Leano Rice
How's Sedona?
All my paperwork is done, lease signed, rent paid. I move in on the 7th. Peru is great. Already experienced ayuhuasca the right way and visited macchu picchu. Feeling brand new. Whole new and evolved perspective realized.
We are only here for so long. A tiny hair on a spec of illusory time. The big change is happening from our guiding higher realms.
We're here simply to express Gods infinite possibility and marvel in the wonder of love and experience. Source energy already knows and feels everything all at once, but where's the fun in that? That's why we are here. To express the love of infinite possibility of God in 3d, while bring our own vibrations, along with everyone else's, into the higher realms. Merging the past and present into one moment of infinite beauty that has never existed before. The shift of 3D consciousness into the 4th and 5th realms. This new place is based on our furthest dreams.
The trip I was on was a direct link to source energy. I could close my eyes and focus my energy on pure love, trust and releasing of the grip on reality, and it put me in a place of vast connection. No interruptions between thought and reality. I could immediately communicate with whomever my focus pointed to, and it was connected with a feeling of knowing that I have never felt before. Closer than communicating in person. Thoughts became visions. I was everything all at once. A blank sheet of paper. Pure potential. Truly in and out of body. The body was dancing on the vibrations of every loving thought I could ever imagine. This is what we really are. The illusion of physicality is real. The 3D vibration is so slow, our only jobs are to love, experience and feel in the physical realm. Each time, raising the vibration of the physical human spirit and ourselves into the next unknown experience.
There truly is nothing to ever fear or worry about. We don't even need to worry about those around us who don't seem to witness this global shift. They are being guided by there higher vibrations just as we are. To engage in spiritual duels with others is to play into the illusion of physical reality and display a lack of faith in divine guidance and unconditional love. Those who are due to receive physical realm assistance in their ascension will find you or whomever it is that will help them when they need it. The best thing to do is to remain open to their call and never hold their frequency against them, ever. Especially in thought. We are all one in the same. This is where the power of unconditional love comes into fruition. The belief that everything is guided by divine light, therefore everything is always OK, on time and for a reason.
We can do whatever we feel resonates with us in human form to assist with our individual evolution, but the essence of our growth lies within the times we find ourselves outside of our highest vibration. How we deal with it. The in between time. How we respond when we aren't at our best. That's when we can bring those vibrations to a higher being and evolve exponentially. Thoughts...fill them with love in every moment. If we can do that, we can do anything our hearts desire. That is everything. That's the highest resonant energy we can achieve, share and express on every level in physical form. In that state of being, there is nowhere to go and nothing to do, because we are already everywhere at every moment. Every spec of dust and beyond is part of the illusion of our physical creation within our thoughts.
If we live in a world where thoughts are generated by the mind, then we can only go as far as the active mental physical capacity (which is usually filled with the garbage and fear based perspctives of the downloaded mass understanding of illusory physicality) To move to the heart in love, to generate a physical reality from the heart, is to have no bounds in infinite space, free from all fear and worry that the survivalistic mind generates. The mind is here to preserve the body in order for consciousness to grow from within the heart. As spirits evolve, bodies evolve, Gaia evolves and the human consciousness gets brighter; set as a beacon for beings from higher realms and the far reaches of space to seek out and embrace. We are infinite experience expressing love so that God has the opportunity to feel through our hearts.
Critical change really happens in the realms of just being. Defending ones perspective is a lack of trust in the infinite perfection of the now. Just be, and be aware of the self. Once we are aware of the self, we are more equipped to be aware of those around us and what they might need in that shared moment of now. We have the choice in every shared moment to either relax in the arms of consciousness experiencing itself in love and evolution, or to engage in the ego dueling art of the third dimension illusory limitation of the mind. The desire to be heard and recognized in this vibration is to belong to and be limited by it. To let go and act from the higher vibrations of infinite love, is to resonate from beyond.
Share your art and love with all, without expectation, and the world your heart desires will manifest before you.
So...this video is just an interview with a pretty cool guy. I guess it triggered most of what you just read.
ayahuasca is a fantastic
ayahuasca is a fantastic intrument for working out the inner self. here in brasil it is very common to find different rituals that make use of it, but as said there are some ways to use it that bring more fruits than others. the ancestral peruvian way that involves ikaros (a form of music) is one of the bests and there are beautiful songs.