
He taught me that life is AN ADVENTURE and every precious moment
is just waiting to be explored, to be smelled,
tasted, savored and delight in.
He taught me to BE FULLY PRESENT in every single moment,
and to keep my thoughts focused on what lies right
before me on my journey through the day.
He taught me to be OPEN to everything and everyone who
crosses my path and to delight in their presence
and seek refreshment from it.
He taught me to express myself when I need to and not to
keep my feelings bottled up inside, to purr or bark
or growl, what ever the moment called for.
He taught me the meaning of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE by
giving it to me always, and never holding back any
single part of himself from me.
He taught me the true meaning of the work JOY in his
incredible ability to lose himself each day in gay,
passionate abandon over the simplest of pleasures.
I searched for so long, in so many places, for all the
answers to the mysteries of life. How surprised I was
to finally find them right there in front of me, in DIETRICH.
By Larry Pech
September :1989
tears flowing
Thanks for sharing. The bonds between humans and animals are amazing.
simply beautiful
Sweet and very touching.
Thank you so much for sharing!
rosangel lil wolf perez