Outside of my own immediate family I thank God every day for, I am beginning to think I have no friends. It hurts me physically to be around anyone that is so full of hate and judgment - whether its O or anything going on in the world. Every day I spend time in prayer and meditation, and one of the things I ask/give thanks for is meeting others of like mind.
Like many other lightworkers, I am feeling bruised and battered simply for speaking and living my Truth. I am to the point where I don't want to share my thoughts with anyone anymore (outside of my spouse and children) unless it's anonymous and on line. Seems like we are patronized as being blind sheeple, or inexperienced folks who dont' know what it's like to suffer (nothing could be further from the truth). I have always been discerning in who I keep company with, and one knows when certain conversations are meant to occur - sometimes we're the student, and sometimes the teacher, but this is getting ridiculous.
Is anyone else feeling this way?
thank you MotherFatherGod for posting this
And thanks for your reply Phil. I think what's been tough for me is knowing when to just walk away.
In the months leading up to the election, for example, instead of just ignoring certain comments or O hate emails from friends, I would reply thinking this might be a chance to share information nobody has ever shared with them before. Rarely has it been well received, usually it's met with more O hate comments.
I know I am choosing how to spend my energy, and my worldview hasn't changed, the only difference now is I'm more open about it.
Guess any 'friendships' that fall away as a result, aren't true friendships, or are atleast ones we've outgrown.
But do we, or do we not, try to assist others in waking up?
The parting of the ways
Yes I am having to ask for divine help with many of my friends and acquaintances b ecause they seem to be so at odds with my way of looking at things. I have cut off several friends of many years standing lately because of their negativity which is so disturbing.
in recent weeks....
It seems to have grown in intensity -- the negativity from others. Eeeks. I just can't be around it.
i'm feeling the same! I
i'm feeling the same! I cannot be with ppl whose r negative and who make fun about everything that i said about life and light.
it's good to see that i'm not being a bad person..
friendships falling away
Yes, many friends have dissapeared, but I know that its me changing , I don't want to play the social game and waste energy on things that are not important to me, my family have worried about me becoming more isolated. But my interest in nature has grown as a compensation, and I'm sure new friends will emerge when the time is right, I probably spend too much time on the computer, I see it more as a phase we are going through.
Yes it is, I feel the same,
Yes it is, I feel the same, but on the other hand, I keep praying and asking mother and father god to send me the people I need in my life at this time, that have the same compassion for what I love to talk about, and they will start to flow in your life time and time again, and if you do meet someone who argues, will then you know got their attention and they will start to annualize them selfs. You are always met to meet the right people, so maybe your words will help them in some way down the road. But right now their not ready to see the truth.:)
thanks for sharing...
Glad to know I am not alone, and very grateful for online communities like the GP.
You are not alone, my best friend and others as well as my mother and I have parted ways recently.
for the last few days i felt
for the last few days i felt in the very similar way, and that feeling was progressing till today sunset when i was doing sun-gazing and asking for the guidance on that matter, as i had some very negative reactions from my friends (at least i saw them in a negative way at the time). the answer came to me that it is normal happening when shifting from duality into ones, and that all that matters is that i react and response not from my ego, but from my heart. as soon as i realized that no matter what my reaction on some negative behavior would be, the only important thing being that it doesn't come from ego and mind, but from my heart, ever since ALL IS WELL <3
It is part of the process of
It is part of the process of this time to let things fall away that do not resonate, weather it be things, people, groups or situations. And sometimes there is a pause for a while for us to adjust our energy before we start making more resonant connections.
It is healthy for us to honor ourselves and step away from what does not feel right.
I have had to step back from 5 relationships this year in order to treat myself with love and respect. It is not an easy place to be, but it is a good place to be. "To thine own self be true, for then thou cannot be false to any man." Keep up the good work.
What is yours by divine right will come to you in divine timeing, this includes people, places and situations.
Bless You!!! <3
I've been experiencing this
I've been experiencing this for some time now. I believe it is the separation of dimensions. As we stand firmly in our own truth, we must let all else fall away. We are the awakened ones...but we seem to be separated by large distances.....lol....Thank Source for the internet..it keeps me sane..Love and blessings!
I believe also that it is part of the process...feel lucky to have family. I had to cut cords with nearly everyone...if they hadn't walked away from me first. I kind felt like "Job" in the Bible. There were many lessons to learn. It was very painful...but in the letting go... Spirit is there and draws you ever closer...I think this allows a closeness that I don't think that I could have gotten to without the loss of so many of the people I loved. The great thing is that I still LOVE them...in even a more beautiful way. I choose now to not be in their negative energy fields...but send them loving energy. I look to their future when they awake. ALONE=AL ONE SILENT and LISTEN use the same letters!
PEACE 1717
beautifully said!
thanks to ALL for sharing...
I am in total agreement with you.
hello :) yes, and I think
hello :)
yes, and I think everyone is experiencing the same thing for months. I know it's too hard to loose your loved once but for me; when I learned to bless the ones that I let go, then I met totally new friends. And I'm glad :) because the new friendships are real. I mean really real. I feel that my ne friends are the oldest ones actually. We are belong to the same soul group. And this feels good. I suggest letting go and blessing them all. You'll be surprised!
Love :))
yes, unfortunately it seems2
yes, unfortunately it seems2 b happening with my significant other half as well
I have been feeling exactly the same!
It's exhausting to be around other ppl - even my closest friends - that are not of like mind. And I too have been feeling the distance w/my hubby. He thinks I've gone off the deep end and that now I'm a conspiracy theorist and "what's happened to you"? It's all very painful and very lonely and yet I am perfectly happy to be alone and feel that I must be alone on this journey. I don't know how to explain it. My mom and sister - who are also on this incredible journey - want me to try to find a spiritual center close by but most of the ones that I can find are sort of along the lines of organized religion and I just don't resonate with that. I was at the 2012 Scenario conference and if I could find ppl like that here - Los Angeles area - I would jump at the chance to hang out and be. But no such luck ....so far.... I had many conversations with ppl at the conference who are experiencing exactly this. We discovered it's a very lonely time for a lot of lightworkers like us. And a lot of it is by choice as they feel as I do in that they NEED to be alone at this time but aren't really sure why. All the spouses were at home and we were all together bringing in the light and opening the Gates of the City of Light and chatting with Archangel Michael. It was truly an amazing 3 days and the best 3 days of this 3D life. Hang in there all you solo Lightworkers and get ready because there is a lot of work to do to clean up Gaia and help others Ascend so you won't be solo too much longer bc things are starting to happen and they will only pick up speed. Woo Hoo! Love and Light to All!! Heart to Heart Hand to Hand WE ARE ONE!!
Well, these things happen... but the time will come when you will be very happy about the way things turn UP.
Love, Astreia
Its to be expected
I shed all my friends years ago started figuring out I was only friend of convience. Always asked to do favors but never found myself ever needing or asking for any. Then no contact if I moved outta town. Its all good less phone calls less stress. Got me a dog
and she is my best friend now. She never dissapoints and she is a cheap date too. Just order my steaks to go and let her eat off my plate. You will be alright its part of the plan and you will have plenty of friends at the 5d party and wont have to worry bout the integrity of the conversations you have as you mingle around the room.
Oh man i luv this - so
Oh man i luv this - so understand ur point of view and can't wait to have a drink with u at the 5D party lol!!!
We Love You All
We shared many times about what would be happening in this energy. All which is not in the same vibrational frequency begins to move into where you need to be. Also, what is not real will dissolve to make way for the REAL, Nice job Tuna! In The NO matter what we will all be reunited! The New Earth is Manifesting. Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
Is anyone else feeling this way?
My friends left! There is no immediate family either!
However, I give thanks constantly for the fact that I am living and speaking my truth with courage freely. I no longer feel bruised and battered from the old relationships that kept me from being authentic in order to keep them. I don't find myself in many uncomfortable situations either, because I noticed that the individuals that I used to feel that way around seem to avoid me.
I am foming new, like-minded relationships now that there is room for them. It is amazing how when I let go of the attachments, I began to appreciate the connection to everyone and everything.
I trust that eventually, the old relationships will see how well this transformation works for me; and, it may well be the example set for them to begin their own transformations.
I AM NOW in control of my feelings, and I AM Family and Friend!
Namaste, Friend!
"No one has left mother, father, sister, brother or anyone for my sake and has not received them now and in the time to come." ~Jesus
me too
thank you for sharing. you have taken the words out of my mouth. hopefully very soon...........
we shall have the proof and answers which will instantly make us very busy helping others drop their fears. after all we are lightworkers. quot,to bear the ring is to be alone frodo,lol.
love light hope and joy.
love the Frodo quote
Spot on dear friend!
Turn It Around ; )
I too have felt like this, in a way. But something 'snapped' deep inside: I decided I want to face Ascension alone. Just my family and me. But with no one else to 'ruin' the beautiful experience of what is to happen. I just decided that because I like my Vibration Just The Way It Is, thank you very much, and I do not want 'entanglements' to alter it. It is like right before finals, when you realize you have to rest and it is time to put away the books and stop the studying. By the same token, I am feeling 'closer' to people like you and those who responded to this question. Your 'vibrations' are 'more harmonious' with mine.
I also sense a freedom to 'let people choose their path' and am comfortable 'letting them go where I no longer wish to tread'.
I hope this helps. Namaste.
Good point...I like
Good point...I like it...We'll all meet up on the other side of this anyway...Love and blessings!
We are all ascending together. Why would having all of us around "ruin the experience" for you?
But of course you do have free will and if that is what you choose, that will be your experience.
Love, Astreia
Thank you for being open to sharing your losses
This has been happening to me, also. I am so happy that you shared your experience.
I think we have all experienced this over the last year or two in a big way. Friends I have had and loved well for most of my life have fallen away... Some shaking their heads as if I was speaking nonsense when I share the truth with them. They react out of fear of the unknown and misunderstand. It is a form of ignorance. Of IGNORing something of great ImportANCE. I was often ridiculed and actually laughed at as I shared what I felt to be a sense of urgency for understanding what is taking place. Originally I felt saddened by their lack of understanding and somewhat persecuted... but those times have ended. I now realize that as a Lightworker, my path is different than their path. We cannot take it personally when people react to the news this way. We are to plant the seeds and water gently so that when the time does come when no one can deny the events taking place, the ones who have laughed previously will be able to cling to the softly spoken words of comfort and foresight we have given them and they can find a semblance of peace. We choose to forgive those who ridicule us because we can. Because we comprehend why they would behave this way. It IS a lot to contemplate, after all. We love them "through it" and acknowledge that because of lifetimes of conditioning, they have yet to see with their hearts into the vast unknown. That is what we are here for... To anchor in the light and live by example. To aid those who come to us with questions. The days now show so many awakening suddenly and feeling at peace with the changes once they have gotten over the initial shock to the mind and system. The masses are looking up. Soon now, all will be filled with the true light of our Creator. Able to comprehend the enormity of Ascension. Rejoice and be humbled by the glory of it.
As a wise person once said, "Those who dance are thought to be quite insane by those who do not yet hear the music". Soon we will all sing and dance as One, all over the planet. I leave my friends and family who have yet to see, but shall, with this phrase that was given to me during deep meditation. "Do not be afraid. Go gently into it, with humble awareness".
Wow! I'm truly amazed at how
Wow! I'm truly amazed at how many like comments you received on this! Of course, I also feel disconnected from society and finding myself a bit 'bored' of trivial conversations. The funny thing though is that although I have reduced my physical connections to people - I feel more connected than ever! I often find myself just 'resting' on the energy grid and waiting for that special moment so many feel coming.
Yeap. Family, friends. Yep.
Yeap. Family, friends. Yep. Cant be around negagive people, places or things for too long. Makes me feel like I am getting sick. Sorry if they dont understand. Too many people to Love. Need to maintain maximum Love and Light levels.
Love Nageeta
Nageetah, you know how much I love you. But I must disagree with your statement "Too many people to Love." We just have to open our hearts larger and larger so we can love more and more people.
Thank you for all your lovely comments here and elsewhere.
Love and blessings, Astreia
I sure do... Being in the
I sure do...
Being in the military and having little choice, as I am under contract for some time, I am surrounded by negativity... I used to have so many friends, and I still do... The friendships you make in the military never really go away. I will always be there for them, and them me. However, I used to have a hard time divying up my free time to spend with all of my friends and now it is simple.
I only have two friends left that I can be around socially without feeling "drained." The two I do hang out with think I am crazy, but they eminate a positive energy that I find peaceful vice life-sucking, if you know what I mean. They know my thoughts on the times we live in and it doesn't seem to bother them. Moreover, I know when more tangible events begin to occur I will be the first person they want to get ahold of.
My other friends I have had to just "let go" of. Within minutes of being in their presence I just feel irritated and angry and weighted down. We still talk on occasion but I just can't be around them for very long. I have thought long and hard about trying to present all of this to them but my heart tells me that it just wouldn't be received... long story short.
So, that was probably TMI but, yes, I know how you feel. Peace, JKB
thank you for sharing JKB
And thank you for your service, not just to the military, but Gaia! I"m sure there are others of like mind in the military you have yet to meet. And you are right, the friends you have now will remember your words and be reaching out to you to learn more in due time.
Light & Blessings...
And thank you too, light and
And thank you too, light and blessings to you and yours. Please don't think that all military are just dumb jocks that can bench press 500lbs and can't wait to kill something... Some are but a lot are not. I love Mother Gaia and all of her creatures and I don't want to do this (military) anymore...
I just dropped early retirement papers a few weeks ago... not that it will matter anyway! It is just that I have been doing this for 15 years and have only been awake for the last 4. Moreover, I am still under contract for another year and a half.
I figure, no matter what happens with ascension, it is time for me to go do something else. However, I am married and I can't just "quit" when I'm under contract and have responsibilities, so... Either way, we are all going to be just fine. Love, light and peace my friends! JKB
military is close to home here too
And I have nothing but respect for them. My father (lifetime Marine), uncle, and husband are all veterans. Husband is awake and father is one of the few in my birth family I can talk to about all of this. Sometimes I think it's one of the reasons out of all my siblings that I live closest to my folks (after years of being the farthest away). I am the only voice sharing these things with them. Mom still thinks I'm crazy but that's okay.
JKB - the rest of your tour will fly by, and I'm sure you will go where Gaia needs you most!
We are exactly where we are supposed to be
JKB, it honor and respect your honesty and can completely understand where you are coming from. I've struggled with feeling alone, having moved to a new state, away from what's left of my family and friends/support groups. I was living my purpose and was surrounded by like minded people, but my husband was given an offer we could not refuse! lol! I looked forward to the change, always open for new opportunities but once here, I felt lost and alone. My whole world crumbled and I lost my identity as I knew it. I'm in an area that is surrounded by military/government (near DC) and the energy is very harsh. After constantly asking Spirit, "WHY AM I HERE?", I've come to the conclusion that when we carry a light or higher vibration, we are sometimes moved to an area that needs us to shine our light to bring people out of the darkness. It's lonely when you're walking in the dark, carrying the torch, but we do have to remember that we volunteered for this mission, long before we came here. We are never alone. We are always surrounded by our guides, angels and lovedones who have passed on before us. And we are blessed to have venues like this where we can find like-minded people to share our experiences with. My point is that you are EXACTLY where you need to be. You are the light that shines bright and you are affecting far more than you can ever imagine!!! Much love and light, dear Brother!
We are...
And to you, my friend.
As I read your message I was going to share something with you, but you have already figured it out, as evidensed by the title of your message. For whatever reason, as there must be 1000 better quotes to support this, I will never forget what was said in the first Wall Street movie... The scene where Charlie Sheen, or his character, just got busted and the old, wise broker put his arm around him and walked him down the hall before getting arrested... It made little sense to me at the time I first saw that movie, but it makes perfect sense to me now...
"Son, when a man stares into the abyss, and he sees that there is nothing looking back at him, that's when he finds his character." ... or something close to that.
At any rate, moving to an unfamiliar area is tough. Moving to a new city where you know that no one there cares whether you exist or not, or even knows or cares who you are. Feeling alone and isolated... That is hard. But, as I'm sure you know, going through that makes you stronger. One gets to know oneself when you have to endure and fight your way through that experience. So, kudos to you friend!
You are where you are supposed to be, just as I am and everyone else in here. The difference is that you know you are not alone. You have our star brothers and sisters, our ascended masters, all of us in here... We are all one and it sounds like you have grasped all of the above. I believe we will all be seeing each other here real soon, whether in person or in spirit or as pure light or energy. I can't wait. So, Love, Light, and Peace to you, which is really all of us.... JKB
Bless you all, beautiful souls
I am in tears over the Love, Light and support here.
Shining Love and Light right back!
I feel everyone. It's like
I feel everyone. It's like were in the same room together chatting...Hey...we are! (happy happy) Love to all..
loosing friends? im going to be SOLO?alone?
Your not alone, I have been going through what i call my life changes and feeling so alone but in a weird way so Happy:) weird perhaps I am the social bee and that person that had an Entourage at all time, and today because of my way of looking at things , stepping away , from those people I dont see eye to eye and dont agree with being mean or critical. I have been slowly loosing my friend but by choice only because i decides I deserve better , I treat people how i feel, I should be treated and if you can value me , I simply step away... I also have received critisim for sharing what , I have been sharing lately , I've for the last 3 years being seeing Hearts so I shared them , to me i see it as sharing the Love and have taken them to 3 Art exhibit and so happy in doing so , I feel its like a message , a special message of love, but all i have been receiving some bad things from it but my way of thinking is that out of those 10 people I share my hearts to and my message and only 1 can truly understand and I receive a good feed back then to me ive done what this message is about... <3 We need to share our messages and not give up just because we have some people that dont agree , Ive had too much bad in my life that at this moment the hearts are my rewards that are being sent to me and I am sharing them. All I can say Im so glad that those peole that I have dropped from my list of friends give me double the room to add to the list and the new ones that will have mutual value. keep going because its only going to get better for us and more for sharing the love<3
Please check out those hearts<3
I invite you to visit my new site ♥ of hearts and if at any time you want to share your hearts you find ♥ pls do so, we love to see how everyone interprets their hearts and if you like , pls give us a Like! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Artistica-Amor-Love-Artist/425179450859680
Wow! We've all planted many,
Wow! We've all planted many, many seeds of light along the way to many people who could not hear and could not see. But be prepared folks...because when things go (come) down, our phones will be ringing off the hook...and those people will be knocking at our front doors.
Followers of what I teach
Yes, plenty of them, I am not leader, just teach.
Family and friends, the only left that can even tolorate my close relationship with That bearded Guy in the sky that they just know is gonna kick my little arss when He gets me Home just before he tosses me into the "buring flame of fire" that Johhny Cash spoke of what I call "Lucifers lack of Light lounge."
They are praying for me, thank God, as I am for them.
David Porter
Author of the series
Actually, that "burning ring of fire" that Johnny Cash sang was about his love for June Carter Cash. It was written during the time that she was insisting that he give up addictions.... and he was able to do so because of their love. When he sang "it burns burns burns" he was speaking of his desire to be with her, while she demanded that he "get clean" first.
I do not at all get what you are saying about "Lucifer." In some nations, that word simply means a match, for lighting candles or cigarettes.
What exactly do you teach - briefly, please.
Love, Astreia
I feel ya!
Most definitely. This started for me when my awakening began 5 years ago. Some how I stuck around with a lot of my current friends at the time since I noticed there was still parts of me and other karmic things going on that I was still drawn into. Now, within the last year or so, things are falling away in a much more permanent way, like my time with them is complete. But I am so grateful for their companionship through out the years and I just think about how at one time, we connected so well, it's just that I let in the light in gigantic quantities, cleared out ALOT of junk from my being, and have risen in frequency quite substantially to the point where my true self is beginning to burst forth, there just isn't any room for negativity in my life anymore. When I am with them there is basically silence, can't talk about anything because I can't "play along" anymore with their view points...no connection..they sense it too though. I am fortunate enough to have "turned" 2 friends in the right direction and they are beginning to awaken. We have wonderful conversations on these things...I happen to be their "teacher" although I don't presume to be all knowing. I do feel a powerful calling to teach others and I feel that these 2 friends are "practice" for what's to come. And come it will! Looking forward to finally mingling with all of you, so excited! Be well everyone, and enjoy the calm before the storm! :) btw, I was picturing myself the other day handing out Ascension Consultant cards to people saying call me anytime I know things are quite confusing right now but I am on this planet at this time to assist. I also picture myself being an ET liason here in my community helping to welcome them to town! OK, so my remaining ego likes to run with this a bit.. lol :)
Thank God that there are
Thank God that there are others who get it! Thank you for the sense of relief!
I resonate with your post. I
I resonate with your post. I have felt like this my whole life, to be honest. When I make friends, it is short lived. I feel misunderstood all of the time. Currently, I have no friends. My husband is the closest person to me and my children, of course. It seems as though, I am pushing people away. I am easily taken advantage of by people, when I do try and open up. I am guarded and very sensitive to other people's energies.