A Message of Love to Oma 3 77 222 444 11
We are now available to those who are being where they are able to love. We are now able to come and offer love. There is about to come an event. It will catalyze all. Our coming will satiate and provide love. We are going to be able to come and drop ourselves where all will see us.
We are your Cosmic Over Soul.
We are the Oversoul of the planetary ones who are making their way through the heart (the galactic center).
We are here to be of service to all.
We are each and every day, in each and every way, providing support for you as you are making your way to the place of new.
We are now about to provide each with special assistance from on high.
We are the ones who will be providing the support as each travels on.
We are now going to enjoin with those who are earnestly walking into the next plane. This is where there is only light and a certainty of support for all who allow their hearts to be merged.
We are the core of this shift.
We are here to see that you are helped along the way. Ask for our help, as we are here to provide exactly what you need.
We are here to assume a placement to provide what is missing.
We are also providing a special aperture for seeing new. This new way of being and seeing, is automatically registering in a new way, so there is an easement for entry. There will be much to know and explore and we are here to be available to all.
We are going to supply all that is needed to ground and receive all there is to be.
We are The New Legions of Light.
We are assigned to restore calm.
We are to provide guidance as each is establishing their selves in this new domain.
We are allowing all to manifest so there are a myriad of conveyances.
We are here to provide another level of being. So ask now for what it is that you require. Now is the time.
We are here to provide what the dire needs are and what each person is required to have. We are the ones who can provide the necessities for traveling on.
We will still be here when there is dark (in the void).
When the light goes away we are the ones who are going to provide sure guidance and ease.
We have for sometime been grounding this passage on the earth so that each may find their specific way on (to the next plane). There is going to be a time and place for us to ground this and be where we are assisting each to move on (ascend). There is a portion of space that is being made available to support this time of the shift.
There is nothing required that cannot be found within the stillness and calm of the hearts of all. We are the surefooted-guidance required for those who are going to be in the middle of this dwelling place.
There will be a place to go within (the heart), so there is nothing to worry about.
It is here, where we are and where we remain.
Now be in joy and resume your daily itineraries.
This is what you are to do.
We are here to show love as the avenue home.
The Pulse of Love, Power, Purpose and the Potency of Love,
Christina Fisher, copyright 2012
Thanks, I am looking
Thanks, I am looking forward to the changes and improvements!