We Are All One
I am feeling Incredible gratitude for minimal loss of life, coupled with deep compassion for those whose losses are more than can be imagined. I am touched by the unexpected kindness and generosity from strangers. In the multi-dimensional world, we are all ONE; we are learning to live with this as our truth.
Symptoms are Energetic as well as Physical
I, or those around me, were ill in body, mind and energy at the storm's destruction and devastation... Some were dizzy, turned around, spinning with confusion and incomprehension. How could this be happening? How will we cope? Others rejected the required changes; they developed flu-like symptoms and, unable to digest the magnitude of what must be transformed, they attempted to vomit up the destruction and the unknown.
I developed a a deep body-racking cough that seemed to get worse and worse each day. I knew I was attempting to cough up the old, the negative, the non-serving, the detritus and the systems of the past that no longer work to make space for the new that I cannot even imagine... I coughed and coughed and finally moments after I heard that the power had been turned on in my NY apartment (I have been staying with my son in CT), something released, and I was finally able to clear my lungs. Gradually over the next few hours, the coughing subsided and my energy began to return. A coincidence, you ask? Perhaps in some purely physical, three dimensional world, it would be considered so. In the multi-dimensional world, I believe that in coughing, I had balanced all that could be balanced for this moment in time, and my body released. Who, among you, has experienced any of these symptoms?
I experienced and observed endless insomnia, alternating with the desire to sleep and sleep. On the surface, it seems we were either avoiding the reality outside by snoozing our way through the storm or we were too disturbed by that reality to sleep, but from a multi-dimensional perspective, there is more. Some of those who could not sleep were working energetically to balance the energies of change and our human emotions. While working out in the ethers, there is little or no energy to remain asleep. And, for those who felt like there were moments when they had sleep apnea and could not stay awake, I believe you were just plain energetically exhausted from the process of maintaining energetic balance as best you could. Was your inner energy worker involved in this way?
And then... the power was restored...the lights went on, the water began to recede, help arrived, the enormous storm clean-up began. We now begin to rebuild, restore, regenerate, renew. For some, life will never be the same; for others, deep lessons have been learned.
We are in the midst of an energetic evolution
This was way more than a hurricane...Sandy was a reflection of the deep, paradigm-shifting transformation, sweeping the planet clean, demanding that we dig deep and make the necessary changes to insure the planet and all her beings awaken; we cannot continue to keep our eyes closed and go on as we were before. We are in the midst of an energetic evolution, my friends. Our old ways are as antiquated as an outgrown shoe, and as unwelcome in the newly emerging world as dinosaurs would be.
Treat physically, think energetically:
What are we to do? I have no simple answer. I believe we must become aware and responsive to the energetic changes. As we are still physical beings in physical bodies, we must respond to the physical situations, protect and care for our homes, environments, and bodies physically while simultaneously, we must think of the experiences energetically. I was ill and not ill. My symptoms were physical as well as energetic. Recovery and evolution demand we pay attention to both.
Planet Earth in 2012 and beyond
We must look beyond our physical surroundings for signs of truth and energetic guidance as to how to be. We must be humane to our sister and brother humans. We must recognize and accept that something very big and very powerful is happening here on Planet Earth in 2012 and beyond. It is the unfolding of a whole new way of being.
Conscious Evolution
This is not a time for fear and withdrawal; it is a time of gratitude. Never before has humanity had conscious awareness of its own evolution. We do. Let’s make sure we don't resist, become brittle and snap or fall like the trees in the storm, but rather let us awaken, sway and bend and become the new species on earth. I call this new species, Homo Energeticus, for this newly emerging human is not only a thinking being (Homo Sapiens), but a fully aware energetic one who is able to 'read' (sense/feel) and learn from the unseen messages in the winds and frequencies around us. We have just been through a huge portal; let us be kind and gentle to ourselves as we adapt to the changes that are unfolding.*
*I believe this interpretation is valid for all beings everywhere on planet earth. The eastern seacoast of the United States experienced this storm physically, but the entire world watched, witnessed its power and was effected energetically by the changes it triggered.For more information, help and assistance navigating this change visit Transformation Energetics.
HOMO ENERGETICUS. Wow, that sounds very very powerful.
Love Nageeta
Sitting in the midst of it all...
I have to say that for the 9 days we were without power I felt tremendous waves of love and light coming into us from all our earthly friends who were praying over us and sending us their light. I also felt it from beyond and below, but my focus had to be on the physical aspects of keeping warm, tending my family and I then felt a strong gratitude and connection to those living in our ancestral world who lived life day to day with the actual struggles of survival and I understood much more strongly how change in spirit at that time was so difficult because the physicality was so finite and thick. I feel tremendous gratitude for the time in my life that I can spend focused on my energy, the energy around me and loving and caring for Gaia as well.
For me the issue was not so much illness as a deep sense of clenching and pain which I worked to release as best I could. I know part of that is a cleansing of my old paradigm of illness but much of it was the filtering through of the energy of desperation surrounding us. I knew I was safe and since I have worked daily with my trees that encircle and guide us I knew they were all safe as well and that made me happy. Little things like a warm cup of tea made over a candle stove were immense joys and I did my best to focus on all the little moments of joy these things brought and the love and support of our neighbors as we came together as a family to help each other.
I look forward with amazement and awe at a future that is unknown but welcomed and I thank everyone for the love and light they are sending and continue to send not only to humanity but all beings and the earth as we reclaim our birthrights. Namaste and Homo Energeticus, Homo Spiritus whatever the name, I embrace myself as a being in kind.