Our Earth -- Michael Jackson

ellion's picture






Our Earth...

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This video is strangely compelling. Please watch and enjoy!


Love and Light,



Our Earth, Michael

Ra-Raela's picture

What a tremendous video! We so miss your voice and talent, Michael. It made me bawl like a baby and my heart chakra sang!

Absolutely beauitful....

Guest's picture

A WORLD where we all are one...filled with nothing but LOVE and No FEAR....


One day that dream will be our reality.



Your so beautiful MJ.This

Guest's picture

Your so beautiful MJ.This song was amazingly beautiful like the lady he sings about.Oh how grand it is to feel this much love in our great southern land.The light is here and everyone is starting to question the moment .Todays sunset was a golden white sheet right across the beautiful Queensland sky.I watched my lightworker brother help activate the next shift.the ground became electric in nature and the energy increased .This is making the 3d objects around us seem not as solid and it all stinks a strange smell that i've never smelt before. .The only nice smells now come from nature. The next couple of weeks will be grand.LOVE AND LIGHT TO ALL.THERE IS NO TIME LIKE NOW TO CHANGE.SOMETHING SPECIAL IS READY TO HAPPEN .LOVE LOVE LOVE IS ALL I NEED.NJG.