Thank you to Lucas
Uploaded on 10 October 2012 by appro69 (Lucas : I just have made my statement about the storm and why it is and what you can do to help and in what way in my article whirlwinds of change and a storm that cleanses . I will post this message as I have talked to will and I will support him as it is still well intended. Love and Light to you Will I Am.)
Will-I-Am states ~ I’ve read a lot of info on how this storm has been HAARP’ed. I’ve been reading posts on the motive behind dark attempts to stop the US election by using the power of the Mother against her own creation. This plan puts innocent lives and massive amounts of property at risk.
I believe it is time to QUICKLY launch a counter power move in the name of Divine Light and Love. I invite the InLight-ened of this planet to counteract HAARP energy by using the power of Light to diminish this attempt by the Cabal to manipulate America’s vote.
I am putting this out there to you – the reader – to activate and focus the energy of Light you wield to diminish the dark’s desired outcome for this storm.
Consciously call upon your Light. Ask for help of all kingdoms of the Mother. Ask for help from the Lighted beings watching over us from space – our brothers and sisters. Concentrate your focus until it is strong enough to offset the dark side manipulation of planetary weather patterns. This issue goes beyond politics. The storm is not red or blue. The impertinence of manipulating the Mother for selfish gain is the issue.
I believe putting out the call thru the Light Blogs can have an affect. If you have a blog please post. Make this go viral! Thank you.
Will I am
Beautiful !!!
humming ... "this little light of mine I'm gonna let is shine!" Candles glowing. deep love & gratitude.
I see a sea of hands, like at
I see a sea of hands, like at a rock concert, tossing the storm energies back out to see the way you would throw an oversized beach ball. Crystalline fingers growing up out of the earth to fill in the gaps in our hands; reaching out to form a shield.
With all due respect, I do believe also that part of being a light worker – one need to be open minded. We cannot point our fingers at the cabals/illuminati’s all the time as the cause for such a catastrophic event through the use of HARRP. However, it is true that they are capable of doing so, but isn’t it also true, that there’s a posting here in the previous days that the storm Sandy is part of the “Divine Plan”?. So, who is telling the truth? If we all claim ourselves as light workers, don’t you think we all need to come together? Being ONE with our message?
I think it is very important to be open -minded and to consider all catastrophic events (earthquake, tsunami’s, hurricanes, etc) that had happened/happens are doings by the cabal/illuminati. All of us have different opinions and translations from all the messages we channeled, including the interpretations we gathered through the energies we absorb. . I am not disagreeing to your claim nor am I denying it. .each one is entitled to their opinions. However, I believe that each one has a role, each one is playing his/her role , either that person chose to be in the dark or light side and the same way that I am playing my role . I am who I am and it is not my duty to take account those who are responsible for such nor am I a finger pointer of who’s to blame; I am one of those who are here to help spread God’s Truth, He’s true Divine Love Nature and assist those who needs spiritual guidance to be awaken.
Therefore, it is only the Father who knows exactly what is going on. Each light worker holds the puzzle of ONE. I am going to take this storm called “Sandy” as it is, I am going to accept her as she is, I am going to prepare myself when she comes, I am going to tell people not to be afraid and I am going continuously pray to the Heavenly Father who is my rock, my protection, the source of my light and my everything. For it is the Father in Heaven’s WILL that WILL be done, here on earth as it is in heaven. . . Many people are seeking for spiritual guidance and are opening to their spirituality. . I only ask that us – light workers will not make them even more confuse as they already are. And it is great to spread the love and at the same time keeping the mind open. Peace be with you and thank you for responding to your calling as a light worker ; as I said, I am not here to criticize or attack , I am here to express my thoughts and emotions. Let’s all make this world a better place to live for everyone and all other God’s creations…
Sandy ...
sorry - what i meant was that "we all need to consider that NOT all catastrophic events are doings by the cabals/illuminatis, which some could be part of Mother Nature's cyle or the Divine Plan... again, peace be with you..God Bless..
It's hard to believe
It's hard to believe otherwise when you see ovious weather manipulation like this. please take a look at this, it should open your eyes a bit to the diabolical work of the cabal. I sent my love and light to all in its path.
There was a simulation of a hurricane sandy in 97 on the same path as the one now....look at link