Monsanto Found Guilty In France For Chemical Poisoning : French Court Rules Against Monsanto

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Politcal Vel Craft – Monsanto Found Guilty In France For Chemical Poisoning : French Court Rules Against Monsanto 







French courtrules against Monsanto in a groundbreaking, chemical poisoning case:

Monsanto Guilty! And this time it’s not a public verdict, it’s a legal verdict! Is this possible? Well, you can see for yourself.

  1. Monsanto Declared Worst Company of 2011

And the winner is an ordinary French farmer who suffered the consequences of inhaling “Lasso” Pesticide. A small win but it isn’t bad for a start because getting a pharma giant like Monsanto to answer for their wrongs can be a pretty herculean task for the naïve farmers.

Looking into the details of the case, the farmer who  moved against Monsanto for LIFELONG neurological damage caused after inhaling the
pesticide Lasso was able to prove the adverse effects it had on him after continuously being exposed to the pesticide for a certain period of time. He  inhaled the active ingredient alachlor present in the pesticide way back in  2004 and started experiencing side effects which slowly manifested themselves in the form of persistent memory loss, headaches and stuttering

Lyon’s French court’s ruling has indeed surprised many but without a doubt, it is being seen as a
welcome move.  Though the U.S’ EPA has taken down the maximum contaminant level goals (MCLG) for alachlor to zero after looking at the health issues that can be caused from inhaling it, the manufacturers such as Monsanto hardly paid a thing to these victims. The result
– Monsanto is not only proclaimed as guilty but also has to pay the farmer adequate monetary compensation for causing permanent damage to this health.

  1. Monsanto
  2. Russia Kicks Out Monsanto 2012: Russia Kicks Out Rothschild 2006 ~ Obama Ushers In Monsanto VIA ‘North American Union’ Ploy 2011
  3. 80% Of Obama Farm Bill Going To Food Stamps: Thats $770 Billion [Charged To Tax Payers] & Then Diverted To Companies Like Monsanto!
  4. Hungary Throws Out Monsanto AND The IMF
  5. Vatican Refuses Socialist Pressure To Support Monsanto Genetically Modified Foods: Pope benedict XVI Condemned GMOs As A Scheme To Serve And To Enrich Multinational Corporations.
  6. Will Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin Support Deadly Monsanto Or The 90% Of Vermont People Who Want Monsanto Organisms Labeled?
  7. Pre-Emptive Strike By Piece Of Shit Republican Jack Kingston To Federally Promote & Protect A Deadly Killer On July 23rd: Monsanto Ushered Into Our Food Chain By Corrupt Politicians! Take State Action!
  8. Killer Cults: Obama USA & Harper Canada ~ Deregulates International Borders For Streamlining Monsanto GMO Foods That Are Linked To Organ Failure.
  9. Poland Announces Nation Wide Ban On Monsanto’s Genetically Modified Corn: Causes Organ Damage!
  10. Nation Of Hungary Destroys All Deadly Monsanto GMO Corn Fields: While Obama ‘Streamlines And Harmonizes’ Monsanto GMOs Into America With Canada.

There’s another side to the story as well. Paul Francois, the vindicated farmer, in a statement to Reuters, said– “I am alive today, but part of the farming population is going to be sacrificed and is going to die because of (alachlor).”

Herein crops up the question – is one court ruling enough? Even though it’s not,  at least it’s a start for the farmers’ war against chemical poisoning that is so blatantly ignored by honchos like Monsanto and their political and corporate supporters who aim at driving up profits
at the cost of millions of innocent lives.

First lady Michelle Obama gestures as she speaks at a Let’s Move event with children from Iowa schools, Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012, at the Wells Fargo Arena in De Moines, Iowa, during her three day national tour celebrating the second anniversary of Let’s Move. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

  1. Monsanto GMO Claims Made For Children’s’ School Book Are Laughable: Bill Gates Applauds!
  2. Monsanto Michelle: Mrs. Obama’s 2nd-Term Agenda ~ ‘Impact Nature of Food in Grocery Stores’
  3. Banker’s NWO Monsanto: Kills Girl With GMOs ~ Kidneys Fail.

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Monsanto Found Guilty In France

Ra-Raela's picture

I aplaud the French people and their court system for stepping up to the plate. At the same time I found the connections between President Obama and his wife, to Monsanto, deeply disturbing. This is supposed to be an enlightened soul. I find his association and catering to this company distasteful and frankly, very disappointing. This man is knowingly helping  a company to poison the population. WHY? He should be taking steps to ban it, not to make it more powerful. It boggles the mind.

Come on America!  You need to

constance voutsikakis's picture

Come on America!  You need to step it up and quit lying in bed with Monsanto. If government is necessary, should it not be there to protect its people.