1-2-13 Bill Ballard ~ Intense Higher Vibrational Energies are Incoming Today ~

Lia's picture

woke this morning to some major increases in the energy/LIGHT incoming. WOW! THis is pretty intense even for me. Several conversations with friends this morning prompted the subject of todays video which is witnessing the transition of so many into their multi dimensional states of being. As long as they hold on to what they knew and the old paradigm, as well as those persons who are not currently choosing to switch because of their unawakened state of being, things will be difficult. To release the shore and flow downstream and going with the flow is my advice coming from personal experience. I totally had to leave the situation I was in when I shifted to living fully in 5D, and out of the old way of being I was used to... I feel for you all who are going through that now. It is a difficult time. Sending LOVE!


Intense Higher Vibrations-Bill Ballard

Ra-Raela's picture

This video really resonated with me, on many levels. I, too, felt guided to let go of certain belief systems, that did not resonate with me any longer. And yes, I had a magic moment, yesterday. I have had dreams of a little bird landing on my finger. During the time when I had to explain to my coven group, that I had to leave them, I had to go outside, to make a phone call.  A little bird hopped on to a bush near me, it came really close, and then flew directly over my head. I recognized it to be the same type of bird with the same color from my dream. I was amazed!

Manifesting has become so much easier for me. While my boyfriend and I live in love and harmony, my neighbors seem to be imploding. The fights are unbelievable. I constantly invoke AA Michael, to bring peace next door, because I am concerned about their infant and 2 year old son. I also send prayers amd Reiki. I am so glad for all the postings and tremendous help we are getting from the channeled messages. They allow me to see things from a more detached, and yet compassionate position. 

As far as the poleshifts go, I can only say, that it would depend on what timeline one occupies. The Operation Terra website talked about this extensively. I can only say, that if that were to happen, you better be on a spaceship or in a different dimension. Because,if this planet were to stop rotating, everything would get detached and nothing but the mineral kingdom would remain. Look it up, if you are interested. I myself don't believe that that is going to take place. Does some drastic change for the better have to happen? You bet. The way we've done business on Her, needs to stop. No more greed, and ignorance. Unity consciousness must happen, for our species to continue. Above all, LOVE must be the currency of all humans, or we won't make it.