A call has been issued by Hope Girl, the writter of this excellent blog:
The idea is for people to submit their ideas about solutions how we transition from the current financial system into the new era of abundance for everyone:
Deadline for submissions is September 24th.
This is what she emailed me about this project:
"There is a tremendous amount of wealth that is about to be released to all of humanity. The equivalent would be as if everyone won the lottery at the same time. The problem is, everyone who knows about this money is just thinking about how to get it. No one (at least not publicly) is thinking about what we are going to do with it once we get it. This is part of the reason why the funds have not been released yet. We need a plan on how to release this money into our world without destroying society. We are working now on creating this plan. I do realize that there are many plans in place that cover all different areas and many individuals and groups working toward the Golden Age of humanity.
My part in this (which is of my own divine direction) is to give the rest of humanity a chance to have their say at what the solutions should be based on their own knowledge and understanding. This as you can see, will also get people to start thinking about solutions, rather than negativity, which will help raise their consciousness in a tangible way that people can sink their teeth into to get them actively involved.
I’ve put together a pointed set of questions that make people think about solutions and am asking for them to submit their ideas. I’ve been gathering this data and will continue to do so until the deadline date of Sept 24, at which point I will be presenting this “Book of Answers” by the people for the people to the individuals that I am in contact with that are in positions to implement the change. I will also be publishing it on the internet. The strategy here: people will not accept this engineered financial collapse if they know they have a choice and that there is a better way. This “Book of Answers” is the better way. It could be powerful enough to assist the rest of the resistance movement in making the attempts of the dark agenda obsolete."
And this was written on her blog:
"Please know the information you submit will be taken very seriously. The most I can say now is that, through Divine intervention and your input, your response to these questions will be presented to entities in charge of implementing these changes. Your help is needed and your response to these questions has been asked for. In addition your input will be posted here on this blog for people to see."
And my response to her call with a few ideas:
First, the financial reset will not make everybody a sudden millionaire. Total real value of all collateral accounts is between 500 and 1000 trillion $. This means about $100,000 per person. Enough for everyone to have proper housing, food and a fairly comfortable lifestyle, but not enough to spend the rest of your days sipping cocktails by the pool.
Second, release of new technologies must happen along with the financial reset. They can be introduced really quickly with proper funding, so that a few months after the reset free energy machines can be everywhere. This can easily reduce need for human work down to about 4 hours per day or even less. I think most humans will be happy to work a few hours daily because they will discover that eternal vacations can be boring. Also, work of most people will be much more inspiring and creative as they will no longer be slaves to the Cabal.
Second, release of new technologies must happen along with the financial reset. They can be introduced really quickly with proper funding, so that a few months after the reset free energy machines can be everywhere. This can easily reduce need for human work down to about 4 hours per day or even less. I think most humans will be happy to work a few hours daily because they will discover that eternal vacations can be boring. Also, work of most people will be much more inspiring and creative as they will no longer be slaves to the Cabal.
Third, my post about the financial reset is here:
You can read a very good article about the occult economy here:
And a very good overview of the Cabal and their activities here:
And finally, to cheer you up, an important victory of the Goddess:
Are you kidding????? Just
Are you kidding?????
Just how long is $100,000 going to last the elderly or those who will have no additional Income?
***** Let me ask you this. Is this money going to be in additon to what people may have already saved? What will happen to those monies???????
They may be more than $100,000 in a great many cases. Does it just go down the tubes?
Many people have worked and saved allllll their lives to have something and as I said a lot is more than $100,000.
This is what I would like an Answer to Please!
Like winning a lottery....most who won Blew It Away! What makes you think that a large majority who never had any money will not do the same thing. I can't believe that out of the Blue they are suddenly going to learn how to manage finances.
They could not do it now what makes you think they can do it once they get this money?
Please get with it!
Bring on an Ascension where money is not needed in higher dimensions.
Thank you.
heres a suggestion or two
Ive read quite a bit on the Nesara Program and its given to us from a fund that was if you will, willed to humanity. It will be devided up amongst everyone,the total amount is a 1 with 40 zeros after it,its addition I believe to what you may already have saved,its also going to be given evenly 100,000 every year for elevon years which by that time all the other programs/technology would have been released and there would be no more need,its just to get people used to the idea of the new age and help them maintain until that time.
To help answer the writers question,I think its obvious that the people who are without shelter and food should be first on the list,maybe on a card and limit the monthly amount,devided by 12 to try to help those who dont know how to balance money,learn some discipline and to be sure they dont wind up back in the same situation.If they need more money for lets say a larger purchase house/Condo there should be a guardian to confirm this and maybe allow money to be paid directly to the seller, also I think there should be disclosure in the release of the funds letting people know of all the new technologies to come forward in the very near future so they dont buy items they would have no use for once this is done, this I think is very important!
I hope this helped
It is fun to pontificate that which you cannot even imagine!
Is this a magic trick? Has anyone compiled an accurate list of Cobra's deadline predictions and results? It sure is taking forever (assuming you still measure such contrivances.)
The elderly and those who do
The elderly and those who do not have additional income may very well be the same people that do not know, or don't take the direct responsibilty of, looking after their finances in a way that society deems proper.
Just as you are saying, money is a 3D tool, and although it is unnecessary, it was what the world perceives itself to run on.
This program here is a step in the right direction of showing everyone that they do not need money! And a step towards the INEVIATBLE shed of the vasana of Monies.
Now that they will have as much as they need (along with how FREE the new technology to be coming out at the same time, will make water, food, and travel and energy),
they will be able to much more easily find a true purpose in their life without money being necessary.
Then shoot on up the Ascension ladder, or into the Ascension ladder, we will all on this Planet Earth travel together!
Those who feel that they rightfully earned all of that money and wealth which they spent all their precious time accumulating, will realize that they were overcompensating to safe-guard a fear they produced in their own lives, or was force-fed to them, and that they don't need -any- of it, or 'deserve' it. What they -do- deserve, however, is a world where prosperity is a gift to ALL, not just those who spend their time earning prosperity in the way they thought they should. It will simply BE and they will see this, and they will rejoice in this.
If anyone feels they are losing something from any of these new changes, they will very quickly shed that vasana, that fear if you will, and they will be just as joyous, just as excited for this Bright Future of Now as we Are.
Welcome the Age of Prosperity
prosperity funds
To whom this concerns,
Please consider me for distributing these funds. I have always wished for great wealth to improve my neighborhood and town. My daughter would tell me I want to be benefactress to our town! I always pictured beautiful shops along certain streets, houses restored to original beauty, and more. Neighborhood centers where people could gather for lessons in meditation, yoga, nutrition, gardening, etc. That would also serve as a gathering spot for people to meet and find frienship and ask for any help they need. I also envision a recycle post for people to bring their no longer needed items...where people can come for free to find something they need, and possibly trade their time and talents with someone else. I have received a historic preservation award several years ago. I love making things beautiful!!! Thank you for considering me.
Deborah Benjamin, CT
1ST- step announce
1ST- step announce diclosure
Then release free energy... Then people will know and believe that they are not alone and you are here and willing to help humanity. (I am refering to our STAR Brothers and Sisters.) Humanity's financial burden would be much lessened and their hearts will expand with love because i feel everyone will help a neighbor install their free energy device. ALL OVER THE WORLD
3 rd announce the new money system
1 AND 2 can be switched?
A lot will depend on the cost
A lot will depend on the cost of items. How will the new system prevent inflation? A new roof and a 5 panel solar hot water system for my business has been quoted at 55k. A new roof for the house quoted at 15k; that’s 70k gone already. When a product or service is in high demand the prices increase. The shortage of workers because everyone is spending results in higher wages and higher prices. Only working 4 hours a day! How long will that project take? Twice as long plus the shortage of workers! That is how it would be under the current system.
How will the new system be different to prevent this?
What will make an individual suddenly capable of performing the job?
What will make them honest and reliable?
I will be glad to see the old system go and look forward to a new fair system but there are many issues that have not been addressed
Open for receiving ..
After serving mankind since beginning of Time - I want to have my own house with garden. I want to have MY OWN LIFE - as a platform That's it!
My contribution
In my opinion there is a lot of voluntary work that people are doing from their hearts and now there's no money or funding available to get paid. These last years of financial crisis made a society with a lot of lack at the moment.This voluntary work has to be done in society at the moment, it's no luxury at all. I would love to see that these volunteers get paid for there work. So there can be an equal energy exchange in a sort of bartering system f.e. no difference between paid and unpaid work anymore please.
There are so many people who want to quit their old paid work now, they woke up and because it's not in line with their higher self. Please help them to create a new fulfilling job with help from NESARA funds. Also debt forgiveness and no mortgages anymore in stead of free housing should be the first priority because there are a lot of people now who cannot make a new financial start and are living from a few dollars a day even in the Western World and rich countries.
It would be great that all basic needs will be covered with the money funds soon. I preferr a society without money at least for the basic human needs. So even people with health problems or eldery people can contribute and do some work they can do and love. But if the new technology will give our basic needs for free or we can pay them easy with the NESARA funding, it would be wonderfull for the comming time as well. That will be a real abundance feeling for me.