Suzanne Lie ~ Gaia Needs Us ~ 29 October 2012

Lia's picture

Dear 5D Leaders,

We are being called on NOW to assist our friends and family in the path of Hurricane Sandy. There has already been vast damage, and the Hurricane has not even made landfall.
In two or three hours, Sandy will make landfall and raise havoc for two more days.

We are NOW called to remember how we all met in the Core of Gaia. This time, we will send our light form the Core of Gaia up into the Areas of Gaia’s land where the Hurricane is striking.
Time is an illusion, so we do not need to synchronize a specific time. All we need DO, is recall our Unity Consciousness and send our Unconditional Love to those areas.

Unconditional Love is the Healing Force of the Universe.
If we all do the same exercise within our own time frame, we will send a wave of healing love.
Therefore, Send Hurricane Sandy UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

Go into Gaia’s Core and send love from the there.

Go into the Gaia’s atmosphere and send love from there.

Go into  fourth dimensional  Gaia and send love from there.

Go into the fifth dimensional Gaia and send love from there.

Don’t forget to call on your Higher Expression of SELF for assistance! link to original article



Suzanne Lie ~ Gaia Needs Us ~ 29 October 2012

TONY MATIAS's picture

just thought I'd ask , why is there a special mention for prayers being made for the US east coast and no mention at all about the thousands of people that have been affected in China and Vietnam ..... isn't that part of mother earth - GAIA ??? ...... just asking !!! ... Namaste.


Lia's picture

We brought this Forward in our Staff Meeting today about all of those who were effected there. We Sent Love, Light and Healing.. What we do for one we do for all. Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

Felt I had to say something

tonym225's picture

Felt I had to say something because I have noticed that most of the time concern is only shown regarding happenings in the USA ..... seem to forget about the rest of the world. These sort of posts are actually insulting to us other members who live in other parts of this planet of ours. Maybe a bit of an effort should be made in not being so biased ... just saying !!!

I'm not that we're biased,

will's picture

I'm not that we're biased, it's more the language barrier than anything else. We're certainly not against Vietnam, or any other country, it's just that for certain countries our supply of news is rather limited. If you're in a certain country, and most of your friends are in a certain country, you're probably going to know more about that country.

If anybody believes we're ignoring countries like Vietnam, please follow this link to see how often we do post about Vietnam:

Suzanne Lie ~ Gaia Needs Us ~ 29 October 2012

tonym225's picture

I made this comment thinking I was logged in ... so had to use my proper name and not my username ..... should any one care to comment or want to contact me , the author of the above comment.