Leslee Hare~Connecting Cosmic Dots ~

Lia's picture



Greetings of Love, Everyone!

I feel prompted to share today, some of the things I’ve been experiencing since December 2012, and to invite others to share too. A lot of what I’ve swirled around in doesn’t really fall into Astral Travels or Dreamflights or channeled messages, so categorizing it is a challenge.

At the same time, I’m hearing and seeing that others are having similar perceptions, and I’m finding it seems to “click” when we talk about it together…

So that’s the first thing I’ve noticed: lots and lots puzzle pieces being presented, with different people bringing forth different aspects. It feels like we’re being guided, perhaps even “forced” (oh, okay… “strongly encouraged”) to work together and walk the talk of what we’ve all been talking about for a while now.

Physical moving and change, shifting, bumps in as another really prominent theme for me personally. I’m currently bouncing between cities and lifestyles every few weeks… Totally different environments, and quite different energetic settings and energetic beings.

For me, fluidity and flexibility seem essential more than ever before. The good part is that I can tell these qualities have strengthened for me in the past couple years; however, keeping exhaustion at bay presents a challenge.

Anybody else feeling this?

When I sit to connect lately, I feel, see, sense, and sometimes even hear so much, but finding words to describe it escapes me. I know they’re all there: Adrial, Fa, Adca, Heruka, Lhamo Dorje, Teo’Na, Theron… (gosh, who am I leaving out!) But none of them seem to really want to speak up and put forth anything specific. So we just sit and commune. It’s nice, but I catch myself wishing for one of those clear lightning-bolt insights!

This gentle energy feels so new… It’s going to take a while to acclimate, I suspect…

Many things are easier, many things fall into place just in the nick of time, and yet vestiges of old fear-based splinters pop up now and then. A lot of my friends report these kind of feelings too, and I take it as an encouraging sign… We’re gradually getting to where we want to be.

I haven’t followed the money-related goings-on very closely, but I gather there’s a really cool and indisputable wave of self-empowering energy flowing for a lot of folks. I had a nudge about this this morning… Something a out the importance of taking action when appropriate, yet choosing to steer away from a path of fear and retribution.

The words “gradually” and “eventually” seem to come up for me a lot, as well as “just in the nick of time”!

As far as things related to cities of light, Abiquor, Athabantian, etc., my sense is that the unveiling/manifesting/realizing of Abiquor progresses, and the Crew is taking particular delight in watching us learn new ways of understanding it all.

Water plays a key role.

I’ve been getting bits about a group who have referred to themselves both as “The Masters of Change” and “The Oracle”. They are a collective who manifest often as individuals when we need that for comfort. They connect somehow with all the above as well as a network of “Mechanics of Change”, who are currently here on Earth in human form, patiently (or not-so-patiently) awaiting the arrival of the “mother ship”. About all I know is that it is nearby now, and they’re really gonna stir things up before long. At least I’m counting on it and holding them to it!

Their energy is very loving yet firm, and connections/ties include (in my limited understanding) Buddhism, Hopi, just about all the ancient visitors Earth has ever had, especially the Himalayas and Inner Earth, the Violet Flame, Arcturians, Alpha Centaurians, and saying enough is enough about Illuminati related shenanigans as well as “contracts” that may not be working out as intended.

The pieces are coming together… I’m told they somehow are the glue or matrix that ties together just about everything that’s come my way since I started connecting in 1999. Sheesh.

Oh, add crystal skulls to the mix too!

So, that’s a nutshell version of how my heads been spinning the past couple months. I’d love to hear from everyone else – please share if you feel inclined!

Much love and brilliant joy to you all!





Follow up

fmarleyclarke's picture

Hi Leslee

First time responding to your posts and really feel compelled to say a few things. Thank you for being so honest and open with your space. I can totally relate and am waiting for some clearing before I can hopefully begin to feel 'anything' again. I am having such a sense of 'aloneness', but it is accompanied with the 'knowing' that I am not alone. Have had the company of 'my group' all my life and now seem to be waiting for their company again. I think there is also some change of personell taking place. It is the best way to describe it. As I have ascended, it appears that I have no need of the 'old bunch' and will be inheriting some new energies. As I write it is rather exciting, looking forward, but the view ahead is only white, a blank canvas, so to speak. The old teachings are still with me, so I wait as I have been used to doing, for the next stepping stone to arrive.


My heart is calm and it is quite a good feeling. The storm of the past 14 months has definitely been subdued, with only a few vestiges and remnants that are being discarded as I write. And, like yourself, I am getting used to this new place/space that is very simple and unemcumbered. Not much stuff around! There is also such a sense of quiet confidence that has arrived in the past 6 weeks or so. Great stuff, but still only a piece at a time. Thanks for listening/reading! It felt good to say a few things.


always .............. fay