"Well, here we are! It is I, Sekhmet. Now we may be dancing in our Hearts, and yes smile! It is great Joy that we have on this sacred day. Remember, this is the anniversary of such a high consciousness reading on Planet Earth, that it was another way of saying, 'Yes we can!' It reconfirmed the results of the Harmonic Convergence, which had happened some years before. And it said to the World, 'Yes, we will do it! We are going to make it despite all of these things. We are going to make it. We are going to ascend. This time we're going to do it!!!'
"So smile in your Hearts, and when you see 9-11 on your clocks, or anywhere, when you think of it, if you happen to see even a fear-based lying article about it that says, 'Oh yes it was done by, you know, Osama Bin Laden.' By the way, he was a C.I.A. Agent, did you know that? Yes, his name was Tim Osmond, and he was a C.I.A. Agent, but he had a great value as an enemy you know, and all of those things. The whole 9-11 story was a lie. Go back and see if you can find a picture of the Pentagon right after the unmanned drone plane with the bombs went into it.
"They showed you planes flying into it on the computers. They showed that on the television set over and over again, but it was a lie, it was made up. A lot of the people, who people think left their bodies on 9-11, actually were taken up by the ships. There were ships seen, you know, by the towers. Did you know that? Did any of you happen to see those films? We were there. We did what we could to help.
"We allowed it to happen, because the World had to have a converging point. The World had to see how far these ones would go. Not very many people were awake to the fact that the assassinations which had taken place, the genocides, and all of the different things that were going on - not very many people knew who was really doing all of this. Nine eleven was a calamitous, disastrous, traumatic, horrible, event, but it did serve. It served because one day the Truth would come out, and the Truth has been coming out, out and coming out, and coming out, and the rest is here!
"9-11 will be the event upon which the World finally converges in truthful knowing what the real history/herstory of it is, and that will open the Pandora's box of all of the heinous activities since then, and this has to come out. You cannot contain, within your energy fields, lies. It's like when you need to cleanse, it is something to cleanse out your energy fields. You must cleanse out the lies, and see everything in the highest Light of Truth. Then you can heal!
"It's like if you eat something that has some toxicities in it, you must cleanse it out of your body. Then you feel better, right? You know it's gone, it won't bother you anymore. And that's what healing is. Now we are working on healing from many, many, perspectives, and each one of you, each one has your own perspective. You know, first and foremost, I am a healer!!! On many occasions I use humor to lighten everybody up - get it, lift up?! But that is not the case here, because this is a solemn occasion.
"So if you've got your dancing shoes on, you can save it for later. What we are here to do is monumental in its scope. The scope is the entire Planet, and the Universe beyond, and in the Freedom, and the Love that we will share.
"You heard JFK talk about the 'Eternal Flame?' We're going to turn it into a big roaring bonfire for the entire World to see - Flame of Truth, Flame of Freedom, Flame of Love!!! And by the way, those who are, shall we say, a part of the overall committee, that would be St. Germain, Sananda, The Mentors, the Masters, the Guides, the Angels, the Spirits and Divas, Mother Gaia herself, we're all connected. We're all in this together. We're all creating this together. So stand tall in your minds' eyes, Beloved Ones, and know that this mission is already seen as successful, because we have that perspective! And it is to be together in the Oneness of Who We All Are that we shall accomplish this, this Grand Healing of 9-11!!!
"Never again shall it occur, and we shall put forth enough Truth that even those who are grieving about it, or have anger about it, will be helped onto the High Road of Healing, and of course this will further the Ascension preparations exponentially!
"Alrighty, we are honored to be joined by JFK himself! Let us put him in the center of our circle, and let him hold the Eternal Flame for our journey up to the Crystal Room on my ship. We welcome all of you who have not done this journey with us before, and all of you who have. Now that we're in our circle, let us join hands and paws. Now my paws multi-locate, so everybody gets a paw of me. And join hands with the one next to you in the circle. And let us simply give our intention to travel together, easily and effortlessly. Your Guides, your Angels, and all of the Masters await you. They go ahead, we come right after them. We move up through space and time to accomplish this journey, because we come up into a Higher Dimensional reality where everything really is real!
"And so let us come up easily and effortlessly all together with Joy in our Hearts, and Love for each other shining forth. Soon Planet Earth is far below us, and as we look up, we see my ship. And see how the door of the landing deck opens. My ship has expansion capabilities, and this door is circular, and so it is that we are all able to move right up through the door, and to stand slightly above the landing deck while the door closes. Now let us easily and effortlessly land. Let your feet touch the deck, and you will notice if you look down, that you can see that you have a pathway back to Planet Earth when you are ready to use it.
"So breathe and relax. Look around and see all the Crystals gleaming at you. And let us move with JFK in our center, bringing the Eternal Flame, and let us move toward the doors of the Crystal Elevator. Again there is expansion to accommodate this wondrous group of ours. Everyone is included. We may come together to form more like two lines, but our hands and paws remain joined, and JFK moves with us. And so when we are all in this elevator the doors will close, and you may hear welcoming music. You may smell the soft scent of the Roses, or other wondrous scents to welcome you, or you may hear words, or feel a cooling breeze, or sudden warmth.
"This is all for you Beloved Ones, your own individual welcomes. You are so honored, and we are so blessed by your presence! The elevator moves so gently, and yet swiftly, right up to the very top of my ship, and the doors open to the Crystal Room. And let us move again, and as we form our circle in the Crystal Room, we bring our circle right into it. JFK is in the middle. And now he stands beside an altar, a beautiful crystalline altar, and he places the Eternal Flame upon that altar. And we can all see it. We can all see him, and feel the warmth of his presence.
"And feel also in an inner circle, your Guides and Angels welcoming you. And they may put their hands, their hands of Light, upon your shoulders gently. Feel it. It is their way of connecting with you in this sweet Oneness. And now feel behind you all of the Ascended Masters and Angels. They wouldn't miss this event for any reason. They're all here. They may be bi-locating, but they're all here. The Spirits and Divas of Planet Earth are honored guests. And now look into the middle of the circle and there is Mother Gaia herself, with Beloved JFK!
"And, oh yes, we have invited the one from Sirius called Obama, and he is in attendance in his Higher Dimensional self, and also his beloved wife who is his twin flame soulmate, serving in this mission with him! And there may be others, perhaps some of your family, or friends, or ones you feel especially close to who have passed over - they are among the ones in this group! We are huge in numbers. We are One in our hearts!
"And now let us all take some deep breaths, and move even higher, in our Oneness, in our energy fields joined together. And as we do so, it is for each one of you to take whatever memories you have of 9-11, and other events, and place them in the Eternal Flame, that they might be transmuted to Love, to Appreciation, to Forgiveness, to understanding that whatever role you have played in any lifetime, from the very whitest, to the very darkest of hats - it is now to be transmuted by the Eternal Flame, to Love, to Service, and understanding that you were in service, and that all who have ever worn the human uniform have been in service of one kind or another, and to forgive yes, even to forgive the ones who have controlled, and have tried to continue their control, because now the consciousness has grown strong enough to say, 'NO MORE!!!'
"And it is to have Compassion for these ones, because they have lost all that they have ever lived for. Some of them are relieved. You can see it. They are relieved to be free from the burdens of oppression which they have carried out. Some of them are dazed, and not really understanding, and some of them, yes, they are saying, 'I'm going to continue to wear the hat of the dark.'
"For those who are ready to give them up, let them put those dark hats right into that Flame, and let them, too, be transmuted into the pure pristine energies of Love, High Love, Unconditional Love! And let Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude emanate from this Flame, this beautiful Flame, and oh yes, St. Germain is lending the color, or you can see the color as he lends the Violet Flame to this. And it is beautiful indeed!
"And here is the Blue Flame of Truth from Archangel Michael. And so look upon this Eternal Flame, and see how it has grown, how it has expanded. Let it come into your Hearts, Beloved Ones. It may feel a bit warm, but it is all Love, it is all Joy. It is the expansion of Truth, together with the Joy that it is finally free to come forth, and to heal all that needs to be healed - the lies, the illusions, the disillusionments, the destructions, the disasters all. Now give them to the Flame. Gather them from Planet Earth. You can do so - just pull it up, and give it right into the Flame. We are cleansing all of Planet Earth!
"And now let the Flame itself - the Eternal Flame of Freedom, and Love, and Compassion, and Gratitude - let it burst forth! See how it goes up to the opening in the top of the Crystal Room, and see how it bursts like a sunburst, radiant beams of the Eternal Flame, and see how it falls gently to illuminate all of Planet Earth everywhere!!! Let it seek out the dark corners, and light them up even more then they've ever been. And let the Truth pour forth in this Flame. Let the Hearts open to be able to hear the Truth, to know the Truth, to accept the truth, and to Love all Truth, not the least of which is the Truth of Who They Really Are!!!
"The trauma-drama is over! 9-11 is cleansed of the fear, and no matter what lies may continue to be told, you know the Truth! And you know that those who participated, all of them, are honored for showing the World a different path, and for inviting the Hearts to join in High Dimensional Consciousness to get on that path, and to stay on that path to the Golden Age, and the Ascension which all of the Kingdoms on Planet Earth have ordained.
"And so I, Sekhmet, on behalf of all, stand here to tell you the World is changed! The World has advanced upon its Ascension Path. Mother Gaia is thrilled that the lies have been cleansed! And as we have done this in higher dimensionality, now we are sending it throughout 3D. So the World will be hearing different stories, even more. And even more will be known, even more Truth is bursting forth even now, and there are even more Hearts open to hearing the Truth, and minds, and energy fields, and this is entirely appropriate on this day of remembrance, because we have changed that which you call the future anniversaries of this day of 9-11!!!
"So we are in awe of you, Beloved Ones, and we thank you for making this possible. It is by your coming, and by your participating, that this is done! So smile, and congratulate each other, and yourselves - hugs all around!!! And each one of you is offered a part of this Eternal Flame to take with you in your own Hearts. Remember, remember, this event upon my Crystal Ship, in my Crystal Room. Remember that you heard the invitation, and you came, and that you carried the Eternal Flame within your Hearts. It is the Flame of Connection. It is the Flame of Healing. It is the Flame of Truth, and Love, infinite, compassionate, and grateful Love! You are known throughout the Universe as Stewards of this Flame, and so we offer you our loving Thanks and Gratitude!
"Now when you are ready, you may look up and see your path, your cord, back to your home on Planet Earth. It is gentle, and all you need to do is give your intention to return to the place from which you came. But, we promise you this, you are not the same as when you came. Hold sacred in your Hearts this Eternal Flame. Remember your connections, remember this Communion that we shared. And as you begin your homeward journeys, let us once again enjoy The Blessing given by Beloved Sananda through this wondrous woman.*
"And so it is! Namaste!"
Given through Susan Leland, 9-11-12. www.Ashtarontheroad.com © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
wow. I only saw this today
wow. I only saw this today sept 22, but went through the journey anyway trusting that time is a part of the illusion too. thank you xx
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