David Icke ~ Non Comply ~Together ~We Have The Power

Lia's picture


Thank You

notmindcontrol's picture

For posting this. I have not watched it yet......


Lovely David is working for the great I AM......cos the great I AM, as he aptly spoke, 


"mate mate Jesus - don't come back eere.....mate they killed you last time - this rabble!"


alas JC is here, hidden until it is safe............


Leicester Lad - my home town.  


He is going to get his halo if not already.....


Thank You. 

I LOVE his energy, so

Nageetah IsRaeL arit NZinga's picture

I LOVE his energy, so inspirational.  Thanks for sharing.


Love I AM NaGeeTa


notmindcontrol's picture

All of the ridicule that man has suffered, makes my heart shine bright with love of the absolute.  He has moved through the conspiracy theories that held him within lessor emotions, to allow others to wake up, his day will arrive where is is honored,  it will be on my list.......


His hands need healing, I hope he dictates his books, imagine him having to type away with such pain. Such conviction.


I have found someone I admire at last........speaks sense.  Without all the spiritual ego rubbish that I would not get involved with. 


God is love plain and simple.  God is Joy. God is happy.


God IS NOT Stress......and stress and trauma have ran this world for too long now. 


I live in a one bedroomed flat and gave it all up - and there have been times I have doubted my path - God asked me to do so I did.  God spoke to David and he followed the path of God also.  When we both spoke God, we only felt love.  Warmth. A knowing. 


When the negative programs have bombarded me, and the police have arrived or the para medics without cause, do you know what they speak " hey you are one of those David Icke folk"......to save my sanity, in unsane conditions.


I am praying now, that this murky horrid energy is abating, its been here since October, and although Im not a great dates girl (ha ha) next week - is this a turning point.  I hope so.


We are all Gods children. No blame shame nor guilt.  Couple of rotten apples needed removing.  The rest of the apples?  


Or is that oranges?





We are all Gods children. No

Nageetah IsRaeL arit NZinga's picture

We are all Gods children. No blame shame nor guilt. Couple of rotten apples needed removing. The rest of the apples?


Or is that oranges?


HAHAHAAH. I love oranges.   Thank you for the energy exchange Louise

My name is Michelle.


Thanks for letting me share.


Love I AM NaGeeTa


Watched it now!!

notmindcontrol's picture

This man speaks in clear simple terms, because the majority of folk here,are as this.  A messenger was required to go out there and spread the word.


Everyone was waiting for the second coming, and it is here........to explain in simple terms the power of the heart, the power of The Christ Consiousness.


It is simple to live in the heart, just be happy and joyous. 


Legions of light are busy clearing all the controlling energies in prep...........


Forgive them father for they know not what they do - Mind Control.....


I always spoke I wanted an idiots guide to awakening, KISS ...keep it simple stupid.  Eintstein theory kind of.  The solution is in the effect, not the cause, since we have been living in non-causal energy, unbeknown to us.


This makes me very happy indeed.......


Now what will David reveal next?


Blessings in Joy!

