Valerie Donner ~ A Message From Master Hilarion ~ 14 May 2013

Lia's picture

hilarion2On May 1 in my Monthly Meeting with the Masters Class, we worked with the Master Hilarion. He said: “Don’t be discouraged dear ones. The best is yet to come. You have climbed over many hurdles and there are still more along the way. You have high expectations for there is a lot of good coming your way. End your heartaches and disappointments from the past. Release the illusion and hold onto the great expectations. Much will be demanded and much will be given. This is your moment of truth. Step up and be heard. You are the ones. You are ready. The Earth is ready. You can alter the path. Do it. Heal your hearts and you will be free. . . There’s no place like Home. You are letting go of the old Atlantean energies and bringing in the Lemurian energies. The Golden Age is upon you. Circumstances and conditions will constantly change with layer after layer of good falling upon you.  It will be like the Promised Land and something to behold. . . .You will be hit with a thunderbolt like lightening. It will instantly alter the course. It’s not my way but thy way. Each will be free to decide. You are heralding in a new age. Quick responses are needed. Yes or no.” / link to original article




wfred's picture

We can change everything by changing ourselves.

Very True

Lia's picture

The Inner Becomes the Outer.... Love You!

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!