Advice on focusing on breathing

birdmandmr's picture

Hey, I've been trying to focus on my breathing for a little while now and can't seem to figure it out. I'm really just looking to focus on the breath in its most natural state but I ususally end up forcing the breath and it creates tension. Any advice on on what I should i be doing mentally or physically before doing this and others ways to attain this? I'm hoping to use it to be in moment more often and to help minimize stress to keep me going throughout the day. 


Im sorry that you are having

Nageetah IsRaeL arit NZinga's picture

Im sorry that you are having problems with your breathing behavior. I, too, had some problems at first. I hope this helps you.


 Do a search on this website for WOW THE PLANET IS LIGHTENING UP via the Galactic Free Press, posted by FatherMotherGod. Click on the link HOW TO OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE AND AWAKEN YOUR PINEAL GLAND: TWO SIMPLE PRACTICES.


If that does not help you out, get back with me and I will do more research for you.


Love Nageeta

Hi Love,   I think the breath

Guest's picture

Hi Love,


I think the breath is light.  As you become aware of your breathing pattern, you become more living light, and as you become more living light, you enlighten the body.  You enlighten it to the degree necessary to lift more light to your entire Being, the Being, which includes All of God.  You are God's entire Being. We are together the entire whole Self of God I Am.  It is so important, to remember to allow the breath to flow easily, as the body directs the energy to where it needs to flow.  Don't try to force the energy.  Allow the energy.  Allow the breath in and breathe slowly, rhythmically.  The body is housed by God's very body, and as you meditate more and more, you lift more and more light to the entire body of God.  This makes the breathing come faster and in more rapid succession, as one re-members the whole body of God to the self of one.  As we re-member, we create a living life that lifts all love to the body of one in light, in love. When we come to the whole Self in unison we come to the body of All as life in love for all life. 


All life breathes the same flow of Oneness as one comes into the awareness of the entire Self of God.  All life will breathe easier as all coming into the awareness of the entire Being of God create one breath of life that lives in all bodies of God's one Body.  One Body of many bodies lives in light and the breath naturally becomes living light for all to live, for all to breathe as the breath of Life in one love.  you can try to focus but trying to focus is something that sometimes counter acts what will become naturally easier as you simply meditate more and more.  I wouldn't worry about it.  i am experiencing greater and greater breath now as I meditate more often and drink coffee less lol and I feel God's presence more and more as I breathe more and more.  The breath is getting more rhythmic now and I am trying to allow God to just show me what to do next.  The soul always knows more than me and knows how to show me everything, including breathing.  Let the soul show you.  It will.  God seems to direct my breath for me, which is good because I don't know what I'm doing half the time Lol 


Love, Love, Love to you.  Here is a breath for you from the Great Central Sun Hi Hi Hi Ha Ha HA He He He Ho Ho Ho Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii He


Love, Love, Love to you,




ps. Those symbols are inbreath and outbreath of God and Goddess in God Code.  Hi is inbreath.  Ho and He are outbreath.  Hi Ho Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Us 'bird people' seem to have

TruthBeTold's picture

Us 'bird people' seem to have this in common. Watch our feathered friends/family for insight on how to just BE. We breathe as they do. As I'm typing this, a few are just outside the door, giving advice and their 'two chirps worth' :-)

Breathe into your heart....

Kestrela's picture

I found myself having the same trouble. The solution came when I was listening to a teleseminar: visualize your heartspace, and 'intend' that instead of breathing into your lungs, you are breathing into your heart.  When I remember to do this, I find myself breathing freely, and am soon transported into a place of expansion and calm.

It also increases my 'love quotient' almost instantly!

Hope this helps.