What actually occurs on December 21, 2012 is anyone’s guess. Here are some quotations from some prominent speakers about 12-21-2012….
“….The human race will unify as a single circuit. Solar & galactic sound transmissions will inundate the planetary field. A current charging both poles will race across the skies, connecting the polar auroras in a single brilliant flash.” (Jose Arguelles)
“…evolutionary quantum leap. Human / ET interface & the arrival of a new species or kingdom on Earth.” (Jon King)
“…..In 2012, Earth’s axis will tilt, along with a polar reversal, causing terrestrial and celestial grids to re-align, the pineal eye will perceive beyond ultraviolet,& we¹ll ascend to the next dimension beyond time.” (Moira Timms)
” ….a telepathic interplay which will eventually annihilate time” (Alice Bailey)
“…translation or dematerialization to another sphere of the Universe” (Teilhard de Chardin)
“….A matter-antimatter implosion leaving a mutation of matter to photoniform. Our minds will unite like the fragments of a hologram.” (Terence McKenna)
”….As the Schumann resonance increases to 13Hz, Gaia goes from Alpha to Beta frequency & wakes up. Increasing tryptamine & beta-carboline neuro-chemistry allows us a telepathic communion, as we become used to our light bodies in preparation for the magnetic pole reversal when there will be a mass out-of-body-experience.” (Geoff Stray)
“….A moment of quantum awakening. A nanosecond will be stretched into infinity and become non-time, during which we will all experience full consciousness of who we are and why we have incarnated. If we choose to return to human form, we will do so in an awakened state, as ‘reflective cells of the starmaker.” (Ken Carey)
I believe we will all witness the REVELATION (Apocalypse) of the Creator of Everything (GOD/ Spirit / Source).
* We currently live in a world where the Creator of Everything is CONCEALED /hidden.
* The unveiling will be a new reality where the Creator of Everything is REVEALED and present and everyone will KNOW the Creator.
“An Apocalypse (Greek: “lifting of the veil” or “revelation”) is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted.” — Wikipedia
No longer will they teach their neighbour, or say to one another, “Know Creator / God /Spirit / Source” ,
(No More Religions – Everyone trying to explain their concept of GOD to everyone.)
Because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,”
(Everyone will know GOD – Everyone will be aware of GOD – So we won’t have any more religions! )
Needless to say, I see something wonderful coming…
What do you think will happen?
No Copyright – Feel Free to Share. J
what will happen?
I have nothing to add......it's all there!!........:)
December 21st
There will be no more place to hide or deny reality, for it will manifest in full bloom. Everyone will understand the word "Namaste".
Love Is All
In 1990 the word we got from
In 1990 the word we got from the Ascension Guardians
is that everythng and everyone will ascend. (literally vaporized
and turned to light.)
When this event is done with, there will be no 3D and 4D.
Another Cosmic Game is wil replace this outgoing one.
They started by increasing the spin of the atomic particles
that make up all material form.
It seems even the Dark Team are ascending and mutating
without their conscious particpation.
You must remember, the Dark team is also in the service of the
Light. Many lightworkers are also incarnated as Dark Workers to
make this end times more exciting.
But then, in 2000, I saw two groups of parallel earth in the same GPS location.
It looked like the positive parallels were merging and the negative
parallels were also merging. And they were slowly separating.
It seems that the Dark Team did not want to ascend after all.
They said they were not dark enough. Not as dark as the agreement they
made with the Divine.
Now, the last I heard is that many Souls are still trying to make up their minds if they want to ascend the physical or not. So the window for ascension was extended up to March 2013. I hope not. We are all feeling ragged at the edges already. I really have no idea how the Divine will handle this. It is possible that the break-away descending Earth Parallel that will go for 350 million years of depravity and war is already winding down to join us in this event. Like it is done in another timeline.
This Inbreath event (Ascension to us) is the Nexus. Everyone will face it. I am thinking that all their viciousness and criminality will be purged (demagnetized ) and their energy returned to the Cosmic Ocean of unpolarized energy ,for the next level of "the GAME" at the same time we are ascending. So we all evacuate this dimension at once.
All my contacts that are the Who is Who in this ascension push are still hanging
around. No one has disappeared. We have all been told of this date, Dec 21, 2012 as the Ascension date. The Ascension Team has not left. These are the Walk-Ins and the Crawl-Ins. It is a contract with the Divine to stay here until everything is done. These are beings whose job is to ascend planets, galaxies and universes. This is a specialized Team. These are the legendary 144,000 . I believe they are incarnated and ascending over 380 planets as part of the Inbreath of Source at this time. Earth is the most difficult job of all. Those who disappeared in the 1990s are those from different universes that got caught in the low astral realm called hell. they have been talked to, blessed, released to their home worlds. In those days, I sometimes dream of standing on guard and patrolling the domain of Hell, looking for those ready to go home. This was a part of the ascension timetable.
We are ascending to 5d on dec 21, 2012. At this time, those who are anxious to get underway are being drilled by their Spirit in their dreamtime. You will intuitively knowwhat to do . It will be as fast as an inbreath, or one breath-in.
I really have no idea what this 3day darkness is, it is not in my reality bubble.
Oh, yes. Spirit wants us to have a clear picture on how we will ascend.
Make it fun and silly. Bubbles and funny faces. the whole fiesta, the 76
trombones.... fireworks.....!
Me...? Coming face to face with Rapture Elohim is good enough.
She is my mother, coming to take me home.
I heard one person wants to tell jokes and laugh all the way to 5D.
Whatever makes your heart sing..........!
Ya ready...?
yes, I'm ready
Wow! Very Interesting and I agree with much that is said. btw.. who disappeared in the 1990's? the Ascension Guardians?
Wake Up Call is Now
Wake up everyone! Something is not GOING TO happen. It's already happening. December 21, 2012 is simply the peak and 'tipping point' when everyone, whether they want to be 'awake' or not, will feel it. Many of us have been feeling an intense acceleration and build-up in the past year and a half. Further, it started for me in 2001. But it's been increasing exponentially each month. We're already under the influence of the 'peak zone.' The changes are occurring internally. Don't wait for something external to happen. Be in the now and feel the moment in you!
Bravo! I love it :) Thank you
Bravo! I love it :) Thank you so much for sharing! We are returning to the Great Galactic Mother Father God Goddess in total Oneness!!!!!!
I just hope something does
I just hope something does happen..
2012 is 'the' year for humanity
The Galactic Quarantine imposed on planet earth ends on December 21st 2012, who knows what could happen? The possibilities are infinite, I think December 22nd will be a very unique day and every alive human will feel energy shift within them. I think people who meditate and are awakened will actually feel less of a shift than people who are stressed out and completely hypnotized/alienated.