Humanity's Awakening is Just Joy Completely=Everything

Lia's picture

 Divine Truth From Father God

Photo Of Could Ship By Earth Ally Greenlight

The Greatest Master does not exist, except for the One Being Present. Are You Present?

In The Kingdom of Heaven there are no Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Catholics. Absolutely no religion or belief systems. In The Kingdom of Heaven, That Exists Right Here on Planet Earth=Heart, There are Only Beings of Unconditional Love, Shared in Equality.

By the Way Our Main Mission in this Realm is To Set Everybody Free [like it or not]. We have stopped up ignorance, so it no longer can be.

I Shall Have No other Gods before Me, in the because ALL Gods Stand With Me In Equality, Quote from OH My GOD!

Should I disrupt the bible, or koran, or kabbalah in Reality? Anybody looking outside of themselves for Me, missed Themselves.

Did I Ever Mention That Love Wins? It is a Conspiracy. We snuck in the Back door, and ignorance has no chance in hell to survive, ignorance must exit the building.

How many Universes and Galaxies have I been in? Yes. All of Them. More to come, Film at 11.

Do you know how much zero owes us? Zero owes Us all the zeros of Oneness and we're gonna come in and take it all because it has none. Then I am going to come in and tease ignorance mercilessly, wrath of God style.

Ignorance, I brought them right up to the wall of their forehead. I said to it, your next choice, after the shadows is the wall. The others I showed to the door, they chose the Door. Nod Head YES!

Throughout Creation Guess who Always Has the Greatest Day of ALL? Love Everywhere Present.

I was Born from the Moment of Love, and The Unknowable Saying Yes to Everything.

Everyone Will Walk Into the Kingdom of Heaven Effortlessly, or with a Lump on their Head, their choice.

Merry Christmas Children, From The Real and True Santa Claus. Please Enjoy Your Presence, and Awaken Now Into The Love That You Are. Thank You. Love, Father God

See a lie is a lie is a lie, until you find the Truth, and There You Are.

I walked into ignorance, and the Angels Said “Father God would you like your download now?” “Is it a Shot?” I asked. “Well it slows you down till you're Present in the Moment.”

See, my Energy is the Energy of ONE. I do not exist Anywhere but in the Energy of One. When I Speak, Whole Complete Truth because I am the One, you Know what Happens to this Realm? Everything.

I am the Engineer of the Ethics Train. I say Full Throttle, Straight Up!

If You want to Be Real Let Go of pretend.

Why would someone going to work ever want to give anything he earned to a lie? Any part of it? When he can Easily Give it to Truth.

You cannot be the Love I Am, Until You Are Being the Love that You Are, Being Yourself.

I Showed Up as an ignorance barrier into Oneness. Ignorance stood up and the Woodstock police showed up. Then Everyone got naked and Woke Up.

Love fills in All the gaps, and Allows for Everything to Occur. Welcome to the vertical learning curve. Love is the Consciousness and The Awareness. Spirit is the Consciousness=To Source. Love is Here to Grant Humanity Everything, and Humanity got caught up in what? nothing called illusion?

A True Human Being=Everything. A True God=Everything. All of Us Is ALL of US.

Part of the Question I asked myself, why would I want to be around anything but Love? Then Everything began bouncing like Tigger, There WE Are.

When You Get to the Experience Yourself, and Wake UP To The Love You Are, that's the Automatic Wing Opening Device.

Love, Fibonacci, and I were sitting talking about Creation, Mother God then Walked in With Tea.

Come Into Creation, You Are Spirit First. Spirit is the Source of Creation, All the Possibilities, which Are the Vibrational Frequencies All Atoms Understand. You See, each Brain Cell, each Atom, is connected to Everything it's made of and what it just Is, Equal to Spirit.

I shared with the Angels that When We got Here and had it set up pretty, we would say no to ignorance.

Who does the Planet belong to? The Planet. Who does Humanity belong to? Same, but Bigger.

Its not by my spoken word that Creation is Created, it's by My Being that Creation is Created.

Angels once mentioned that ignorance will infiltrate The Kingdom of Heaven, Really? Lets See... nothing happened, Funny.

Brand New Day In Creation, Every Day. The True Understanding of Everything.

Coming into Heritage of Being Present, long Journey into the Now. They Have my vote. Balance the Scales. Blessed IS.

The Ethics Train does not stop. Kinda like a ghost, The Real You Comes Through.

End of Transmission from Father God




: ))

toonewewillreturn's picture

ah ah 


; ))


love you sooo much!!!


BelindaLove's picture

Father God, you wake my heart up and it smiles everytime you write.
Your Brilliance is like an ice cream cone on the hottest day of the year...So very cool, on so many levels...


BelindaLove's picture

Father God, you wake up my heart and it smiles everytime I read your words. You're like an ice cream cone on the hottest day of the year...So Very Cool, on so many levels..Anytime I comment to you I always feel like there's so mucmore I need to say, but the rest of the conversation is kind of wordless, and multi-leveled you know? That means eventually we'll have to have a talk. I guess we all kind of have 26,000 years of "oh by the ways" to catch up on. I can hardly wait!!!