Solar Revelations 10-23-2012

Lia's picture

Solar Consciousness " Solar Revelations"

We are approaching a larger stream of energy within the Universe.
A stream that will raise the reality based understanding (illusion) to a higher level.
Lower vibrational agendas will be more apparent for us to see and discern.
Within a handful of days we will receive news of something very profound that will happen by man and it's ability to shift consciousness to a higher level. It is up to us to be open and prepared for this level of shift.
It will only come forth if we remove the EGO from the response. We must know the difference within us to allow the shift to occur before us.
Always take time to step back and observe the situation. Avoid immediate reaction that is familiar as this could allow a repeated outcome with repeated energy of familiarity. Allow our intuition to reveal a higher outcome and understanding to the situation. If we utilize this understanding now more than ever the ones before you will be able to vibrate in similar frequencies and the Unity change will begin.
Allow yourself to be transparent.
It is time...



Zero Point Research


Solar Revelatons

Ra-Raela's picture

Thank you, John! As the Host of Heaven has stated on Operation Terra: " The sun also has a role to play...." All of the energies of the heavenly bodies including our own planet fit together like a giant puzzlle, in order to help us ascend. Thank you for bringing more clarity and good advice to the subject. 

I would have listened to the

Queenvictrola's picture

I would have listened to the whole video however the music annoyed me in its repetitive pattern and I wondered why John chose this music as a bed for his video. I ironically found myself "trapped" by it and felt very uncomfortable and dove out of the viewing! I refuse to be trapped in a cage by music that repeats four notes over and over again in a minor key. It is so rude.