Today in Australia, (tomorrow in the USA), is the birthday of an angel and we are getting the present! My first born son, who is older and oh so much wiser than I was when he was born, has written a love letter to the world. Enjoy this, share this and send some of your own love light “down under”. He would like that. it's after midnight, i'm 28 now, and i love you. i don't care who you are. i don't care what your name is, what you look like, where you live, or what you've done with your life so far. i love you because it's a choice, because it's my god-given right to do so, because it's up to me to decide to exercise the power of my heart, or not. i love you because i choose to. not because i know you, not because i think you're great, not because i think i'm great, but because we're all in this together. we are not separate. humanity's repetitive cycle of self-inflicted pain is not happening to someone else, it is happening to all of us, right now. i love you because i choose to, because i know that once enough of us make that choice, the cycle will be broken. that's all it takes. you do not have to be special, or amazing, because you are special, and amazing. you do not have to have money, or do something else first. all we have to do is embrace the ever-ready always-accessible omnipotent strength living within us, and, from there, embrace the world. love. choose to love. be nice, be kind, be gentle. help each other, ask how we're doing, find ways to make today nicer than yesterday. i love you because i choose to, because i know that once enough of us make that choice, the cycle will be broken, because that's how it works. love bursts all confines which would constrain it, love nourishes every starving soul suckled at it's breast, love restores faith to every weary person beaten down by the pain of separation. this is what love does, this is how it works, and this is how our world will evolve. along the path of love lies the true journey of human evolution - we do not evolve with gadgets, or with money. we do not evolve with undersea explorations, outerspace sojourns, or genetic tinkering. we do not evolve through sport, or music, or art, not through poetry, dance, meditation, or metaphysics. each of these, insomuch as they are a conduit for the creative expression of love, may serve as an avenue for our evolution but the mold is not the essence, the waterjug is not the water, and an empty glass will not quench our thirst. it is love which imbues anything and everything with sacred potency, love which invests life itself with meaning. i love you because i choose to, because i know that once enough of us make that choice, the cycle will be broken, because that's how it works. i love you because we have spent enough time investigating what does not work, and we are ready now to move on to what does. i love you because i have spent enough time investigating what does not work, and i am ready, now, to move on to what does. come with me. happy birthday, love. |
i love you too dear brother as i love my self, as i love all.
happy birthday in every moment
Happy Birthday
YaY I Love my Letter.. Thank You for sharing your son's Letter to me. tell him I Love Him and You :) :) :) :) :)
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this letter,
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this letter, and Your Dear Beautiful Heart and Spirit along with the Beautiful Soul that birthed you ;) May that Love you shared and continue to share multiply a thousand fold to all thw other Beautiful Souls sharing this experience, and then return back to you infinity...on Your Birth Day and forevermore.. AMEN AMEN AMEN AND SO IT IS, WITH LOVE - Anna Lena ps I LOVE YOU TOO ;) SMILE your beautiful!