"You have the right to remain silent"

David Porter's picture



Or you may speak your truth.


What is your truth?


And is it yours?


For those of you who watch “TV,” this programming leads to the truth of another, intentionally induced in most cases. If that other was Divinely directed this would be a blessing. However if it’s based in EGO or of the dark side, this would be more of a curse. The cunning devises of the cabal/illuminati/elite or dark ones, will become more and more obvious to you all with the amounts of Light (knowledge) that is entering your arena now. “Every eye shall see.”  You are in the time of “The Awakening,” that has many titles, one other is “The Second Coming.” 


Many of you are donating your monies, efforts and time to what you believe to be worthy causes. And with that intent in mind so shall you be blessed. But let me advise you on something that many of you are somewhat if not completely unknowing of. Due to the fear that the cabal over millennia have contrived to instil in you, you dare not investigate the “metaphysical” possibilities for fear of being imprisoned, burned on a stake, or hung on a cross. Let me explain. In your now timeline these things are not as popular and mostly outlawed, but none the less your subconscious mind goes way back in timelines and the memories there of.


For those dear souls of you that have been taught that you have but one life to “live” rather than the truth of this written in your bible, “but once to “die.””


This statement made popular to you by the institutions was designed to control you, to scare the hell fire and brimstone into you! With the format that you have but one chance to make it to Heaven. Wow, what kind of a “God” would set this up for you here that would put you, His off-Spring, His Spark, His Child at a one-chance risk of burring in the most deviating of all places that allegedly exists for ever more?


Now when the establishment (tax exempt “huge business”) passes that plate around as they keep an eye on you, you have been thoroughly Vaselined and slip those bills right into that plate, not wanting to risk that “long term burn in Lucifers lack-of-Light lounge!”  


This verse has to do with the outer part of you, the EGO. That when you have overcome it, it dies. Then you are free to move about in the freedom of the soul you are in full consciousness. Regardless, if you can go so far as to believe that your DNA/RNA or cellular/gene make-up holds memory of your parents and theirs, and their parents etc back to the original “Parent.” This will help you to understand the point in quest.


It was JD Rockefeller that established the front-runner of schools to educate the youth in your early 1900s. Do you think he wanted to teach them how to take over his companies? No, is the correct answer. He constructed the educational processes to confine, control and condition your minds if you were the young at the time, to be cooperative and discipline in allegiance to his monopoly. There are many other elite names involve in this nature of the removal of the “Spirit” of you all. Just ask any native in the United States of America as these same ones are the ones that took possession of the land that they were camped out on first. Find where Columbus got his guidance form and you will see exactly what I mean.


This has and will continue until “YOU” stand up and say, “that’s it, no more of this.” But first you must believe that you are in the “right” before you will ever make this stand against “them” in your now sheeply silence. Let me give you just one of the strong examples of why you should take a stand now in the year of our lord of 2012 more than ever before.


You are all feeding the cabal with “their plans” not yours. Even the well meaning Light workers, Way showers and general members of let’s just call it what it is, “The resistance.” You don’t mean to, none of you, and bless you for your intent, but the dark ones have set you up within their matrix to fail and themselves to succeed by means of your failure.


One Example: You watch on “their” TV, the encouragment to give your money to support the "fight" against many things. The commercial comes on, do you shut it off then? “Give your support to our church,” Give your support to our charity fund,” “GIVE TO OUR CANCER RESREACH CAUSE.” Much of this is blatant, but most is subliminal and sub-conscious methods of direct and indirect mind control of many varied constructs. All you need do is get on the internet and pull up any of the millions of sites that educate you on who it is that owns and or controls these foundations with their huge monetary invested interest. Media (the #1 and by far the most important to teach you what and only what they want you to know) Medical, Oil, Transportation, Food, Energy etc.They control all this, therefore they control us.


Before you go to fill up or get groceries or clothes etc. pull up the movie, “They Live” that was put out in 1988. It is certainly not actual but it will give you seed for thought.  


One of the most deadly of their tools to all of us here is their medical institutions. If they healed you as behind the scenes they have always had the means to do in nearly every single illness known to man kind, this would put them out of business. Now we have the internet, so far the dark ones have not found a way to constrict it’s use to any major degree,,,,yet. But you can bet your sweet freedom that they are on it. Use this tool to find the cures for your selves, there are fruits and heabs on Gaia that have 10,000 times more curing power than any nature of chemo therapy. And She gows them at no charge to the consumer of them. But She dosen't have any use for dollar bills. 


My wonderful wife Elaine had CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia), she trusted the doctors but not the preventive ones. I love her dearly, but we had many things not in common, this was one. We buried her body March, 19th, 2012.


The medical industries as we now know them would have never been born if you gave your support to the cause and prevention of disease rather than the "alleged cure" of it's effects to the establishements in the first place.



I highly recommend a movie well worth your time and a short version of the truth of what is taking place on our once beautiful planet, that the cabal don’t want you to know. Let Foster Gamble explain it on his well made movie, “TRHIVE.” Foster Gamble, son of James Gamble, originator of the Proctor & Gamble foundation. Foster did not follow in dads foot steps.


They certainly have the funding to do it, I mean they got it all from you! Right? They call it Tithing, taxing, insurance and co-pay. And they remove it from you to themselves VIA big business in the most devius menas they can contrive at the G8, G12, or G20 meetings. And you are not invited, was you outside with the rocks in your hands. The Church, The Vatican, (this coming from the Roman Catholic, remember their history, Caesar etc). IRS, (Internal, not secret but the same, so SRS would be a more acutate title here), Federal Reserve, (Privately owned by who?) IMA, and this list has more. They teach you that it is “In God We Trust,” and yet have done a precise and potent job of NOT allowing you the same information they have that is stowed away in the Vatican vaults around the planet about your real origin to, and powerful connection with and of “God.” Then they place fluoride in your water, GMO your food supply (which of course is OMG backwards) and poison your air with chemtrails to calcify your pineal body, pituitary glands and the feeling center of the heart  that are all the door ways to your Super-consciousness.


How can they get away with this for so long? Why are they so powerful, and you not? They have stolen and hidden from you the insights of information to your natural power source. And they know this information well and use it, and that’s why.  



Did you know that ONE single individual can change the way an entire society functions? An entire planetary history can be significantly change by one human being.


You have the right to remain silent, but "so far" you have the right to stand up and say, “I will no longer accept “their” reality, but I will create my own, and remove them from “my” offices now so I can get on with the life in which my God has in Mind for me.”


Let’s do this


Well said!

Guest's picture

Very sorry about your wife :-(




spreading the truth: THRIVE

arun's picture

i am spreading the truth, thrive the movie. the world knows now, the cabal or in their death throes, and the best truth is that souls never die............you will meet up again. om



drmoe's picture

As we begin to see this for ourselves we can pass on that learning to the ones coming up behind.  The more lights that shine, the more we expose the dark. Let's not use their methods and go to war with them.  Let's just keep turning up the volume with every light available to us.  Creepy things can only take hold in the dark to keep you afraid.  Once the lights go on, the monster, or whatever it is you feared, is completely exposed.  It may be ugly, but it's not so scary anymore.  You can see it for what it is. You can see how pathetic it truly is.  You can see that it is probably mad.  And then, you start to shudder at the thought that this thing that so frightened you, is more afraid of You than one could ever imagine.  Because when the lights go on and the monster is exposed, not only do you see it for the pathetic being that it is, but it sees itself in the light of another - all those beams of light looking straight back at it - saying "Really?"  "You want to keep up this pretense, Really?"


Then they're done - Badda Bing, Badda Boom!



Dr Moe