Daily Mail - James Nye, 9/26/12
- Roberto Sanchez Rivera built his flying saucer home to complete a promise he made to a girl who ended their relationship by a letter 40-years-ago
- Perched on a Puerto Rican hillside, the home flashes like a spacecraft and emits the signature theme from movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind
After seeing the home Rivera's one-time sweetheart tried to get back together with him
This flying saucer shaped UFO is the home of retired industrial arts teacher Roberto Sanchez Rivera, 58, who built the house to prove to an ex-girlfriend that he could do whatever he put his mind to
Built on an island not that far, far away, is a house - but not as we know it. That is because with its blinking, strobing, technicoloured lights, the metal saucer-shaped home of retired industrial arts teacher Roberto Sanchez Rivera, 58, is meant to look just like a grounded UFO.
Resting on the slopes of Juana Diaz in Puerto Rico, the otherwordly house exists only to prove a girl wrong after 40-years, and all because Rivera suffered the same fate of many geeks across the planet - he was dumped.
To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit DailyMail.co.UK.
Bravo to this man! His home
Bravo to this man! His home is fabulous! It's funny how life goes sometimes when we're told, "You can't, you won't, you never will," etc. Some believe the accusations and suffer for a lifetime because they believed those lies.. I am thankful this man turned negative comments into a positive adventure and realization that he didn't need his lost girlfriends approval to rise above and beyond what he was told he couldn't do..His stuggle for 40 years to prove to her he could, turned out to not matter..He's happy..has a new Love and is successful..I'm thankful he didn't jump to his death all those years ago....May he, and all of us continue to grow in LOVE and Light in knowing who we are..Sending Much PEACE, JOY, LIGHT AND LOVE TO ALL! NOW! :) <3
I Agree!
It's a wonderful story!