All Eyes are on Planet Earth=Heart

MomT's picture

Recorded April 2, 2013


~Spirit Consciousness has Awakened on Planet Earth=Heart and Therefore, Love is Everywhere, Within and Everywhere,this includes Humanity.This is an inevitable event Unfolding Now, which was Originally Called forth from Mother Earth, and Her Ascension Home into the Light. All of Humanity is just here for the JOY RIDE!!


This means Unconditional Creation HAS Awakened, into the Highest Possible Thought of Energy That Could Ever Occur. This will be Unfolding for All Eternity, In Every Moment, With Every Moment of NOW, Forever and Forever. This is Creation... Always More...=The ALL Given To Creation, To Create More in Grander Ways, as Atoms Move Towards More of the Love that Created them.This is How Love and Creation Move with the Atoms of Love. This Energy merges Humanity with US in Spirit, This is the Wedding of Humanity to God.~



questioner71's picture

I am so sick of New agers saying these outsiders are liberating us and "all eyes are on earth". As far as i'm concerned...they have been sitting Idly by for years..if not centuries watching us all burn in this hell prison planet called earth. Makes me wonder if they are enjoying seeing the human race suffer. Ill be willing to bet they do. i dont trust the mothertruckers. Im sure they aren't the first to visit this planet and try to F with us.

I want to be LEFT ALONE...keep a nanny state government off my back. I can barely make ends meet as it is.


How on Gods Green earth can you say that tis world i surrounded in love. Its just the opposite. You wouldn't believe what i see on my way into work in the morning and in and around the city in work in on a DAILY basis. Its HORRIBLE!..and its not an "Illusion"...its very F'n REAL to those expriencing it.


So..those SADISTIC...PAIN LOVING "Watchers" who are "looking out for us" can just go flutter off to some paradise they think this world is... it AIN'T. Its nothing but pain and sorrow. You have to ACT like you like it. I hate it.


Wake the hell up. This is nothing but a prison planet we have been abandoned on folks. Nothing more...nothing less. Thy have been watching us BURN for years and NOTHING has happened. Go the F! away. You accomplish NOTHING.

The message of the Galactic

will's picture

The message of the Galactic Free Press has never been that some external salvation is coming. If you believe that it's no wonder you're disappointed. You have to take responsibility for your own life and realize that if you're not happy with it, it's up to you to make the changes. The Higher Dimensional Beings are not the ones "sitting idly by" instead of creating positive change, it's Humanity that's been doing that.

If you're just reading these messages to keep your hopes, you're going to be disappointed sooner or later. That's not what these messages are about though, they're about actively creating real changes in your own Life.