Heavenletter #4356 Row, Row, Row Your Boat, October 28, 2012
God said:
Mice scurry. Human Beings are meant to move along at a pleasant pace. It is possible to take care of things quickly, even to speed, without scurrying or flurrying. Calmness is the way. Franticness is not.
Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream does not mean to hurry. Row, row, row your life, gently down the stream is My message for you today.
How fast an elephant moves at a seemingly slow pace. He lumbers along and wastes no time.
A loping lion lopes at ease. He knows the direction he is going in, and he takes it. He doesn’t flitter or twitter around. Straight is the path. As the crow flies, it is said.
Slowing down doesn’t have to mean to go slow. It means not to waste motion and energy. It means to leave worry behind.
Of course, why would anyone be frantic unless he or she is worrying? You already know that worry is not worthwhile.
For those who seem to move best under time pressure, try moving best without time pressure. Perhaps start sooner.
It may be true that diamonds are made from coal because of pressure. Yet, you who wave your arms and flutter do not become diamonds. You become wasted motion.
Drink some calming tea. Remember Who you really are.
Can you imagine a God Who dashes around, worrying that He will not have time to do what He desires, worrying that he will be late, unfinished? God works in Eternity and not under the sway of time.
If you must follow the precepts of the world, then follow the precept that says: “All in good time.”
And what is that fable about the Tortoise and the Hare? Slow but steady wins the race. Yet you don’t have to be slow to win the race. Steady will do. Calm will do. Absence of panic will do.
There is the expression to fire yourself up. When you have a task to complete, complete it. When you cook a meal, you don’t turn the flame up too high. Too high you burn. Is cooking food meant to be a race as well?
When you have a task to do, do it. Just do it. Neither race nor dawdle. Just get it done.
Do not see yourself as waiting until the last moment. See yourself as getting it done ahead of time.
Just as I have said that the world makes you, I have said that you also make the world. In the same fashion, you affect the tasks you have before you. Try not panicking and racing. Complete a task as if you are a calm person who gets things done competently. In this sense, the horse does not always come before the cart. As you try being competent instead of urgent, you become competent. The next time it is easier to be competent. It is not the task that makes you ragged. It is your perception of yourself.
If you want an uncluttered home, don’t clutter it. It is the same with your mind. It is a cluttered mind that makes you hurry and scurry. Your thoughts will lead the way.
If you are capable of panicking, you are capable of being calm. Which is Truth, beloveds, calmness or panic?
Know what you are doing, and do it. No longer do you manufacture tension. Tension is a habit. It is an old habit. Resiliency is better. Get your tasks done, and do not bemoan them. No longer ever say to yourself: “I’ll never be done in time.” Say something else to yourself.
You don’t wait for time. You make the time. You take the time. Get the tasks before you behind you now, okay?
Permanent Link: http://www.heavenletters.org/row-row-row-your-boat.html
OHhh Father-O :o)
So!, FatherG, Well, This little reminder of the way I'm to BE Calm, CALM I AM, well right NOW I Am... Hee Hee Smilin :o)).. I have the feeling to chat with You Hummm. Hey this is Wonderful !! I hear every word and I somehow know this, and I think I can pull this off what ever it is.. only cuz I'm not 100% sure what I'm supposed ta do exactly. But somehow I know I will BE just fine Calmly Hee Hee.... OK Father I'm ready for My task.. And """ ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT...GENTLY DOWN THE STREAM """... "I LOVE You Both Emencely (Spelling Don't count) Big Smile in New Jersey !! Oh yeah the Sandy STROM is comin right UP my Backside.. "NO Worries THO" All will BE As You SAY IT Should... :o))) !
(((((( Hugzzz ))))))