If you got the point and shutup the parrot whenever it is disturbing, the inner silence strengthen the higher self connection. With enough exercise higher self will start to educate the parrot, wipe out false beliefs and program better ones inside. But remain that the parrot is only a helper that you _can_ listen to, not be forced by him. If he chatters ugly things or to much simply shut him up again, he will learn this.
You will not miss this chatter noise, as is mostly useless and unwanted creation. Now you can listen to higher self, experience how rarely it speaks to you without question. Most times you get visualizations from it, the right support for choice just in the moment. Most you can view the timeline, what your choice will change forward. Experience this abilities that are much above the parrots noise.
Thank you very much for your
Thank you very much for your unconditional Love. Infinite Love and Light to you.
Love Geetah