Spiritual Bliss Through The Perception Of Unity In Oneness

glr_Andrea's picture

Thanks Lucas


So glad you enjoyed my video.

Michael Timpa's picture

It's great to see my video here on your site. i appreciate your likes, shares, subscriptions and uploads. Help share this message with anyone who might appreciate it. Namaste!

BRilliant video, thank

glr_Andrea's picture

BRilliant video, thank you!

It's nice to feel we're all enjoying the ride together!

Love YOU

re: "Spiritual Bliss Through The Perception of Unity in Oneness"

Michael Timpa's picture

This message has been trying to find an avenue out since it changed my life. Seeing Oneness was like slipping a puzzle-piece of higher truth into its place near the top of an incomplete "pyramid shaped" model of reality, a piece just slightly below "God is." Once it clicked into place, so many incomplete portions or unknowns further down within the main body of understanding were automatically resolved and completed. Concepts like time, space, polarity, potentiality, causality, purpose, destiny, challenge, relationship, separation... all collapsed as illusion into the reality of Oneness and the connection between EVERYTHING was the only thing left and is God, The Source. We are like sparks of one eternal flame. Before I was shown this, I suffered much confusion that manifested in anxiety and depression. This realization was my cure because living out of it seemed to change the world from my new perspective when the only thing that was changed was my understanding of, and reaction to it. I hope this message arrives at the right time for anyone that might be in that place. Thanks again for sharing it! Visit my You Tube channel for many more videos with much more to say. Love and Light to you ALL!





My new video

Michael Timpa's picture



If you liked my first video, you'll enjoy my second as well. It's not as flashy but contains priceless information with music chosen to open the heart to the message it carries. I recommend headphones for your first viewing.


A friend channeled the information in 2004 and I transcribed it into a digital format from his hand written journal for him. It wasn't meant to come out until now and it will be in my upcoming book "The Oneness Factor" I made this video as the first format to share it with the world.


If you like it and any other of my videos, please help me share it/them by posting the links everywhere! Post it here on Soundofheart, share it, upload it, comment on it if you're moved to do so and subscribe to my you Tube channel "theonenessfactor1111". There you'll find many great videos with much food for thought. Your help to promote this will bear much fruit for the One we all are.


With much gratitude, love and light,






astreia's picture

This video created great joy for me.

Love, Astreia