UFOs - Rational Explanation Wanted - CNN Raw Footage from the TV [Serious Responses only Please]

glr_Andrea's picture


Pubblicato in data 15/nov/2012 da Suspicious0bservers

All this footage is of CNN at the beginning of the 11:00am EST news hour with Ashley Banfield.

Serious responses only please, this is CNN footage not some chum faking lens flares and post editing.

...I get one freakin day off and they drop this on me.




Soaring Shadow Hawk's picture

I'm not sure what your wanting an explanation for? It looks like your looking at 3 T.V's and trying to combine them as tho UFO's have attacked people and bengazi?


Our galactic family is here in full force and no staged events will be allowed, so relax and enjoy the beauty of the shift instead of the imagined fears of the unconscious.



Maybe you got a

glr_Andrea's picture

Maybe you got a mis-interpretation of his request, we have followed him for a long Moment Now and he never was in fear and on the opposite is one of those telling others not be caught in fear. He's just asking and the different tv you see were put there to cut One footage into pieces to show it separately. It happens :-)


Guest's picture

Can someone explain to me how we in 3D can see a UFO that belongs to 
benevolent ET'S  that are of a much higher vibration then we are if we do not have our third eye working. Surly these so called UFO sightings must therefor belong to 3D ET's maybe our own Military you know the ones that go all over the world killing women and children in the name of peace.

Ok so today I'm a little pissed off I'm pissed off at governments that are using our Tax dollars
to fund killing machines while there are people living on the street.