1-3-12 Bill Ballard ~ Are the Strong Energies Being Felt Related to Those Heart Activating

Lia's picture

Published on Jan 3, 2013

Many of us are experiencing such a higher vibration/Light/energy coming in since yesterday morning and increasing dramatically as we go that has no outside influence as Solar Flares, Solar Streams or CMEs, planetary alignments, or other influences that it could be pinned to as we witnessed in 2012. Of course there could be a further reduction in Earth's magnetic field that could be causing it that we are not yet seeing scientific data from... My feelings is that we may be finally coming to that critical mass number of awakened and en light en ing humanity that we may be self-generating this. I would certainly hope this is the case. Presently I see no other reason that could be causing this, even with this newly discovered magnetic radiation, separate from the photon belt that we have just entered coming from the Galactic Center... Whatever, it is powerful! I'm loving it!
Powerful Magnetic Outflow Coming From Milky Way Galactic Plane


Thanks Bill I really needed

spiritwalk's picture

Thanks Bill I really needed some answers today. I thought my most intense clearing was bhind me but nooooo these energies are forcing me through the release AGAIn. Lots of tears, actual flu, it's intense. I really needed a powerfully positive message today. So thank you for everything that you do.