And God Said.....It's Time to Awaken
15 October 2012 - 12:54am | Shekinah_Renee
By Love Reporter Renee Snider
We are entering the vortex, the convex, the wormhole to the 4th[5th] dimensional foundation of the New Earth. Many heads and hearts are spinning round and round seeking truth, seek relief, seeking peace. Looking outside one will not find it. It is not in the media. It is not in a building. It is not in a book. It is not in a class. It is not in a certification. It is not in an approval. You have all you need within.
The message and key to higher consciousness, to an expanded heart of love and compassion and closeness with the Most High is through your heart. Quiet. Within. Peaceful. Powerful and clear. Weeks away from completion of a cycle never experienced such as this. God speaks directly, our Creator, our Source, shares, as before in many paths of people, Masters, Sages, Hearts, Texts, Burning Bushes if you will, to say again . . .
Dear Children of My Light, I come before you, through you and in you to awaken that which was dormant for eons of time. As you come out of an experiment of consciousness, as you come out of a space of not knowing who you truly are by agreement to help this beloved planet of Light, Earth, you are hereby notified, asked, poked, lovingly jarred, shaken, reawakened, ice poured on your face, kissed on the cheek and forehead . . . to know, you can leave your karma and lessons of the journey.
You can know that I am returning to your consciousness, to your knowing. Many will say different. Many, as always, will be in darkness . . . to shout darkness and you can’t. Yet, hear my voice, feel the energy from the words this one types as fast as her fingers can go. " I Am Who I Say I Am!" And I am calling you home. Home.
It is a place of who you are in energy, in fluid matter of Light, of sound, of vibration, of complex organization and perfection of Being. It is a space of expansiveness that that exists beyond the realms of your 3rd dimensional mind capabilities. This is a space outside of your body. Outside of the mind, moving into "My Mind, My Heart, Your One Source." Earth is shifting frequencies and is about to change channels.
I felt the need, the pull, and the calling by many to come through in this way and with others . . . to speak to you. You seem to think I can only come through a church, or old book off the shelf. Dear Ones, "I Live and Love in Each of Your Cells and the Breath You Breathe." "For I Am You." "You Are Me." This is simply a task, a grand one at that, to undertake your Self in a human form for multiple purposes of love and expansion for your own Soul and that of other human civilizations other species, other universes and star systems.
I Am here to point the way. "Go Within Your Heart." You will find "Me" there. You must know that to tune yourself, to harmonize your being, to adjust your Self, you must go to your engine, just like your car. You don’t wash the outside of your car to tune the engine. You must go directly to in and in a space and way to align the parts.
Your engine is your heart. Your life is in the physical and energetic higher heart. I am in this Place. Jesus The Christed One is also there. This space only needs your love and listening. As we approach a time that many still have yet to see, much to do with your numbness of movies, fears, voices louder than your heart and old past memories that are of Earth, not of your Godliness. This must be reached back into. Ask for help to know this.
Call upon the Legions of Angels, the Masters and Saints that you are comfortable with, yet listen for the words and knowingness that comes, there is a line of communication for you to tune into, it is a frequency as all things are. Your science is up to date on this, seek it out for the human aspects as you need to qualify it. Yet above all, "Go Within!" Seek the love that you seek. Seek the peace that you long for.
Find that "I Am presence" that is you in perfect form and knowingness for in that space I hold you in holiness of empowerment of your Being. As you move into this space, listen more and more you "Will" hear. For I am speaking "Louder" than ever . . . "Come Home." Home is a loving space in Heart Consciousness, that once there will evidence it self in your world in the physical ways.
"Know" the space of love is an energy and from that space the more love is held the more the physical form will reflect it. Time to come home. Take the step. It is not the end of Earth, the time that approaches, but it is the end of Darkness of not knowing your true "God-Self" that you are. The end of dark consciousness is at hand.
This is "My Decree" and nothing, "I Say Nothing" changes my Decree and the love I have for "All." I thank each of you for your unending service to All and time to come home to higher consciousness and be ye reborn in consciousness and the body and for clarity, it does not have to mean Death! You can supersede that and go back to the freedom of form as you choose. But you must now leave this reality by choice, leave the attachments, leave the limiting beliefs, leave the hate, the anger and fear and simply move into loving one another.
That is all that is asked. If you love one another as your Self, then all will align and your entrance into this new expanded reality and way back to a path of being that you existed as before will show it Self. Dearly loved ones of my creation, upon this day, of this hour, of this moment, I say to each of you. I love you and promise you wholeness and so it is. God - Today as primary voice of your Family of Light and “The One”
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I love this, it resonates so
I love this, it resonates so strongly thanks for sharing.
Thank you for this. It is
Thank you for this. It is beautiful <3