Unusual Anomalies Caught on Film. Quasi-Dimensional Entities?

glr_Andrea's picture


Unusual Anomalities...

Ra-Raela's picture

The first thing I thought of when I saw this, was fairies and pixies. They look just like Tinkerbell, in Peter Pan. Perhaps they were helping you to balance yourself.


Jazz's picture

vortexes too can be seen on film. I thought it was just me.


When I analyzed for the first time what I was trying to capture on film for the FBI(the drug tunnel in SAN DIEGO) [the tapes of which is floating around Long Island somewhere] I noticed when I removed myself from the frame and watched the film, it appeared as if the lights in the room were flickering. Theres a movement, an appirition effect to the compression on the tape. Now this is HI8, not some generic BETAMAX, so there is detail.


HI8 captures a lot. Its what the industry uses for motion picture production, NAVY ships use it for closed caption replaying of Movies, right from the [MPAA] industry. These are authorized (LOANS).


At first I thought I was seeing things.. and then I really saw things. The camera loses focus, focuses on these effects[on RAW film,unedited] , then refocuses on where I had the camera pointed.This is B-roll and Im seing portals and ghostly effects on film.


I wish I still had the tapes, I had to leave them behind when I left for SAN DIEGO, and Ive only seen my friend for about 5 minutes since.